The .mod filetype was the tracker module file for '[[Protracker], originally developed for the Commodore Amiga. The original filetype had 4 channels of playback with 15 sample based instruments, though later versions upped the sample limit to 31 (which is supported by BotB). Protracker was one of the first and most popular examples of '[Tracker[tracker] software, and the .mod format saw extensive use in the '[[demo scene[demoscene] and video game development. While the .mod format originated with Protracker, these days there is a wide variety of software that can import and/or export the module. '[t[1]The following applies/is interesting for more battle formats/composing in other trackers, so that's got to find a special place somewhere someday'[/t] Effect details -- volume is an effect 1xx, 2xx, 5xx, 6xx, Axx, Bxx, Cxx, Dxx, Exx, Fxx <-- no memory Effects allowed: 0xy - Arpeggio 1xx - Portamento up 2xx - Portamento down 3xx - Portamento to specific note 4xy - Vibrato 5xy - Volume Slide (Axy) + Portamento (3xx) 6xy - Volume Slide (Axy) + Vibrato (4xy) 7xy - Tremolo 9xx - Sample offset Axy - Volume Slide Bxx - Jump to pattern Cxx - Set volume (00 - 64) Dxx - Pattern break to row XX (up to 3F) E1x - Fine Porta up E2x - Fine Porta down E3x - Glissando Control E4x - Vibrato Waveform E5x - Finetune E6x - Pattern Loop E7x - Tremolo Waveform E9x - Retrigger Note EAx - Fine Volume Slide Up EBx - Fine Volume Slide Down ECx - Note Cut EDx - Note Delay EEx - Pattern Delay EFx - Invert Loop Fxx - Set Speed (from 0 to 20 (hex)) Fxx - Set Tempo (anything higher than 20 will set the bpm instead of speed) Available note range [varies by tracker] -- C-3 .. A-5 (Higher than A-5 will make notes distorted on a real amiga) xmplay, right-click, options and stuff, MOD, interpolation, off 4 channels with hard panning == L R R L pattern length must be 64 rows (40 in hex) '[#[Tools] - '[[Protracker] - '[[MilkyTracker] - '[[MODPlug Tracker] '[#[Restrictions on submit] '[l[[Protracker module format spec] '[#[Accepted file format] .mod '[#[Playback (for voting)] Use the tools mentioned above. Also, Winamp and many media players play .mod files. '[#[See also] - '[[Tracker] - '[[demo scene] Want to listen music ripped from the console’s games? check out the ripped chiptune repository!; - '[[Complete list of ripped chiptunes repositories]