- 0CC
- MOD04K
- MOD08K
- MOD12K
- MOD16K
- MOD24K
- MOD32K
- MOD48K
- MOD64K
- MT32
- PC-X801
The Bronze equivalent to
Hall of Golden Winners and
Hall of Silver Winners
Entries without hyperlinks are entries that currently can't be accessed on the website.
Last Updated: August 8 2024, after Game Jam #5 but before Spring Tracks XIII, FAMICOM GRANDPRIX and Summer Chip XIV
Savestate - Baron Knoxburry's grrrarrr.0cc
Deathro - I Never Forget
Flaminglog - Lost Mines of Phandelver
petet - Heart of the Matter
kg525 - Don't Hesitate
funute - hyperz00m
Jakerson - milkshakes
Jakerson - How the fuck am I supposed to do that WINTER SUCKSoipuopyopyolhn
Sly - Scorched Earth - AdFlip 01
Warlord - a.blib
Warlord - Wintersports 2052
null1024 - food system
ant1 - the patchwork mouse
Chip Champion - the derpy South
SexyElf - underground cave complex
kfaraday - Terra of Staines
Chip Champion - bonesaw
gotoandplay - Haze
gotoandplay - Losing Sanctuary
garvalf - Litanie
Baron Knoxburry - RADRUB
Zlew - even men cry when the ketchup is gone.a2m
SexyElf - old god
Jangler - sleep paralysis
Chip Champion - prophecy
Warlord - Fat Lizards
Karmic - wswswswswswswswswsw
TrippleP - Dreaming about a Dream of Dreams
kleeder + Spring - Wineman's Theme
tennisers - blank nut button
Viravax - Sayama
TristEndo - Lovesick Weekend
Tobikomi - C_THRU
kilowatt64 - An Unmarked Trailhead
kilowatt64 - Bitter Cold
pilldebt - reconstructions
kilowatt64 - Low Tide
Autumn Brushtail - Dragon's Prarie
setrodox - Yaokee
null1024 - DiViDeR aND HaLFaDDeR
SexyElf - dicks
Chip Champion - botb shop
OrdinateIsDead + Quirby64 - Forest Foraya
kleeder + Arcoviso - Wasteland
ordinate - satisest
funute - kiteflyer
nitrofurano - 01e2c
nitrofurano - wct05
kilowatt64 - Arctic Voyage
Ahornberg - Three notes only
kleeder - plof forest
malmen - Teardown
THrexx - (x)spooky(x+2)me
dualcalzones - Silver Afterimage
mootbooxle - Goodbye (by Tadpole)
tothejazz - Tothejazz x Captain Beard x Gyms x Goluigi - Ravioli Brain
Chip Hazard - Into The Twilight
Robyn - American Care Package
coda - Making Dew
stinkbug - cat factory deluxe
th4 D34D - All n00bs Dance
kgb525 - Exothermia
nys_fan_account - Fortified
mk7 - Full Moon
wulfy - Concerto for Organ, Celeste and Strings
pirusek - Fervour
stewboy - Processions
sc - Maze Under the Earth
wormie - █▬█ █ ▀█▀ Dance (2 Da Beat)...
Minerscale - Clarinet Quartet
TrippleP - happy song now buy
fuck vcv - space hips
Chepaki - average/cliché Christmas song but its french and about covid too
telebasher - goodbye
pusakal - The Third Candle
Lotepamera - The Eight Lands
Beej - Haunted Castle Funkenstein
zenkusa - Prismatic Garden
OminPigeonMaster - The Midnight Valley
RadamLee - as the gargoyle flies
damifortune - Dingleberry Pie
Sly - Boss-Level
Zargon - Russian Revolver
zanzan - Scotland sucks
cce - motherland
goluigi - Flowergirl in Candyland
Xaser - marshmallow quest
Xemogasa - new bag of chips for sherwyn
aji - opinion factory
MovieMovies1 - ZXC
gotoandplay - Resonating Love
xracecar - Time Shift 2
Sinc-X - mountain climber
Galgox - Buy, Sell, Trade
Yung Gotenks - the quest
cheechee - warped
ASIKWUSpulse - Time Off Spectrum
kalii - you hang up first
Viravax - 🤡
gotoandplay - shakeout
Drozerix - AI Renaissance
Drozerix - Stardust Jam
Kero - The 11th Chip
Chip Champion - Frostbitten
doctor - OPEN WIDE
kleeder - Jungle Nights
Pale Dim - Rare Library
argarak - the lighthouse
Pale Dim - Club Nite
Baron Knoxburry - mountain demon
CastleNes - Really?!
