welcome to the site, new friend!!!
I make music with bleeps and bloops, usually using Furnace, MilkyTracker, Famitracker, or LSDJ. Also a member of the Alembic demo/musicgroup.
If you want to talk chiptune, business, Mega Man, or just life, you can find my socials on my homepage.
\\ GOALZ \\
(saw other people were doing this, decided to try this out myself so I can have something to refer to! too bad there's no /givemeall command on this website...)
- Win an XHB ✔️
- Win a music XHB ❌
- host an XHB ❌
- Reach "mighty" status ❌
- Get s3xmodit badge ❌
- Get nsfplus badge ❌
- Get Gameboy badge ❌
- Get furnace badge ❌
- Get allgear and wildchip badges ❌
- Get some other neat badges while I'm at it ❌
\\ WE ARE WAVE 3. \\