The .SAP (Slight Atari Player) Format is a file that contains music data for the Atari POKEY sound chip. There are a whole bunch of tools that can play .SAP files. ASAP and SAP Player are two popular examples (there's a whole list of them '[l[[Here] ). You can make .SAP files in Windows using '[[Raster Music Tracker] or '[[XPMCK]. Alternatively, if you prefer to track on real hardware (or emulating), you can try the following programs: - '[l[[Chaos Music Composer] - '[l[[Music ProTracker] - '[l[[Theta Music Composer] The .SAP format only allows 4 channel (mono) mode. Stereo mode is a hack, so battle entries that use this should therefore be submitted in '[l[[sapx2] or Wildchip catagories.