LittleTheremin - The Valley of Sunset
sean - pack o' rocks
sean - XIX THE SUN
damifortune - A Ceremonious Occasion
Zangolf - Cyansicle
damifortune - cute snowflakes
Abraxas86 - SCXIII_FLYER.ans
agargara - night cottage
Chip Champion - human_female_v26
kleeder - Regular Summer Day
pandavova + BotB2 - Panascii SASCII-HT520
big lumby - stuck on an island
defilus - Winter chip 16 ascii graffiti
nitrofurano - s
kleeder - F#7
funute - the lurk
big lumby - chrimbus in botburg
Ahornberg - On The Beach
TristEndo - E.E Cummings In your face 2009
Chip Champion - MaxYMixO
Warlord - There's yogurt on my keyboard?!?
Chip Champion - dank bank
Chip Champion - pharaoh trims his beard
Strobe - Resonance Avenger III
Warlord - Vertex Zeta
irrlicht project - nitroglycerin
Warlord - Street Runner
Chip Champion - PEP 201h-B
Warlord - Sliding and Gliding
Abrimaal - Beep Hunters (X-bass remix)
tfx - Doctor Armagh
Robyn - Summer Spring
YERZMYEY - Real Life Super Hero
Tobikomi - This Kid Can Fly
petet - Xenon Lights
Tobikomi - Little Miss Space Spartan
kleeder - Inadvertently Returned
Strobe - Siamese Clowns III
ordinate - Red Yellow Pink Green Black
christmas - in the name of CHRISTMAS .0
OminPigeonMaster - Winter Beach Zone
YQN - Theme of Unexpected Extendong (Short Version)
OminPigeonMaster - Sailing into a Cosmic Camembert
OminPigeonMaster - Glacial Incandescenza
Warlord - Hypersonic Ride
damifortune - Parade of the Faerie Regiment
Blast_Brothers - Bitter Violence
funute - gothic crunch
GreenCat - Spring Opening
kilowatt64 - Snipe Hunt
nitrofurano - 202304291134
kleeder - Mechanical Ice Cream
sqnoozle - Technoish Loopser
null1024 - Halls of Heresy
pandavova - Dark Day
cabbage drop - underground adventure
Savestate - Bit-Shift Melodies
funute - bytebeat? how about bitbeat?
tennisers - bitebeet 2
Lia - Takitjää
Baron Knoxburry - drum system check
Strobe - BB-303
argarak - tuned_phase time_modulation
tennisers - souffle
AArt1256 - Bitwise Wankery
demonfong - ...
funute - thirts
Yung Gotenks - the bit shuffle
Romash - grass song
mega9man - 347 BEATSTEP INC
Minerscale - (Still) Nearly 1KB
Minerscale - Ahh i linked my foot
Lia - DisturBeat980
Ceppuka - Sidechain Monkey Circus
funute - signal stack α
SthephanShi - Mountain Road
team_e - monstor mosquito from nigeria
trap15 - Channel FFFFFFFUUUUUU
b00daw - 0 or 1
Warlord - Miniquest
Savestate - Brain Promenade
Chip Champion - FU2
kleeder + TrippleP + pandavova - Mad Genius
irrlicht project - Bad Fits
Warlord - Doombringer
cabbage drop - cat party
Warlord - Lair of the Serpent
Warlord - Fairchild (Channel F) Of Mine
ordinate - i hate arch linux i swear to god
agargara - dovetail groove mini
TristEndo - SummercHipster.png
TristEndo - freeze deeze
Jangler - Summer Chip II (in space)
HertzDevil - safe colours for work
Strobe - Circuit Beach
rainwarrior - Sign of Penguin
Amilgi - Azure Ocean
Yibbon - Dither Chip X
eriophora - i made this
LittleTheremin - WCXI
gors - Wavy Paradise - SummerChip VI
m9m - Commodore Brand Waveforms
m9m - grumpy snowman
Baron Knoxburry - WILDCHIP teh WEINER
pigdevil2010 - Echoing Consoles
Quirby64 - のビット音 SUMMER CHIP SEVEN
BARA - Trilogy
eriophora - It's Fookin' Cold, Mate
Chip Champion - Flame Ritual
Tobikomi - Raster Heaven
Chip Champion - n00b Lyfe
LionsTigersnDice - Floatn
kleeder - BotB Entertainment System
kleeder - Look at the Sign
Sloopygoop - Game Boy Moods
CastleNes - Summer Chip X
Chip Champion - heavy is teh crown
now_its_dark - BotB hideout
Webriprob - Pxtone Fever!
