32% kleeder
BotBr View HTML Version

Abbreviation of "Battle of the Bits user". Its plural form '[[BotBrs] is commonly used when referring to a group of Battle of the Bits users. Alternatively, you can address them with "all n00bz"!

Pronounced bot-bir or bot-burrr.

BotBr level-ups occur when any BotBr reaches a specific amount of points. A BotBr's current level is a simple method to display their efforts and commitment to BotB. Certain level-ups include the appropriation of Bonus Magic Powers; refer to the table below for the exact point requirements of each:

'[t[0]'[b]'[tab[Level]'[tab[Points]'[tab[to next level]'[tab[Bonus Magic Powers[200]'[/b]

'[tab[01]'[tab[34]'[tab[7]'[tab[Ability to create custom site palettes.[300]
'[tab[02]'[tab[41]'[tab[12]'[tab['[[Burfday] is listed in the '[[Home Bunk].[300]
'[tab[03]'[tab[53]'[tab[20]'[tab[Ability to liēk and/or hæit posts.[300]
'[tab[04]'[tab[73]'[tab[36]'[tab[Eligible to earn '[[Badges[badges].[300]
'[tab[05]'[tab[109]'[tab[64]'[tab[Allows use of '[[Firki Markup] in text fields.[300]
'[tab[07]'[tab[284]'[tab[193]'[tab[Ability to edit the Lyceum.[200]
'[tab[10]'[tab[1290]'[tab[632]Level-up messages tweeted by '[l[https://twitter.com/battleofthebits[@battleofthebits].
'[tab[11]'[tab[1922]'[tab[760]Allows uploading of '[[Renderist (class)[renders].
'[tab[12]'[tab[2682]'[tab[796]'[tab[Enables the editing of a Lyceum article's categories.[300]
'[tab[13]'[tab[3478]'[tab[853]'[tab[Ability to bump comment threads.[200]
'[tab[17]'[tab[7677]'[tab[1295]'[tab[Mighty status and badge.[200]
'[tab[23]'[tab[21799]'[tab[6841]Can upload attachments for free (not implemented).
'[tab[27]'[tab[56049]'[tab[16286]'[tab[Ascended status and badge.[200]
'[tab[33]'[tab[1060247]'[tab[98939752]'[tab[Grand Wizard status.[200]
'[tab[34]'[tab[99999999]'[tab[-]'[tab[Literally unachievable???[200]'[/t]

Every time a BotBr levels up, they are (re)assigned a '[[BotBr Classes[class] based on their points.

'[[Badges] appear on a BotBr's profile page and next to their name on their comments.

Ailments are both administered and healed by BotB '[[Admin[Admins]. They are used to protect the community from spambots and misbehaving BotBrs. Respect the system and stay healthy!

'[icon[scrub] '[b]Scrub'[/b]
A basic grounding! A scrub cannot edit the lyceum, bump threads, or tag entries. Additionally, their influence performs at one-tenth of the BotBr's actual '[[voter strength[voting strength]. Normally assigned to those who commit scrublike behavior; see '[[Scrub].

'[icon[parasite] '[b]Parasite'[/b]
A parasite cannot host. Usually assigned to users who break the hosting rules.

'[icon[troll] '[b]Troll'[/b]
A troll has voting privileges revoked. Assigned to people that troll-vote, vote double, and/or vote on their own entries using alternate accounts (a BotBr is only allowed to vote once per-entry).

'[icon[zombi] '[b]Zombi'[/b]
A Zombi is muted and cannot post communications. Assigned to those who are disruptive or are hurting the site's atmosphere through communication. A zombi also cannot donload entries or their renders.

'[icon[mummi] '[b]Mummi'[/b]
All wrapped up and totally crippled. Assigned to serious trolls and spambots.

'[#[Level 30 Club]
Reaching level 30 is not an easy task on this site - you need at least 118353 points to do so. It marks a moment, when you not only level up from 29 to 30, but from sanity to insanity. The next level you could reach is over twice as much points away as level 30! Check out a full list of all BotBrs with Level 30+ '[l[https://battleofthebits.com/barracks/Mighty/30/[here]!
Just because I love stats, here's a list of every account (except BotB and LyceumExploiter) who reached Level 30!

'[tab['[t[t fakecaps]BotBr Name'[/t][120]'[tab['[t[t fakecaps]CREATED'[/t][120]'[tab['[t[t fakecaps]LVL 30 REACHED'[/t][120]'[tab['[t[t fakecaps]AMOUNT OF DAYS'[/t][120]
'[tab['[l[https://battleofthebits.com/barracks/Profile/Chip+Champion/[Chip Champion][120]'[tab[2009-03-01[120]'[tab[2015-02-22[120]'[tab[2184[120]
'[tab['[l[https://battleofthebits.com/barracks/Profile/Baron+Knoxburry/[Baron Knoxburry][120]'[tab[2005-05-29[120]'[tab[2020-02-02[120]'[tab[5362[120]

'[#[Level 30+ Milestones]
Something you *really* dont see that often is a level up to something beyond 30, so thats why the historical dates are saved here as well!

'[tab['[t[t fakecaps]BotBr Name'[/t][120]'[tab['[t[t fakecaps]REACHED LEVEL'[/t][120]'[tab['[t[t fakecaps]DATE'[/t][120]
'[tab['[l[https://battleofthebits.com/barracks/Profile/Chip+Champion/[Chip Champion][120]'[tab[31[120]'[tab[2020-05-15[120]

'[#[See Also]
'[[BotBr Classes]
'[[Format[Entry Formats]

BotB Terminology