Level 31 Chipist
post #192368 ::
2024.06.25 6:52am
mahogany, DBOYD, VirtualMan, ItsDuv, ASIKWUSpulse, Xaser, sean, Viraxor, Hexer, Titan of Plasma, Lincent, gotoandplay and Jangler liēkd this
mahogany, DBOYD, VirtualMan, ItsDuv, ASIKWUSpulse, Xaser, sean, Viraxor, Hexer, Titan of Plasma, Lincent, gotoandplay and Jangler liēkd this
i got to thinking about this - there's so many cool or niche features here and there that would be incredible to have access to with other software
my first one would be: step macros! each value in your envelope macro (or whatever) gets read one at a time, and moves to the next value on the next note. this lets you create/design note patterns easily, such as moving through volumes on arpeggios, changing duty cycles each note, or potentially other things, like how LSDJ tables let you macro whole strings of effects (with stepping being one option for their behavior). actually LSDJ tables in all trackers would be incredible too
a simpler pipe dream for me is the .it Ixy command (tremor, off/on volume changes for x and y ticks) in every tracker ever, please let me do that, thanks
my first one would be: step macros! each value in your envelope macro (or whatever) gets read one at a time, and moves to the next value on the next note. this lets you create/design note patterns easily, such as moving through volumes on arpeggios, changing duty cycles each note, or potentially other things, like how LSDJ tables let you macro whole strings of effects (with stepping being one option for their behavior). actually LSDJ tables in all trackers would be incredible too
a simpler pipe dream for me is the .it Ixy command (tremor, off/on volume changes for x and y ticks) in every tracker ever, please let me do that, thanks