'[t[b0] *** This article currently works as a '[[Construct_Manifest]!! '[/t] Fringe Groups may be comprised of clan rejects and/or rebel types of '[[BotBrs]. Fringe Groups can decide their own system of organization... *Compo cost comes out of the member's pockets instead of the leader's, so members stand to gain/lose more if the fringe group wins/losses the compo. *The leader pays most of the cost for compos and takes the largest cut of '[[boons] rewarded to the group. The members get very little '[[boons] but pay less income tax to fringe leader. Fringe Group may have no cabinet, two leaders, or no leader at all (just a representative). A Fringe Group could have a internal duel to determine the leader that month or the members can have a last man standing battle to decide the leader. '[#[See Also] '[[Clans] '[[Clan Battle] '[[Duels] '[[Clan Abilities]