skydev - Summoning the Beast
MelonadeM - Traditional
blower5 - mynewcamera08
Biruhan - Candy Tunes
kilowatt64 - Campfire
Philly Deck - The Local Playa
Raiku - Furnace Chip Producing Banger
agargara - winter tortilla chips
kfaraday - Scriabin's Wheel
aji - 7 of 4
Apsarah - Danmaku of Emotions
djmaximum - When the clock strikes twelve (TG16 PCE version)
LukeMcQueen - Hyperspace Adventurer
th4 D34D - Green Leaf Zone
Jredd - Moon Glider
RigidatoMS + manganoid - Unstable Emotions
Jakerson - Still having hope
Ravancloak - shroud type beat
cabbage drop - mask of defle
funute - Conglomerate Cave
TristEndo - Day16 Cacao Evening Nightmare
Spring - Select Yo N00b
Lincent - The Worst Form of Torment
Deathro - Demons crashed my party and they brought the funk with them
kgb525 - Grime Garden
tadpole - Memories
BubblegumOctopus - Heatwave Surf
DBOYD - you better watch out...
ko0x - Nekonomikon
telebasher - Countermelody
Savestate - Springtime Weather!
Savestate - Chipotle Chicken
Goodra Under the Trunk - (Goodra's Beepin' Mix)
charlotte - hyperkalemic
mirageofher - victory wind
Sinc-X - drum and bfss
funute - finick frolick
SquareWave - NO snOWO
3-UP - Love Blossoms
FADE - Engage Pursuit
Yuzu - Savage Breakdance
DBOYD - The Promise
Bravoman - Dreams never leave
kilowatt64 + kleeder - Stuck in Time
RANO? - arcoiris testicular
captainmarmalad - captainmarmalade - squirrel blizzard ecstacy lessons
Jellica - Valentines Day Acid
Jellica - Staring at the sun
flashbob - Happily Retarded
cce - millenial fair
gyms - bathin apes
Chip Champion - GyXorF
Chip Champion - A Nude Tomorrow
Strobe - Mission Dactylion
Kommisar - Mercury
mk7 - Confusion Spell
charlotte - FUCK YUO SERB
DBOYD - Our Turn
pigdevil2010 - Bright Fields of Odd Lights
Chip Champion - Ascending Zan Ridge
mk7 - Third head of the Eagle
Chip Champion - Skull Machine's Final Mission
MrMinisterMaster - Shopper Cart
Sloopygoop - Damn It! The Pool's Closed
djmaximum - rocktech
OminPigeonMaster - February Fortress
Sloopygoop - Dog Bark
FADE - Cognitive Distortions
Sloopygoop - Give Me One (feat. Sammy Shuster)
Sloopygoop + donutshoes - FlauntIt! At the Disco
pouale + damifortune - Scorching Suns
Bravoman - I Held Your Hand in the Cold
Stupe - Old Days
Chip Champion - herpeez
Slimeball - An Audience With The King
SexyElf - tocsik waiste
Chip Champion - We Be Men O' De Sea
SexyElf - elven hard trance
eu tambem - sweet memories
pedipanol - The Girl Who Sells Sea Shells
cheechee - Fractures in Time
djmaximum - Sensory winter
Kian - wake up at 1 pm
Chip Champion - The Strong Winds of the Southern Coast (Dresdin's Theme)
Chip Champion - Madame Khendri's Shop
RigidatoMS - This Desert Was Once a Field With Flowers
kleeder - Fight against Mosquitoes
manganoid - Slowrider Snowblunder
chunter - Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone Act 1
Tobikomi - Follow My Lead
kleeder - Streets Turning Into Roads
Tobikomi - Please Be Nice, Please Be Nice
OminPigeonMaster - Arising Ikaruga
FADE - Mofumofu Paihamu
nitrofurano + damifortune - nitro concrète
Urulaaa - overclocking
Tobikomi - FEB-ROO-ARY
pandavova + BotB2 - Railway Station HT-520
big lumby - kringle industries
Baron Knoxburry - flying waffles
Chepaki - The Ho-Ho-H-Operation
big lumby - catch'r games limited
WobbleBlast - BALL
Baron Knoxburry - bad copper bars
TristEndo + OminPigeonMaster - The Balloon Factory
funute - At Sea
sean - intruders
Lasertooth - Sleigh Signals
WobbleBlast - Vanilla
cabbage drop - ode to botbrs
mk7 - Magician from 2012
DaJoshy - Meow
kleeder - Happy Keygen Music of dreaming
kleeder - A Walk (Sunlight)
chunter - He's fooled you into...
