Voter strength has two fundamental purposes. '[#[Encourage Voting on All Entries] The less number of entries a BotBr votes on per compo the less impact their votes have. It directly correlates to the percentage of voting. So if a '[[BotBr] votes 18 out of 18 entries in a compo their votes are counted 100% but if some '[n00b] registers to only vote on their friend's single track in the same compo their vote would have 5.555% the impact. BotBrs can not vote on their own entries. Because of this participants will not reach 100% of their voting prowess. Don't worry though, the '[[criticist]s will pick up the slack! '[#[Realizing Capitalism over Democracy] BotB has taken the stance that '[[noob]s are n00bs and their voices should be taken like a grain of salt. Although '[l[[this has been controversial] we must remember that BotB is an '[[MMORPG] in the works and spending time here needs to count for something. It doesn't take that long to amass points and level up anyways. The voter strength appearing on BotBrs' '[[barracks profile] is found by adding up all the digits of their Total Points. For now this number gets divided by 5 and truncated for actual compo tallies. No one's voter strength is ever less than 1 (until you apply the voting percentage).