100% HertzDevil
Template: list of effects commands View Raw Firki


  1. Global Effects
  2. General Effects
  3. Track-Specific Effects
  4. Chip-Specific Effects
  5. See Also
<<title: [Full name of the music tool] Effects Commands>>
<<general notes about the effects>>
<<lists must be added to List of Effects Commands and the Effects Commands category>>

Global Effects

<<effects which affect the global tracker state>>

Axx - <<description>>
If xx = 00: <<description for particular parameter values>>
If xx = 01 - 07: <<description for particular parameter values>>

<<notes, if applicable>>

General Effects

<<effects which affect a single track's state and can be used in almost all tracks>>

Bxx - <<description>>
xx = <<description for parameter>>
Valid range = 00 - 3F <<can be omitted if all possible values are legal>>

Track-Specific Effects

<<effects which can only be used on certain tracks>>
<<prefer using Chip-Specific Effects instead if there are many effects>>

Cxy - <<description>>
x = <<description for parameter>>
y = <<description for parameter>>
Valid range for x and y = 0 - 3 <<can be omitted if all possible values are legal>>

Applies to: <<chip name>>

Cxx, Dyy - <<description for multiple related effects>>
xx = <<description for parameter>>
yy = <<description for parameter>>
Valid range for xx = 00 - 0F
Valid range for yy = 00 - FF <<cannot be omitted if xx forms part of a larger single effect>>

Applies to: <<chip name>>

Chip-Specific Effects

<<if the music tool supports multiple sound chips / systems, each chip should be contained in its own subheading>>

Exy - <<description>>
If x = 0: <<description for particular parameter values>>
If x > 0: <<description for particular parameter values>>

If y = 0: <<description for particular parameter values>>
If y = 1: <<description for particular parameter values>>

See Also

- <<links to lyceum pages for the music tools or related lists>>
- List of Effects Commands

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