Usability is a '[[BotB] major '[[battle] that occurs on a random basis. It is an '[[allgear (format)[allgear] battle with a '[[bitpack] featuring a recording that must be used in all entries submitted. Since it is not a '[[remix (format)[remix] battle, instruments and samples outside of the provided recording may be used, but the recording must be used in an obvious way. '[#[Previous Battles] There have been two Usability battles so far. The first battle involved a humorous recording of someone testing the BotB website for "usability", while the second involved a recording of BotB owner '[l[[puke7] raging over his stream not working correctly. '[l[[Usabililty 2 : StreamRage] in 2015 '[l[[usability] in 2014 '[#[See Also] '[[allgear (format)] '[[bitpack] '[[Battle]