What's your job?
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 13 Mixist
Just curious to know what other BotBrs do outside of the site for money. Unemployment and school/college are also acceptable answers :p

Currently, I'm doing full-time gig work as a courier across Amazon Flex, DoorDash, and Uber Eats. I'm determined to save up enough money to finally move out and be on my own, so I'm not as active here as I used to be. Work is fairly monotonous, but hey, I get to listen to whatever I want on the drive!
Level 31 Chipist
i write CODE. i do PROGRAMMING! mostly in python, but also in javascript, plsql and that weird custom language we use at my workplace. its fun, even tho i dont actually enjoy coding. but coworkers are nice, i know what i do most of the time and i feel challenged most of the time, which is nice for my brain.

i mostly work in the office. had the option to work from home, but decided against it, because getting up in the morning and take a bus or a train to a place is very important for me and my daily schedule. separating work and private places.

the earliest time i can start working is 6.30 in the morning, and i love to start early, so i get up at 5, prepare and take the bus at 6, arrive at 6.30, eat lunch at work and go home around 15 or 16 in the afternoon. i usually arrive home between 16 and 17.
leaves me with maybe 4 to 5 hours of free time during the week before i go to sleep again and let the cycle repeat.

well, unless its weekend or christmas vacation which IS THE CASE NOW WOHOOOO !!!!^o^////
Level 28 Chipist
post #164503 :: 2022.12.16 12:42pm
  Viraxor, petet, kilowatt64, ASIKWUSpulse, VirtualMan, doctorn0gloff, argarak, RadamLee, roz, kinkinkijkin, kleeder and Googie liēkd this
I've been in the public sector (local government) for about.... 10 years, including a spell of teaching in the middle of that.
Before then I did logistical office stuff for DHL and before then I did charity shop stuff.
Before then I mowed some lawns. Made outbound calls. Counted some items. And cleaned a supermarket poorly. And made bad gravy. And did a paper round. And drummed for some weddings. One time I got paid to use an MRI?
Level 13 Mixist
post #164505 :: 2022.12.16 1:15pm
  Collidy, Viraxor, ASIKWUSpulse, RadamLee, Googie, roz and kinkinkijkin liēkd this
I've had multiple over quite a period of time, going from college student (former), to budget voice commission work, and now budget music commission work.
Admittedly I'm relying on some other practices to pay off the electricity, heating, and food. (Nothing illegal, I can assure you)
Level 18 Mixist
post #164507 :: 2022.12.16 1:33pm
  Viraxor, ASIKWUSpulse, roz and Googie liēkd this
music =D

also programming
Level 24 XHBist
i'm a support worker; i work in a brain injury rehabilitation service. we look after all kinds of people and help them to get better.
Level 23 Chipist
post #164511 :: 2022.12.16 1:39pm
  Collidy, Viraxor, kilowatt64, sleeparrow, ASIKWUSpulse, VirtualMan, kinkinkijkin, roz and Googie liēkd this
I go to highschool, lmao!
It's ok, I guess. Lot's of friends though, and I love 'em all.
Level 19 Mixist
NardInYourYard, pizza constructor, MOD Pizza.
Level 24 Chipist
post #164521 :: 2022.12.16 2:21pm
  dobra, Viraxor, nitrofurano, ASIKWUSpulse, VirtualMan, kinkinkijkin, roz and Googie liēkd this
former tour guide. current disgrace
Level 25 Chipist
post #164524 :: 2022.12.16 2:44pm
  father, Viraxor, nitrofurano, ASIKWUSpulse, VirtualMan, argarak, kinkinkijkin, Googie and roz liēkd this
I work for a company that provides customer service and warehouse and shipping logistics to something like 1000 retail stores and websites around the world. Most of the time this means I'm a telephone operator.
Level 25 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #164528 :: 2022.12.16 6:38pm
  father, Viraxor, kilowatt64, Lincent, Post-retro, nitrofurano, ASIKWUSpulse, argarak, Tex, VirtualMan, Googie, kinkinkijkin and roz liēkd this
says it in my bio. what more do you...actually, fuggit. love my job, let's talk abt it

i say park freek, but my official title is "Park Worker 3 (Seasonal)" at the county parks as of this monday. brother works the same stint, only full-time (as a "Park Maintenance Worker 1"). technically, this is also full-time as it takes up the 40-hour full-time work schedule but i get paid like a part timer so yep :/

at my job, we handle a LOT of industrial-grade equipment. i'm talkin 10ft mowers, tractors, zero-turn mowers that just got converted into plows (polar tracs), a shit ton of 2011 f-150s that NEED to be updated ffs (and that now that i have a license i need to get trained in), you name it. it's mainly for groundskeeping, however: mowing, trimming, blowing, mulching, seeding, etc.