cabbage drop - cat bunker
kleeder - Spring Vibes
cabbage drop - snow escalator
nitrofurano - 202304121325
funute - Planar Exhibit
OrdinateIsDead - jollofen
pandavova - A
kleeder - A very little Piggy
tennisers - AA
Yung Gotenks - The Lush Jungle
SRB2er - Toolbox Turmoil
Kulor - Chows Yarr Payson
xaimus - u ded
Chip Champion - Hawg Wylde
Strobe - Mario Pain
Roofie - Roofie's Theory of Funkativity
funute - Mario goes outside for a stroll around the park before bedtime
Chip Champion - Pigpen Perverts vol. 3
Warlord - Jangled bells
Chip Champion - Pigpen Perverts vol. 6
argarak - mario going around in circles
stewboy - By the Fireplace
TrippleP - stalemate
DBOYD - Lunch Tiiiime!!
Titan of Plasma - LETS-A-Salsa!
Talen - Mario Action Time
Xaser - pantastic voyage
Flaminglog - i went too hard and now i am dead
jowlsucks - ant1's COP K ILLER
Robbi - Pannenkoek
growley - Shart in pants
Slimeball - 40 / 7 = 5
Galgox - Fo Sho, Negro
Jessica Robo - In the mall with animal friends
Ethlial - C of Mystery
Zangolf - A trot with trumpet doggo
Beej - waves of harmony
linde - Dogma
Riggs Rector - Milton Van Canterlabel - Man At Risk
Okeanos - Insouciance
Strobe - Syndicate Junction
cce - fear of tame house tigers
Willow - Kickboxing with Wendy
Slimeball - Da Seventies
Chip Champion - sacred temple
Tromboner - womp my life
DalekSam - Circle Pit
encheladito - Fuzion
zanzan - merruest
pedipanol - Card Mellow
BubblegumOctopus - Cicada Launch
stewboy - High Roller
BubblegumOctopus - Invaders in the Woods
stewboy - Lonely Hearts Club
cheechee - Nebula
Bitfox - Piccolo Boy Got Chops
cheechee - Perplex Mechanisms
cce - Monks Gotta Go Fast
stewboy - Saunter
stewboy - Whirlwind
skydev - drafty draft
Yuzu - 6 Prank Fun-udgament
stewboy - Ocelot
damifortune - Color-Flood
DefenseMechanism - making the possible the actual
damifortune - Echonomicon
Thingerthing - Random Idea
SquareWave - goodmornin'
Yuzu - Calling of ACADE
agargara - wayward strut
zanzan - aana forever
Savestate - Deer listeners...
mrbuttercup37 - spring rat
inc_b - Quarantiner
Ktcmoop - Rejuvenation Pond
puke7 - snake balls
crabbandicoot - Spring Track Sexto.
