The adlib format is a specific format of the soundchip '[[adlib (soundchip)]. '[#[Tools] - '[[Adlib Tracker II] (Windows, DOS) (*.a2m) - '[[AMusic v1.12] (*.amd) - '[[Reality Adlib Tracker] (DOS) (*.rad) - '[[Faust Music Creator] (DOS) (*.fmc) - '[[Scream Tracker 3] (DOS) (*.s3m) - '[[Schism Tracker] (Windows, Linux, OS X, BSD) (*.s3m) Scream Tracker 3 modules (*.s3m) are ordinarily sample-based, but the format also supports the AdLib soundcard. Modules that use AdLib instruments exclusively are fair game for submission. Schism Tracker: To create an AdLib instrument go to the samples list and press Alt-Z. The documentation for Schism Tracker's AdLib instrument creation is here: '[#[Restrictions on submit] The entry must be created using the '[[adlib (soundcard)[adlib] soundcard (emulation). '[#[Accepted file format] .a2m, .amd, .rad, .fmc among many others '[#[Playback (for voting)] Use one of the tools mentioned above! or one of these alternatives; - '[[Droidsound-E (Enhanced version)] (Android) '[#[Render to MP3] Create a .wav file and convert it to MP3. How to create that .wav depends on your tool... '[#[See also] - '[[adlib (soundchip)]