we also take care of rentable spaces like pavillions and picnic areas and watch over stuff like wading pools. the latter one fucking reeks, never doing it again

fun fact about the region i work in: both of the top bosses are musicians too! the top boss is in a tech metal band, the 2nd toppest boss has been a punk all his life which is long enuff to meet a very young keanu reeves when he was still in dogstar. that second boss is a legit homie, we share gear listings on reverb, it's awesome |m|
Level 30 Chipist
post #164535 :: 2022.12.16 9:22pm
  mirageofher, father, kinkinkijkin, Viraxor, petet, Googie, sleeparrow, nitrofurano, ASIKWUSpulse, argarak and roz liēkd this
c dev in telecom

capitalism cog ):
Level 10 Playa
post #164536 :: 2022.12.16 9:35pm
  ItsDuv, father, kinkinkijkin, Googie, roz and Firespike33 liēkd this
my job is to kick names and take ass, and i'm all out of bubblegum
Level 28 Mixist
post #164541 :: 2022.12.17 3:39am
  kinkinkijkin, Googie, Viraxor, nitrofurano, kleeder, ASIKWUSpulse, roz and big lumby liēkd this
current university student with a combined course of electronics and computer science. i technically get some money for this so i guess it counts right? programming stuff in c, java, python... all cool. anything to do with transforms, signal analysis, logic, probability and statistics goes over my head. half way through 3rd year out of the current 5 so maybe i'll survive. a lot of it is basically just teaching myself stuff from home and commuting (this takes 1-2hrs) to do the odd lab or exam when i'm there.

i would get totally overwhelmed if i did this and work at the same time so i choose not to for the sake of my health... which is partly why i don't live close to the university where it's painfully expensive (woohoo housing crisis) and save money for the future. lockdowns screwed me over and other personal circumstances make that difficult too.
Level 24 Chipist
post #164544 :: 2022.12.17 6:04am
  Lincent, kinkinkijkin, Googie, big lumby, argarak, nitrofurano, kleeder and roz liēkd this
I've finished gymnasium-school in one of the vocational programs, Electricity- & Energy-program on the branch Computer- & Communication-technologies, with classes in computers, operating systems, their service-applications, all about how Ethernet works, OSI-model, etc. Stuff that quickly got overwhelming because of bad school-resources (the books were terrible, most likely google translations of english books with barely any grammar or spelling corrections). But also programming classes in two courses, first one in basics of C++, the second one in OOP with C# (gotta have that language change xD, but good thing both were C-languages), which was really fun, and had better resources.
I took my exam with vocation-title "Network-technician" in 2018.

Currently working at a small family business company who works with electronic measuring devices, which means we're a small group of employees making up the whole company, and we share many professions. But we all have some head-professions:
I'm the logistics responsible, which basically means that I'm the one who does packaging of outgoing packages and unpackaging of incoming packages. That's the part of work I find least fun, but my boss really like my packaging accuracy.
But I also do maintenance of some of the devices customers sends in, mostly battery-changes, but sometimes also small easy reparations. But recently I also got to test things for investigating the worth of creating a new measuring device - which means I get to experiment with AD-converters, sensors and an arduino-board :), which is quite fun.

I really want to do more automation and robotics or programming and software-development, or the best, both tied together in some way. I'm currently contemplating the future path and see how current things turn out.
Level 28 Mixist
post #164567 :: 2022.12.17 12:31pm
  Post-retro, father, kinkinkijkin, argarak, Googie, nitrofurano, ASIKWUSpulse, kilowatt64, Lincent, VirtualMan, roz and kleeder liēkd this
i started working as a drivethru cashier a while ago to help recover mentally. am paid in dirt particles but i rather enjoy it. thoughtless work, free drinks, and lots of cool people if u ignore "those" 5 daily customers
Level 10 Playa
post #164569 :: 2022.12.17 1:48pm
  kinkinkijkin and Googie liēkd this
so your greeting prowess extends beyond botb... i still have much to learn
Level 21 Mixist
post #164570 :: 2022.12.17 1:52pm :: edit 2022.12.19 9:25am
  blockblockblock, Collidy, mirageofher, Post-retro, father, kinkinkijkin, Titan of Plasma, Googie, kilowatt64 and ASIKWUSpulse liēkd this
freelance video editor