NNOIZZ - Rainbowed Rainbowdalia Synth 2.0 Full HD Experience
ctrnr - www.cheesedance.org
pigdevil2010 - Haruto
Chip Champion - beardo beats teh reaper
Tobikomi - Skull
mk7 - Color of music
RazerBlue6 - Apocalyptic Scene
Shitrobe - rare
LittleTheremin - Spring Leaf
Tobikomi - Childhood Memories
VinsCool - s3xm0dit infinity gauntlet
Chip Champion - dungeon synth handbook
tothejazz - The Cheese Club Saga
Chip Champion - pure minimal
blunderspublik - Big ol' bouquet
gusg21 - hilariously bland.jpg
OminPigeonMaster - Psychedelicus Chipus
CastleNes - Advent Pixel Snowflakes
TristEndo - A Venomous Kiss
NNOIZZ - Boy Idk what to do now
plainoldcheese - City Pop
damifortune - Christmas Star
MODO + SouperSaucer - Big funny Spring art
Biruhan - 2 SPOOPKY 4 U
3-UP - Very Rare Formats II
Shadow Sprite - yea videogaiden
sean - ac22_battleart_2
mirageofher - happy extension, everyone!
Prestune - Bloody hell!
3-UP - Colorful Wreath
gotoandplay - tedx - what your browsing habits tell you about yourself
Snowdune - Snowdune Compilation 2022
sean - unparsed chunks
Collidy - Lecture with Thirty Dollarydoos
Galgox - Faith
MAG77 - Frozen Dancer
wednesday - a frustrating sleep
Razerek + amelia - the nation of bobo
damifortune - April Showers
blower5 + doctorn0gloff + damifortune - 3n14ks24k4u
skuter - memoirs (vinyl mix)
Riggs Rector - Martian Missionary...
Riggs Rector - Swallow Your Sorrow
rhinostrich - Dark Matter
µB - Parliament of Rooks
Baron Knoxburry - tynkl dumpr
Blot - Water Spelunking
michu - music box
StrobeI - Quaora System II
shinichi - Ultra Clench
Warlord - Ghost of the Past
Galgox - Eternity's Edge
Galgox - Ghost Mall
kleeder - Southeast Cave
tennisers - sleep all day and do bath salts all night
MandraSigma - Bird of Paradise
damifortune + MandraSigma - Mistral Currents
sean - moving house
doctorn0gloff - birch
blower5 + damifortune - 2.3.15_v5.21.71
ConSuPerMiZo - BeechSlapYaBoss
linde - Ryssland
Chip Champion - the sads
pigdevil2010 - Escape from the Dark Forest
MandraSigma - it is time for pasta
EXPL0Si0NTiM3R - Clout
WouterVL - k21 ni dom
Tobikomi - Signal Loss
Robyn - Konata's cute trackie
noelle - デスデスデスデス / デスデスデスデス / デスデスデスデス
Beej - tailwinds
Daverd - Cubic Zirconia
maak - gunjo
kfaraday - 1070. paul bunyan
Drozerix - What Did They Do 2U?
Beej - bonanza
miau - Hyperspace Trap
vibe - Squirrendo
linde - 100 miles per hour
Birdtron - Don't Think, Just Fly
Strobe - Super Duper Spaceship 2
Warlord - Lunar Outpost
KungFuFurby - 24 Sixth Minutes
raphaelgoulart - happy summer tune~
mootbooxle - Under the Glacier
Robyn - Getting Home For Christmas
gotoandplay - goodbye eris
kfaraday - 274. sakura miku
ennyco - still raining
miau - bunny resort
ASIKWUSpulse - Freedrive Chiptune - Freedrive Chiptune
Beej - frosty love
Beej - earl grey ice cream
zeke - dorumon
architect1 - Halloween Mosquito Battle
pigdevil2010 - Glitch=Bomb w æ+ ¯
Chip Champion - No Family Left but the Sea (Priscilla's Lament)
Galgox - Maple
kilowatt64 - Infinite Patterns
Bravoman - First Snow
FFandStrobe - Stoned on mothpowder
michu - jazzfactory deluxe
KungFuFurby - Furby's Lament and Return
Galgox - The Happy Man Cometh
damifortune - Mischievous Mephits
kleeder - Engine Reset
ennyco - good luck
blower5 + damifortune - gnoss2.maxk_v4
Viraxor - purple days
kleeder - theme of...
