New SNES tracker discovered! (SNESGSS)
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 28 Chipist
post #48248 :: 2014.10.03 1:33pm :: edit 2014.10.03 1:34pm
  azurglade, Xemogasa, anewuser, JINTAKE, b00daw, raphaelgoulart and goluigi liēkd this
Well, well, well! Shiru seems to have satisfied the SNES tracker portion! I can't test the program due to a platform incompatibility (emulation is easier thanks to the architecture, but I'm still nervous about pulling it off here...), but I discovered this brand new program today.

This is the official page:
Level 29 Mixist
post #48250 :: 2014.10.03 1:45pm
  Xemogasa, Slimeball, raphaelgoulart and Beard liēkd this
  SketchMan3 hæitd this
wow this looks like vortex tracker II and openmpt had a gay romantic love date and then had a baby ^o^
Level 25 Chipist
post #48253 :: 2014.10.03 3:09pm :: edit 2014.10.03 3:11pm
  Xemogasa, raphaelgoulart, SketchMan3, MovieMovies1 and b00daw hæitd this
it will just become another less useful clone of "snesmod" if it stores instruments in HEXADECIMAL REPRESENTATION OF 16-BIT SIGNED WAV instead of BRR
Level 29 Mixist
post #48254 :: 2014.10.03 3:18pm :: edit 2014.10.03 11:29pm
  Post-retro, Slimeball and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
  SketchMan3, MovieMovies1 and b00daw hæitd this
this is pretty good! but here are my suggestions (that don't have to be followed at all):

- no autostep = 0
-everything is 1 huuuuuuuge pattern instead of a bunch of smaller patterns
- no volume column (i wouldn't mind this if the effects worked like .mod and not like .ftm)
- no way to do snes echo or filter
- no instrument list in pattern editor to select instruments from (this isn't too bad though...)
- doesn't scroll :(

i really like the info tab tho that shows you the size of your spc though
Level 14 Chipist
post #48260 :: 2014.10.03 4:26pm :: edit 2014.10.03 4:32pm
  goluigi liēkd this
Level 22 Chipist
post #48266 :: 2014.10.03 8:19pm :: edit 2014.10.03 8:19pm
  Xemogasa, raphaelgoulart, Beard and goluigi hæitd this
  Slimeball liēkd this
how does a gay romantic love date make a baby
Level 27 Renderist
post #48267 :: 2014.10.03 8:22pm
  Xemogasa, JINTAKE, raphaelgoulart, SketchMan3, MovieMovies1 and Potentialing liēkd this
  HertzDevil and Xyz hæitd this
Jesus, y'all. Let's be a little more considerate of someone coding something for people without any expectation of us in return.

"Complaints" or unnecessary doomsaying aren't exactly inspiring him to continue the project or bugfix it. For instance, VGMM/TFMM were fairly solid trackers with a good user interface. A few people who gave too much of their opinions as opposed to positive feedback sunk that ship.
Level 29 Mixist
post #48270 :: 2014.10.03 11:19pm :: edit 2014.10.03 11:21pm
  Xemogasa, Slimeball, JINTAKE, HertzDevil, Savestate, raphaelgoulart and Beard liēkd this
I don't know anything about the whole VGMM/TFMM thing so....

I wasn't really complaining, that was a poor choice of words so sorry for that...I was making suggestions and it's not like Shiru has to do it. I noted those down so if I wanted to, I could probably put those features in, since the code is open source.

I put it here 1) as sort of an "archive" so I could note it down and 2) just my general first thoughts

I know the original purpose wasn't for chipmusicians, but since it is opensource, anyone could add their own features. In fact, maybe I will add the features I want after I learn more about how spc stuff works...

I also gave praise in my comment and that was the first thing and last thing I did, it's a good project and I support it! If Shiru is happy with how his tracker is, then that's great! He doesn't have to follow any suggestions at all and no one will be harmed. Also, like I said, maybe after I find all the necessary libraries and stuff to compile this, I could add the features I wanted myself and either Shiru could put it as a future version or I could just release it as my own version (obviously giving Shiru credit for the majority of the code).

I don't get why my comment was interpreted as "you have to do this and I am ordering you to do it"'s not like I could do that anyway.
Level 22 Chipist
post #48278 :: 2014.10.03 11:55pm
  Xemogasa, Savestate, raphaelgoulart and goluigi liēkd this
Plus, there's no need to get mad or call out anyone! This should be a thread where we give our thoughts about the topic, that's usually what topics are for. Suggestions and all are fine -- it's not like anyone was saying "THIS IS A PIECE OF SHIT" or anything. If we never suggested or said anything about programs, they would never improve favorably to the users!

Regardless, I think we're all glad to see another form of SNES music creation born, and I thank Shiru for putting the work in for that. ain't nobody hatin we just saying our piece come on let's get along and snes each other
Level 0 n00b
post #48280 :: 2014.10.04 1:44am
  raphaelgoulart and goluigi liēkd this
Has Shiru posted any information on how to actually incorporate songs and sound effects into a homebrew?
Level 27 Renderist
post #48281 :: 2014.10.04 2:33am :: edit 2014.10.04 2:36am
  Xemogasa, Beard, raphaelgoulart and goluigi liēkd this
RE: Emotional rants.

I do not believe anyone was individually called out. Given the situation -- whether or not someone was privy to previous knowledge is relative to their understanding and years of interest in this realm and their previous search history -- no one was punished, singled out, nor reprimanded with contingent consequences. It's good to be aware of the affect that we have on others as a world community of chipmusic; or as a whole.

