OpenGL is not only 3D rendering!, and by the way it has better 2D performance than Allegro and SDL.
Also OGL runs in Android devices and in many others platforms. It is the best option out there for multi platforms soft.
I don't know why you can't run it, seems that it is a specific problem of your computer.
DefleMask 7f released!, Game Boy ROM BUILDER FTWWWWW!!.
01: Game Boy ROM and GBS Exporter! (remember always to use an accurate Game Boy Emulator, such as Visual Boy Advance, or the actual Hardware!).
02: Custom Keyboard Layouts added and keys editor!.
03: Fixed a bug regarding to the Note Up shortcut, it was limited to octave 3.
04: Fixed a bug introduced in the latest release, regarding to loading a premade instrument.
05: Fixed a bug in the GENESIS Rom Builder, it was disabled in the previous release.
06: Manual Updated.
Both Linux and Windows builds updated!.