edit: please hire me lol
Level 27 Mixist
i'm a mathematics grad student and teaching assistant! my duties include running recitation sections, grading, and occasionally teaching a course.
Level 22 Chipist
Titan of Plasma
post #164576 :: 2022.12.17 3:01pm
  kinkinkijkin, Googie, petet, roz and big lumby liēkd this
I've just finished a Public Management and Policies master's degree. I'm unemployed taking a break now, but I'm planning on following up with a PhD.
Level 27 Chipist
post #164577 :: 2022.12.17 3:16pm
  Lincent, kinkinkijkin, argarak, Googie, doctorn0gloff, petet, roz and big lumby liēkd this
Cyber Security, working as a threat hunter. On and off adjunct teacher, would love to be a full time teacher someday!
Level 11 Pixelist
post #164578 :: 2022.12.17 3:54pm :: edit 2022.12.17 4:57pm
  kinkinkijkin, argarak, Googie, ASIKWUSpulse, petet, roz, big lumby and Bravoman liēkd this

...at least that's what most of my experience is with.Taking a break from that while I'm in college. Right now I'm a programming contractor. (Just so happens my current job is in game development so it works out great!!!)
Level 8 Chipist
post #164579 :: 2022.12.17 4:44pm
  Collidy, Post-retro, Lincent, kinkinkijkin, argarak, Googie, ASIKWUSpulse, kilowatt64, Bravoman, VirtualMan and roz liēkd this
i stock the freezers at my local grocery store
Level 30 Mixist
post #164596 :: 2022.12.17 9:27pm
  Collidy, Post-retro, Lincent, kinkinkijkin, argarak, Googie, roz, ASIKWUSpulse, nitrofurano, mirageofher and kilowatt64 liēkd this
part-time human
Level 28 Chipist
post #164603 :: 2022.12.18 9:00am
  kinkinkijkin, big lumby, roz and Googie liēkd this
somewhere between sabbatical and unemployment (and some freelance sometimes)
Level 22 Mixist
post #164655 :: 2022.12.18 11:00pm :: edit 2023.03.03 9:29pm
  mirageofher, roz, big lumby, kinkinkijkin, argarak, doctorn0gloff, petet and Googie liēkd this
Like petet, I'm a grad student in math, though I'm planning to graduate with my Ph.D. in the spring.

My research generally involves writing code for manipulating diagrams full of arrows, combing through the output looking for interesting patterns, and writing papers explaining exactly why those patterns occur.

I've also taught precalculus and calculus classes. (My department gives grad students an unusual amount of responsibility for teaching -- everything other than writing homework and exam problems is up to me.) I love teaching, and I'd like to find a job doing more of it after graduating. (UPDATE: I did!)
Level 27 Mixist
post #164657 :: 2022.12.18 11:16pm
  mirageofher, roz, Lincent, kinkinkijkin and Lasertooth liēkd this
@lasertooth shout out to the math gang!
Level 22 Mixist
post #164658 :: 2022.12.18 11:17pm
  mirageofher, Lincent, Bravoman, kinkinkijkin and petet liēkd this
Level 21 Chipist
post #164669 :: 2022.12.19 9:08am
  roz, father, Googie, big lumby, doctorn0gloff, kinkinkijkin, argarak and petet liēkd this
After bopping around for 4 years in the education sector as a tech support person for students and faculty at a medical school & clinic, I now work as a Tier 2 Support Engineer for a decently sized software company (and the company I work for is a dream company of mine so I'm super excited I was finally able to be a part of it)

I am hoping though that I can soon promote and work my way up to being on the analytics team so I can use my Masters degree a bit more than I do now.
Level 6 Mixist
post #164670 :: 2022.12.19 9:16am :: edit 2022.12.19 9:17am
  mirageofher, Post-retro, nitrofurano, roz, Googie, big lumby, doctorn0gloff, kinkinkijkin, kilowatt64, argarak and petet liēkd this
Kindergarten teacher at a school for kids with ADHD! I also am the music teacher there for grades K - 4. Before that I was a preschool teacher. I also works 7 billion other jobs, like teaching private violin/viola lessons in the evening, quartet wedding gigs, and music commissions.