Let's move on. I'd not like this great topic and discussion by KFF and a good effort and gift by Shiru to spiral out of control by unnecessarily augmented feelings; and then need to be closed. *hugs to all*
Level 28 Chipist
post #48283 :: 2014.10.04 7:02am :: edit 2014.10.04 7:06am
  raphaelgoulart liēkd this
I actually have seen this sound driver put to good use by the original developer.

This sound driver has already been used as an earlier version of what we have in this software: I saw this in Creepy Bird (by Piko Interactive), Christmas Craze and Classic Kong.

@Aendi: I think there's an export command that allows you to see your end result. The three games I mention show what is possible with this sound driver.
Level 19 Chipist
post #48284 :: 2014.10.04 9:05am
Level 0 n00b
post #48297 :: 2014.10.04 6:05pm
I might as well ask Shiru about the details on nintendoage.

Other than that, my only complaint about snesgss is the sample library isn't very good. Not too many instrument samples, and most of them sound pretty dull.
Level 28 Chipist
post #48301 :: 2014.10.04 7:07pm
Well, there's always importing external samples. ^_^
Level 25 Chipist
post #48318 :: 2014.10.05 4:54am :: edit 2014.10.05 7:48am
  goluigi liēkd this
"The sole purpose of this software is to make music and sound effects for SNES homebrew games. It is not meant to be a stand-alone music authoring software in any way."

this is from the readme. if this is true snesgss would be rightfully less expressive than addmusick, like the spc counterpart of famitone

except i am really surprised there is no panning in this
Level 10 Playa
post #48321 :: 2014.10.05 6:17am
  marcb0t, Moose, Savestate and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
I decided to check this out and dude, it works amazingly! I'm especially impressed at how well the midi import option works. It actually aligns the note events properly!
As someone who composes in midi format most of the time, this is looking like a pretty hot option. (now all I have to do is figure out how to make some sweet custom instruments so I don't have to rely on the ones that came with the program.)
Level 19 Chipist
post #48325 :: 2014.10.05 7:51am
  raphaelgoulart liēkd this
Another thing I don't like: In the sample editor and when you play an individual row back (i.e. when you place a new note), the volume is not processed correctly and the program assumes you want the waves played back at maximum volume, so there's this ugly clipping sound. This is especially problematic in the instrument editor when you're trying to find a good sound (and the instrument editor is pretty awesome). Luckily, this problem goes away in regular playback.

That said, this is a cool little thingy that has great potential. I hope it gets developed some more.
Level 28 Chipist
post #48326 :: 2014.10.05 8:01am
  raphaelgoulart liēkd this
I'm tempted to produce a few .asm files on my end that will allow me to essentially create the music the old-fashioned way... although right now I'm going to pass on that thought.

I'm already doing this for my own sound driver, even if the code itself is incomplete!

I'm also surprised that there is source code that will allow you to stream BRR samples (looking at Google Codes...). Personally, I can in theory see myself utilizing this sound driver, but probably with multiple sample packs in the mix (and I can already clearly tell how to switch them, as this sound driver uses a generic loading routine... thus, I can in theory work my magic to get this to have multiple sample packs).
Level 23 Mixist
post #48343 :: 2014.10.05 3:45pm
  goluigi liēkd this
KFF, have you had any success with SPC-700 asm? I tried once and failed to produce a sound.
Level 28 Chipist
post #48344 :: 2014.10.05 3:50pm :: edit 2014.10.05 3:51pm
  Tilde, Slimeball and goluigi liēkd this
As a matter of fact, I did! I produced this .spc file purely out of ASM code (and SPC700 data). I made this to test dynamic loop points:

I plan on revising this to use word addressing instead. I'm already planning on using direct pages for the sample directory in order to make this work.

Well... there's a slight catch. I hex-copied the code into a .spc file. So... partial success.
Level 14 Chipist
post #50247 :: 2014.12.06 10:51pm :: edit 2014.12.06 10:54pm
  KungFuFurby, Slimeball and goluigi liēkd this
@iamgreaser - I wouldn't mind teaching you how.. I need to relearn myself you know what I mean.

let me see if I can pull out an ol' project you can learn from... Also pls email me

p.s. What up KFF!
Level 15 Chipist
post #50294 :: 2014.12.07 10:44pm
  mootbooxle and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
Wow, Shiru still at it. I guess if the time were ever right, I would probably use this new tracker for some SNES tunage.

Even though it may be early in development and lacking certain features, I know Shiru is good about getting the program right. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither are music trackers.

Sigh... VGM Music Maker is still my favorite tracker ever. The instrument editor is the best and most intuitive, I've ever used, and I loved Shiru's pastel colors over the white screen. So nice for my autistic eyes.

Even being incomplete, I am able to make beautiful, full featured Sega Genesis music on it, with channel 3 special mode. I wish, I could have told him that a couple of years back, but I arrived in this time stream too late. :(

I'm sure his SNES tracker will end up just as nice, if not better. I say if someone likes his program, send him thank you, just to let him know you appreciate his efforts.
Level 15 Mixist
post #50317 :: 2014.12.08 6:11am
Level 24 Chipist
post #116729 :: 2020.01.06 8:37pm
  Tilde liēkd this
Download broken.
Level 9 Playa
post #116734 :: 2020.01.07 1:31am
  Tilde, radian, Lincent and YQN liēkd this
Hi, Lincent.

As of this message, you can download the version 1.42 of both the SNESGSS' binary and source code, from the GitHub's repository in this URL:

The next URL is a direct download link to the latest version of this repository:

Level 30 Chipist
post #116735 :: 2020.01.07 2:06am
  anewuser, Tilde, radian and Oli liēkd this
You can also download it from Shiru's website directly:

Direct download link:
Level 24 Chipist
post #116780 :: 2020.01.08 12:10am

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