The Namco 163 is a wavetable expansion chip for the NES. But how can one generate waves for the wavetable? Try these fun tools, and you'll be surfing the waves in no time! '[#[N163 Tools] - '[l[[wavetable] (or its '[l[[google colab counterpart]) - '[l[[n163 wavemaker] - '[l[[n106izer] - '[l[[Wavegen] Tools by '[l[[Euly] - '[l[[Wavetable Spicer] - '[l[[N163 FM Synthesis] - '[l[[N163 Modular Synthesis] '[#[N163 Modular Synthesis mini tutorial] The N163 Modular Synth by Euly is a very powerful tool but might be a bit confusing at first. (At least it was for me!) And how does one actually import the result into Dn-Famitracker? 1. Use the keyboard shortcuts in the help window to make some modules. 2. Hook up some inputs to some outputs. 3. Hook up everything to the Output module. Adjust the wave size to your needs. (Since the N163 has limited wave memory, you might want to use a smaller wave size for multiple instruments.) 4. Click the "Copy" button in the top right. 5. In Dn-Famitracker, make a Namco instrument. In the instrument editor, go to the "Wave" tab. 6. Press the "Paste" button under the list of waves. This will paste the entire set of waves generated by the modular synth. To play back the whole set, you will need to make an instrument that changes the wave index over time. Note that the round circle controls are like envelopes that will change the parameters over time. For example, if you want a low pass filter that sweeps the cutoff down, turn the first round dial in the Lowpass Filter module to the left. You can preview the change over time using the top slider of the Output module. '[#[See also] - '[[nsfplus (format)]