No, BotB, you don't have to adult yet!
BotB Academy News
Battle of the Bits turned 18 years old last May. Instead of having feral offspring, I created this website. It has taught me how to code, cooperate with others, and even gave me tech biz opportunities I'd otherwise not have. What a wild journey it has been!

Coincidentally, we lost our beloved .org around the same time "Death of the Internet" was hitting the headlines. I had a lot of mixed feelings about putting in a bid for our classic domain name, but wish I had. The auction could have been much less than the $1700 we were being told we owed to get it back. Now we'll never know. I have absolute control over our .com however, and this most assuredly will not happen again.

It has never been my intention to make BotB an actual business. I built this site because I like to compo. I did start a business
tho. I'm still confused on how everything works, but I'm told all my income is LoBlast income which includes BotB donations. Truth be told, w/o that money my business would have failed already. I wanted to share this for transparency's sake.

Right now my store has dropshipped BotB stuff
. That means orders are handled by another company, Printful, and they have multiple fulfillment centers in Europe and North America
. This should help a lot with shipping costs plus I don't have to hold an insane inventory hoping folks will buy. I will be adding the 7" Winter Chip I vinyl record and stickers soon which I will be fulfilling myself (and is a separate shipping fee from Printful shipping).

The reason for this post is simply feeling embarrassed that I'm adding an ad banner on the home page that points to BotB gear on the LoBlast store when social networks are deciding to be more profitable and enacting controversial changes. I have no plans to change this place other than feature enhancements. There will be no paywall. Let's do another 18 years! ₍₍(ง◠‿◠)ว⁾⁾ (◠‿◠ و)♪

Thank you all for your support.

Level 25 XHBist
Level 21 Chipist
post #175411 :: 2023.08.21 6:40pm
  anewuser, ItsDuv, sean, Viraxor, numch, cabbage drop, puke7 and roz liēkd this
let’s see what another 18 years brings us
Level 30 Chipist
post #175412 :: 2023.08.21 6:54pm
  anewuser, BubblegumOctopus, ItsDuv, argarak, MelonadeM, Delita, sean, Viraxor, mirageofher, kleeder and puke7 liēkd this
The domain migration was just BotB moving out of the old .org house and into a real .com domain for adults ;)
Level 10 Criticist
post #175417 :: 2023.08.21 9:11pm
  anewuser, ItsDuv, Chepaki, MelonadeM, Delita, sean, Viraxor, Titan of Plasma, cabbage drop, puke7 and mirageofher liēkd this
When I hear "ad banner" I think of some lame-ass thing that has nothing to do with the site itself.

I wouldn't consider a link to the BotB shop to be an ad, it's more just a heads-up that there's a place where we can buy cool BotB stuff to help keep things running.
Level 28 Mixist
post #175420 :: 2023.08.21 9:33pm
  anewuser, Viraxor, MelonadeM, Delita, sean, cabbage drop and puke7 liēkd this
a merch banner!!
Level 22 Chipist
Titan of Plasma
post #175422 :: 2023.08.21 11:31pm :: edit 2023.08.22 10:23am
  anewuser, Viraxor, puke7 and MelonadeM liēkd this
Shiiiiiiill. Nah, just kidding, I didn't think of it as a banner either. I'd gladly get my own BotB garment for SWAG.

