A 'favorite' is an entry that a BotBr enjoys. An entry becomes a favorite by one of two ways : 1) Manually by clicking the 'heart plus' icon on an entry's page or 2) automatically by listening to an entry five or more times. '[b]puke7 is very aware of how annoying favorites are right now! :P'[/b] '[#[Current Issues] Currently, there is no way to unfavorite an entry and automajik favorites can not be turned off. '[#[Plans for the Futures] A 'skull minus' button to remove a favorite (may cost boons). An '[NPB] that can remove a BotBr's entries from that same BotBr's favorites. A special item called '[[Vanity Hat (item)[Hat of Vanity] available for purchase with '[[boons]. '[#[See Also] '[[Entry] '[[Tags]