Wiklund - The butter master
Strobe - Master of Androida
Tobikomi - ATARI Religion
ASIKWUSpulse + wvl - Meow
kleeder + argarak - acid 56
Drozerix - Chica-Pop!
kleeder - Compressed Cat Memes
Bravoman - Fresh City
Kot - Unheard Farewell
stewboy - small birb
Snabisch - Snabisch Techno Dance
derfwin - leaf hat
Zillah - Windlash
stewboy - Girl with Chestnut Hair
kleeder + Alili1996 - Dance Of The Tree Spirits
Quirby64 - Jealousy
gotoandplay - belteshazzar
hanna - moving with the sun
MandraSigma - Inside These Castle Walls
kleeder + TrippleP - Sunset Dream (Single Edit)
ko0x - eonic
garvalf - The mad Librarian
pigdevil2010 - Empty-Hearted
GudPiggeh - e
GoldenDenis - The Theme Of Joonas Gabrielainen
argarak - changing seasons
aji - mr munch
kleeder - Listening to the Sound of Summer Nights
doctorn0gloff - Welcome To The Team
BubblegumOctopus - Wind Adversary
Kot - Indifferent to All
cabbage drop - munt monsoon
now_its_dark - hyacinth
Viravax - Sunrise, Sunrose
cabbage drop - munt mountain thunderstorm
Tobikomi - A Treat For You
ameIia - blobo
nitrofurano - lllvl1
mirageofher - magical melting adventure
Impasaurus - Opening Theme to a Game
Strobe - Away from here
Strobe - Astralyx II
rushjet1 - The Hidden Answer
slash - Chewing on your nuts
Strobe - Aeon Entity SE
miau - bad as ass
b00daw - suspended reanimation
zanzan - Yoke Rite
Velathnos - Biker Master, End Title
Fearofdark - pancake department
Interrobang Pie - Pride Break
Fearofdark - Snowball Earth
Sakamoto - 京都の雪。
orion - Puke's One Nightstand
flowerinth - Scorecard
Strobe - Your wonderful silicon brain
Sinc-X - scuba adventure
miau - bark twice for treat
Tobikomi - Mad Scientist Turtellini: Part 1
meanings - watching my friend play pokemon prism
Yuzu - Crowd Control
damifortune + Razerek - HEATER_3.x
damifortune - Saudade Shores
Titan of Plasma - How to Make an Anime Opening
ap0c - Herb "Stormy" Brauman's Cleveland Polka Megamix ('85)
Sinc-X - salmon.nsf (mint's trout.it)
m9m - Next Destination
petet - Snow Strike Sonata
footprints420 - Cosmos
MrMinisterMaster - Naughty List Gang
MrMinisterMaster - Metro Morning
MrMinisterMaster + OminPigeonMaster + Jakerson - Clandestine Casualty
DBOYD - Mourning the Loss of Lucky #2
sean - cosmic dingle
ZDDSCollab - Chip Festival
Strobe - Discodragon (unfinished)
Dave - Princess Lolitits
Chip Champion - roundish curvs
commandycan - Relic
DimWiddy - Hit the Ground Running
cheechee - Multicolored
charlotte - fantasia contrappunracistica
stewboy - The Nuanced Nine
YERZMYEY - Roller Coaster Ride
Strobe - Lanadyne Interface
Strobe - Your wonderful LED Eyes - IX
Strobe - Data Head of the Naemadans
A64 - Secret Self
Tobikomi - Satan Lane
DBOYD - Summer Station
damifortune - Dreamrenders
agargara - pecuniary snow burial
Quirby64 - NITRO-Q
dpc - BLT Chips
funute - Nitro Chaser
ordinate - coors
cabbage drop - prehistoric fire cave
cabbage drop - walls filled with bees
TristEndo - Crummy Mouse
raphaelgoulart - pandas are cute and so is golgi
A-zu-ra - March of Chaos
OrdinateIsDead - black scalar
Torowin - Regular Day
argarak - unstable panda isotope
Galgox - Lazy Panda
hqaoqu - Escaping the Inner Volcano
damifortune - WOLFWAVE
cabbage drop - panda nights
nitrofurano - 202304301242
MovieMovies1 - Alpha Initiative
garvalf - La torche
Yukari - happy stroll except it's not
kleeder - Trivia of Summer
tennisers - armored duck
bigSmonkinLoser - Caught Up In The Details
garvalf - Deux étoiles
Galgox - Final Rush
Galgox - Saber Spirit
doctorn0gloff - sweet new lakitu reindeer ride test run
Yuzu - Driving Arround (Night)
FADE - Thing 34
Zexxerd - Determinate
hanna - connection
FADE - Knife Under the Pillow
Tobikomi - No News Is Good News
haberchuck - Ongoing Investigation