A banner would take us to T_T .
Level 15 Chipist
post #175438 :: 2023.08.22 4:44am
  anewuser, Viraxor, cabbage drop, puke7 and MelonadeM liēkd this
the merch banner looks neat and the swag is rad!!
Level 31 Chipist
post #175440 :: 2023.08.22 4:55am
  anewuser, DBOYD, Viraxor, Chepaki, cabbage drop, Max Chaplin, kilowatt64, puke7, MelonadeM and Abraxas86 liēkd this
it's all cool but I think there's a missed opportunity in giving the npcs who sometimes appear at the top a new purpose.
not too late to make them sell tshirts and all that stuff tho
Level 28 Chipist
post #175492 :: 2023.08.22 11:47am :: edit 2023.08.22 11:48am
  anewuser, tennisers, VirtualMan, Yung Gotenks, DBOYD, Jangler, Viraxor, Lasertooth, argarak, cabbage drop, Xaser, damifortune, Abraxas86, kleeder, mirageofher, puke7, YQN and roz liēkd this
Finally, you have some wares for me!
Level 23 Mixist
post #175663 :: 2023.08.25 10:30am
  anewuser, cabbage drop, YQN and puke7 liēkd this
Finally I can wear Puke7's face on my body. Ordered one immediately. Hopefully immortality ensues.
Level 24 Chipist
post #175674 :: 2023.08.25 1:13pm
  anewuser, puke7 and Titan of Plasma liēkd this
Contrary to popular belief wearing a puke shirt has no noticeable direct effect on mortality. It does raise by 7% the probability that enemies will drop pizza slices when defeated.
Level 10 Playa
post #175708 :: 2023.08.26 12:33am
  anewuser and puke7 liēkd this
That is a seriously sexy web site at <>, even with the JavaScript dependence. Everyone should check it out.
Level 29 Hostist
post #175755 :: 2023.08.26 2:25pm
  anewuser, MelonadeM, kleeder, Lasertooth, cabbage drop, Titan of Plasma and argarak liēkd this
Level 23 Chipist
post #175770 :: 2023.08.27 3:22am :: edit 2023.08.27 3:22am
  anewuser, Abraxas86 and cabbage drop liēkd this
turns out wearing botb warez will increase your sex appeal by 108.24%

source: i unlocked the following achievement, "premarital Gex"
Level 20 Chipist
post #175952 :: 2023.08.29 1:10pm
  Abraxas86 and anewuser liēkd this
Puke, I just wanna say that I literally did not notice the ad banner until today. People kept talking about it and I was like "Oh, my adblocker must be blocking it." But nope, it's so basic and unobtrusive that it doesn't even qualify as an ad. Good stuff.
Level 29 Hostist
post #175960 :: 2023.08.29 3:11pm
  Abraxas86 liēkd this
glad its unobtrusive

i've decided to raise prices after this weekend

i looked at other people using similar services and its meant to be a type of donation anyways

$18 shirts will go up to $20
other stuff will go up $1-3
Level 31 Chipist
post #175992 :: 2023.08.29 8:44pm
  anewuser and puke7 liēkd this
i ordered a bunch of goodies :D
Level 10 Playa
post #176076 :: 2023.08.30 10:56pm
  anewuser and kleeder liēkd this
Who among us will be the first to get laid while wearing a puke7 shirt?
Level 31 Chipist
post #176081 :: 2023.08.31 3:45am
  anewuser and VirtualMan liēkd this
omg virtualman you have the best ideas
Level 23 Mixist
post #176084 :: 2023.08.31 4:20am :: edit 2023.08.31 4:24am
  anewuser, VirtualMan and kleeder liēkd this
virtualman I find myself obligated to be the first, will post an update if successful.

edit: she's on board
Level 31 Chipist
post #176090 :: 2023.08.31 5:43am
  anewuser, VirtualMan and kleeder liēkd this
the puke7 shirt stays on
Level 10 Mixist
post #176101 :: 2023.08.31 10:21am
  anewuser and puke7 liēkd this
i just ordered a loblast shirt,,,if you want a model for the site i can send photos!
Level 29 Hostist
post #176108 :: 2023.08.31 12:14pm :: edit 2023.08.31 12:15pm
  Abraxas86 and anewuser liēkd this
thank you kqa!!

anyone who wants to share photos showing off botb/loblast products are very welcome to!! <3

also didn't realize this is a holiday weekend...
so I will be upping the prices on Tuesday instead of Monday
(i can never remember the difference between labor day or memorial day other than i used to get those days off)
Level 23 Renderist
post #176126 :: 2023.08.31 10:14pm
  puke7, argarak, Abraxas86 and kleeder liēkd this
Baron, et al. Thank you so much for all the years.
The site is the shit! xD

Now, about the goodies. I'm not financially stable at the moment. Turns out this n00b is getting divorced and that shit sucks hahaha. I will kindly ask of you to help spread the word about me teaching classes and help me promote soonish/in the future xD Will do English, Spanish, and soon...something spicy.

Yet! I found the mug and the mousepad and the shirts to be something I MUST OWN NAO. Let me rebuild finances but those are on the look out.
Level 10 Mixist
post #176207 :: 2023.09.02 3:06pm
  puke7 liēkd this
time flies by, also is a fly without wings called a walk ?
Level 23 Mixist
post #176339 :: 2023.09.05 8:08pm
  VirtualMan liēkd this
Mission accomplished.

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