I also have my own business that's laid dormant for two years because see above. It's pre-recorded music education videos aimed at children 2 - 7.
Level 13 Mixist
post #164697 :: 2022.12.19 11:00pm
  Collidy, ItsDuv, VirtualMan, mirageofher, roz, Lincent, Titan of Plasma, MelonadeM, kleeder, Lasertooth and kinkinkijkin liēkd this
Thanks everyone for your responses so far! I've been enjoying reading this thread, and I'm eager to see if there's anyone else who would like to share.
Level 25 Chipist
im a pornstar (or, sex worker)! im relatively popular in the grander scheme of reddit and...other sites, but i wont elaborate too much on that because i know there are some younger folks here. to not worry anybody too much, as i know im pretty young comparitively - i am doing this completely on my own will! once i started transitioning the harassment hit hard, so i decided to profit. and holy SHIT have i been profiting. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO

despite the fact i quite literally make roughly 12x as much money doing all my whore business and sex working, my parents would lose their shit if they saw me move out out of nowhere. (alongside other boomer values that would ruin our relationship O_O) i used to work as a waitress at a breakfast restaurant chain, but that crumbled to transphobia. my current self-money-laundering scheme has been a cashier at a popular discount store chain, and while i was bouncing around positions for a few months management finally settled on cashier for me, because im fast and can talk to strangers endlessly. ill probably be able to move out with the money from that job in a year, while my whore money is keeping me financially sound!

im also a community college student, whos been able to get through all her semesters for free through scholarships and getting on the deans list. but thats not too interesting!!
Level 22 Mixist
post #164709 :: 2022.12.20 7:14am
  side, Savestate, roz, kinkinkijkin, Googie, Bravoman, kilowatt64, doctorn0gloff and MelonadeM liēkd this
right now I'm a freelancer!! mainly hiring & recruitment consulting for tech startups. helping them fill jobs and also teaching them how to not make the process horrible for candidates
Level 24 XHBist
post #164748 :: 2022.12.20 4:04pm
  ItsDuv, Lincent, kinkinkijkin, Bravoman and Quirby64 liēkd this
well congrats Quirby64, current thread champion. take your trophy

i wonder if anyone has a more interesting/unexpected career?
Level 27 XHBist
post #164749 :: 2022.12.20 4:27pm
  nitrofurano, kinkinkijkin and roz liēkd this

Bug detectives? Exotic nannies? High-rise window washers? Mosquito control officers? Monkey caretakers? Casino food recyclers? Fossil hunters? Rum distillers? Cricket farmers? Camel ranchers? Well diggers? Sewer inspectors? Locomotive builders? Alligator egg collectors? Blueberry connoisseurs? Potato chip makers?
Level 31 Chipist
post #164754 :: 2022.12.20 5:22pm
  Xaser, mirageofher, kilowatt64, kinkinkijkin, big lumby and roz liēkd this
everyone who is happy with their jobbo is a thread champion tbh :3c
Level 27 XHBist
post #164755 :: 2022.12.20 5:33pm :: edit 2022.12.20 5:35pm
  ItsDuv, kinkinkijkin and big lumby liēkd this
Actually, kleeder is right, roz. Just because this is a competitive community, it doesn't mean we should literally compete about everything.
Level 24 XHBist
post #164759 :: 2022.12.20 6:15pm
  Lincent, kleeder, kinkinkijkin and Quirby64 liēkd this
i was only being silly because Quirby’s post made me smile with how much it caught me off guard. i hope i didn’t make anyone feel like they should actually be competitive about their meatspace profession. we’re all just trying to pay the bills in our own ways…

also awarding farcical trophies is amusing to me.
Level 25 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #164762 :: 2022.12.20 6:19pm
  kilowatt64, kinkinkijkin and roz liēkd this
man potato chip maker sounds good
Level 27 XHBist
post #164768 :: 2022.12.20 7:05pm
  mirageofher, kilowatt64, roz, kinkinkijkin and big lumby liēkd this
The dream...

