The taxman brings a prediction!
"Yikes, the Omnibus Bank of BotB is in the red! Everyone will be paying 20% next May!"
Goggles are very useful to protect your eyes from harsh Winter Chip weather, welding sparks, and other things that '[l[[are bad for them]. This cat from Soviet Russia wears the most fashionable goggles for protecting himself when he works at a metallurgy plant. You should learn from him. '[i[disk/lyceum_attach/Goggles/gogglecat2.jpg] BotB is not responsible for any damage to your eyes or eyesight as a result of use of this website. The world is a dangerous place, and you will need your eyeballs. Trust us, we're all doctors here. '[#[List Of "Active" Goggle Users] (please keep it alphabetically sorted) - '[l[[Agentflit] - '[l[[ASIKWUSpulse] - '[l[[Baron Knoxburry] - '[l[[captainmarmalad] - '[l[[CastleNes] - '[l[[Cepukka] - '[l[[Chip Champion] - '[l[ [DevEd] - '[l[ [dj_snksonaplane] - '[l[[Jakerson] - '[l[[JonBro] - '[l[[kleeder] - '[l[[kulor] - '[l[[miau] (hey, that's a BotBr, not what the cat in the picture said!) - '[l[[n0dl] - '[l[[petet] - '[l[[Public Toilet] - '[l[[QuaQ] - '[l[[RadamLee] - '[l[[sammie] - '[l[[Sloopygoop] - '[l[[Soiled Bargains] - '[l[[SweatyNoodle] - '[l[[Trreck] - '[l[[TrippleP] - '[l[[trough] - '[l[[xaimus] - '[l[[xterm] - '[l[[YQN] - '[l[[zaxolotl] - '[l[[zeekay] - '[l[[Zlew] '[#[See Also] '[[Avatar]: '[-s]The Last Airbender'[/-s]