Also, @roz: cheers, mate!
Level 23 Chipist
post #164778 :: 2022.12.21 3:48am
  Collidy, kilowatt64, Googie, mirageofher, kinkinkijkin, Bravoman and roz liēkd this
im a student rn lol
wish i would have a full-time job as a computer engineer of some sort tho :)
Level 24 Grafxicist
post #164779 :: 2022.12.21 5:11am
  Googie, Savestate, mirageofher, Lincent, kinkinkijkin, roz and Bravoman liēkd this
Was supposed to be a programmer but after 3 years of opening rejection emails I've decided to go back to school :')

For money? Uhhh furry art, sometimes. And 3D character modeling.
Level 24 Mixist
I am a voice actor, appearing in several games to this point. See my website in my bio for more info.
Hire me pls.

Unfortunately voice over alone is not consistent enough for me right now, I still have bills to pay, food to buy and all that, so by evening I work at Lowe's Home Improvement primarily as a back end associate, also a lot associate.
Level 28 Chipist
post #164814 :: 2022.12.21 5:38pm :: edit 2022.12.21 5:46pm
  Googie, Savestate, kinkinkijkin, doctorn0gloff, argarak, Quirby64, Lincent, kilowatt64, big lumby, roz and mirageofher liēkd this
I recently became a fulltime AV technician at a university that I am not smart enough to attend. Previously I was a gigging bassist and private music teacher on top of freelance AV stuff, touring performing my own music, commissions and other such things. I will still do these much as I can, but the stability is an interesting change (plus it is a union position, so its nice to have protections and benefits).
Level 23 Chipist
post #164950 :: 2022.12.26 10:02am
  Post-retro, roz, Bravoman, kilowatt64, argarak, kinkinkijkin, Googie, big lumby and Lincent liēkd this
Cart wrangler at a local grocery store chain. I hope to get some sort of IT certification. I also do the very occasional chiptune commission
Level 13 Criticist
post #165224 :: 2023.01.01 12:02pm
  roz, kinkinkijkin, big lumby, nitrofurano, Googie and Tex liēkd this
I have been designing and building some hardware for retro PCs and whatnot for the past few years. *wants certain FPGAs to be available again*
Level 24 XHBist
post #172819 :: 2023.06.26 2:13pm
  blockblockblock, argarak, haberchuck, kilowatt64 and Lasertooth liēkd this
i did an interview on friday and was accepted! so soon roz is going up in the world... i will be support coordinator at a mental health home-care and drop-in service.
Level 30 Mixist
post #172838 :: 2023.06.26 7:16pm :: edit 2023.06.26 7:18pm
  blockblockblock, roz, ItsDuv, argarak, Lasertooth and kilowatt64 liēkd this
Back when I said "part time human" I was a software developer, now I'm funemployed, soon I will either go back to software, or switch to physical therapy, or something short term like teaching rock climbing or liv8ng on a commune
Level 28 Chipist
post #172853 :: 2023.06.27 2:44am :: edit 2023.06.27 2:45am
  Collidy, roz, Xaser, kilowatt64, argarak, doctorn0gloff, Lasertooth, Sinc-X and kleeder liēkd this
fast food+tutoring cs->home depot->programmer at school so i could get staff parking and make all my friends jealous->typical software dev

then i quit my job and moved to japan!!!!!!!!!!

...and now i'm probably going to do software dev again lmfao how does this work again
Level 28 Mixist
post #172862 :: 2023.06.27 10:17am
  blockblockblock, roz, Xaser and kilowatt64 liēkd this
I'm the intenral IT guy for a IT consulting company, so I make sure that all our employees have what they need to do the work they do. So basically sysadmin stuff but not to the customers the company does work for, but instead to the company itself. I did work for our 24/7 servicedesk unit before, which had a lot more stuff with the interesting customers we have (local broadcast companies, media companies, industrial equipment providers, global infrastructure companies, [redacted due to NDA]-companies and so on), but the local IT support role is way more fulfilling as most of what I do is help colleagues get their work done.
Level 9 Playa
post #172919 :: 2023.06.28 4:56pm
  Viraxor, dobra, roz, Tex and kilowatt64 liēkd this
Apprentice welder with local experience with drywall and insulation installation, mudding, sanding, taping, painting, concrete and mortar placement and removal (both ground and walls), and house demolition.
I briefly helped with framing and roofing, but I never had enough confidence to be independent, so I don't count them.
I never went to school, so any professional places wouldn't hire me, and when I did get a chance for local contracts, my two brothers I worked alongside ultimately screwed up because one's schizophrenic, and the other is bipolar. Enough said.
Regardless, I eventually had to stop all physically strenuous activities due to injuries which had been accruing during service post basic training and start of AIT, which led to me deciding to go back to school (trade school and college) after getting sent home, and losing my benefits by getting caught working during medical leave to pay for my brother's bail and get his car from the impound.
So far, I haven't been getting paid for any work done since I started the trade school (Job Corps) and classes (Community College), but all of my utilities are taken care of as well as housing.
It's like a military setup, but much, much worse quality. Not as difficult, just extremely unmotivated staff, and very underfunded. It's not as strict either, just shit quality, and no way to make passive income because they have to give you the job, otherwise you're on your own getting to and from (and can't bring a car here.)
On the side I've been doing lawn work anywhere within walking distance, and whatever small time jobs I can find that aren't too strenuous. Could be anything from cleaning trash, walking dogs, removing graffiti, washing dishes, and so on so forth.
With trouble finding steady work, and various debts breathing down my back, I won't have a real job until I'm done studying here.
Level 23 Mixist
post #172963 :: 2023.06.29 8:17pm
  Viraxor, Collidy, roz, kilowatt64, Lasertooth and tennisers liēkd this
I teach the clarinet and saxophone!
Level 7 Photographist
post #172976 :: 2023.06.30 4:32am :: edit 2023.06.30 4:35am
  Viraxor, roz, kilowatt64 and doctorn0gloff liēkd this
I'm a software developer for a fintech company. I mainly work in microservices in Golang currently, but I used to work in software for POS terminals - it was a very fun environment with a pretty nice team, and it was all in C which is honestly a very fun language to work with.

The reason I moved to a different area is because I wanted to learn new technologies that are in vogue these days, because I'll need the experience in case I need to find a job at a different spot.

Also, just noticed: this is a revived thread lol
Level 23 Mixist
post #172977 :: 2023.06.30 4:44am
  Viraxor, roz, Lasertooth and tennisers liēkd this
I was working in a small family owned Tools and Do-It-Yourself business but I had a bad encounter with an alien terrorist who shot me over my left eye and I had to quit my job.
Well, seriously, I had an eye problem that prevented me from performing my regular job and now I am free.
Level 8 Grafxicist
post #172978 :: 2023.06.30 5:23am
  Viraxor, roz and Lasertooth liēkd this
I'm a freelance illustrator and tattoo apprentice :D nothing much different than what I do here truly, I also create game assets in both 2D and 3D, vtuber models and vrchat content for money sometimes. When I joined the website tho I was just a game dev (art oriented) student going through a burnout. We had work conditions similar to those of AAA studios, considering most teachers were working for really big names in the videogame industry (i cant disclose more except that it is one of the biggest studios existing and they treat their newbies like crap, half my class quit because of the intense crunch)
Level 22 Mixist
Since I last posted in this thread, I've defended my Ph.D. and gotten a job teaching college math full-time, starting this fall. I'm very excited about this!
Level 23 Chipist
post #191902 :: 2024.06.14 2:03pm
  Prestune, SRB2er and kilowatt64 liēkd this
I graduated high school not too long ago! Yet I failed my college entrance exam. :sobglasses:

(sorry for bump)
Level 19 XHBist
post #191914 :: 2024.06.14 9:22pm :: edit 2024.06.14 9:24pm
  Viraxor and Prestune liēkd this
jabba da script

(I'm actually mostly writing typescript these days, but front end web dev, basically.)
Level 9 Mixist
The Diad
post #192028 :: 2024.06.17 12:00pm
  Viraxor, Collidy and kilowatt64 liēkd this
I'm a lawyer for the government. Srs bsnss
Level 0 n00b
post #192030 :: 2024.06.17 12:34pm
  kilowatt64 liēkd this
I'm a Mechanical Engineering student :)
Level 13 XHBist
post #192041 :: 2024.06.17 5:42pm
  Viraxor, kilowatt64, Collidy and damifortune liēkd this
same as collidy but my college entrance battol slugs are yet to come
Level 26 Mixist
post #192042 :: 2024.06.17 6:36pm
  Viraxor, lasersphaser and kilowatt64 liēkd this
i enter tickets of patient information at least 170 times a day and at most 199 times a day every weekday and this somehow earns me enough to keep a roof over my head :o

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