whats the best palette you have ever seen/created
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 32 Chipist
post #126018 :: 2020.08.26 1:20pm
  nitrofurano, CastleNes and Lincent liēkd this
this thread is meant to be a place where you can post the coolest palettes youve seen. doesnt matter if you created it or not, just post the palette link!

im sure Vav, our palette-expert, is gonna give each palette a detailed review and rating :)

i personally really like this palette which is currently used by tripplep: https://battleofthebits.com/barracks/PaletteEditor/1331
Level 13 Criticist
post #126019 :: 2020.08.26 1:23pm :: edit 2020.08.26 1:26pm
  nitrofurano, coda and kleeder liēkd this
sees vav's palette

Once I get past the overwhelping brightness of it, it's pretty good actually
Level 23 XHBist
post #126020 :: 2020.08.26 1:25pm :: edit 2020.08.26 1:29pm
  hanna and kleeder liēkd this
Easy question! I have only one, "Wizard suit". I took it from futur Vav, he said it was is favorite in 2053! A red gold and blue one, christmas proof!
Edit: in others's palettes, I like Hanna's one!
Level 24 Chipist
post #126021 :: 2020.08.26 1:25pm
  kleeder liēkd this
I think this might be my best palette so far https://battleofthebits.com/barracks/PaletteEditor/1509
but this one is my favorite!
Level 13 Criticist
post #126022 :: 2020.08.26 1:28pm :: edit 2020.08.26 1:38pm
  kleeder liēkd this
I like your classic green console palette though

Fun fact I just made a new palette just now based on it I liked the idea that much
Level 28 Mixist
post #126023 :: 2020.08.26 1:29pm
  mirageofher, MiDoRi, nitrofurano, kleeder and Maximemoring liēkd this
I like all my 56 palettes and haven't really paid much attention to other palettes people use, so there's not any single ones I can pin-point as a favourite
Level 28 Chipist
post #126024 :: 2020.08.26 1:36pm
  2a03fox, pizza-chan, Xaser and kleeder liēkd this
  Vav and Maximemoring hæitd this
Level 25 Mixist
post #126028 :: 2020.08.26 4:52pm :: edit 2020.08.26 4:58pm
  Gaetano96, a-tiny-pony, qrqrqr0515_1, mirageofher, MiDoRi, hanna, big lumby, Maximemoring and kleeder liēkd this
  Cryptovolans, Jangler, ivel, Razerek, gabriel_, gotoandplay, Xaser, Doxic and Jakerson hæitd this
first of all, pump the brakes

i appreciate the thought behind this thread, but you can't just say "post good palettes!" most of you idiots have no idea what makes a good palette and will just come in here and dump random crap, and i dont want to look at crap

i dont have the time right now to fully expound on the finer points of responsible palette creation, but i feel i should at least give the three most important things a palette needs to be considered "good"

1. exhibits effective color harmony/contrast. the choice of colors matters, but the interplay between your colors is even more important. ignoring this will lead you to something like LittleTheramin's current palette, which has the deathly pall and unsettling rosy tone of an open chest cavity during surgery. there are a thousand sites online that will teach you basic color theory for free

2. unifies all color choices with an overarching aesthetic. this level of competency is the most difficult to understand but ignoring it is what separates the "ok" palettes from the "good" ones. aji's palette is exemplary here. Not only does he achieve a very cohesive aesthetic, he even matches his pfp perfectly

3. demonstrates sustainable usability. im so glad jakerson already brought up his very funny, absolutely hilarious palette creation above. it is the perfect example of what an unusable palette looks like. another factor here includes the level to which the palette causes physically revulsion and/or pain

before you post anything here, first ask yourself if it meets these three criteria
Level 32 Chipist
post #126029 :: 2020.08.26 5:09pm
  a-tiny-pony and nitrofurano liēkd this
wow this is one of the best comments ever posted on battleofthebits dot org
Level 29 Hostist
I added the palette editor just so n00bs could be as wrong as they wanted about what colors they would see.
Level 25 Mixist
post #126031 :: 2020.08.26 5:28pm
  Doxic, CastleNes and kleeder liēkd this
tripplep: it's got a definite minty aesthetic and good color harmony, but it doesn't have enough contrast to be sustainably usable. text contrast is the most important contributor to a palette's usability, and tripplep's contrast here is very weak, which can lead to eye strain and difficulty reading on mobile devices

castlenes: not really getting a definite overarching aesthetic here. the purple and blue button/link choice is kinda cool but that doesn't offset your choice to use orange text on a red background, leading to the same contrast/eye strain problem i described above

i will continue this later when i get more time, probably tonight
Level 25 Mixist
post #126032 :: 2020.08.26 5:33pm
  qrqrqr0515_1 liēkd this
  mirageofher, raphaelgoulart, Sinc-X and xterm hæitd this
puke you will have been responsible for DOZENS of cases of eye strain, too much freedom ultimately leads to suffering
Level 24 Chipist
post #126033 :: 2020.08.26 6:09pm
  Gaetano96 and mirageofher liēkd this
mine was the original concept for gravity break's aesthetics back when it was still a pipe dream. i've been using it for so long that botb's default palette looks really fucked up to me
Level 30 Chipist
post #126035 :: 2020.08.26 6:39pm
  Xyz liēkd this
Am I weird for still rocking the default palette :P

Never got tired of the default colors nor have I bothered thinking about changing the colors I guess.
Level 13 Criticist
post #126038 :: 2020.08.26 8:28pm
I TrippleP dare you to review my 3 palettes. They are all generally dark modey, keep in mind
Level 16 Chipist
post #126039 :: 2020.08.26 8:54pm
  2a03fox, MiDoRi and petet liēkd this
Level 28 Mixist
post #126040 :: 2020.08.26 9:19pm
  pizza-chan and sethdonut liēkd this
this thread encouraged me to up the usability of my current palette.
please let me know what you think, and if there any improvements to be made.
Level 25 Mixist
post #126046 :: 2020.08.27 12:45am :: edit 2020.09.13 7:21pm
  Gaetano96, hanna, Jakerson, VinsCool, Tilde, argarak, CastleNes, Maximemoring, kleeder and petet liēkd this
ok, got a lot of palettes to judge here, whew

both castlenes and lincent mentioned hanna's palette, which is a very good one, one of my favorites too. it's a good example of a more muted scheme that still pulls off contrast fairly well. the subtle blue shading to the dark backing makes both the boxes and the text pop. it has great usability and a sensible stylishness.

lincent: your red on black palette is pretty good, black backgrounds contrast well with almost everything, and red is no exception. all text stands out pretty well and the darker red boxes really pop over the black. the aesthetic is consistent, if edgy. honestly i have nothing to complain about with this, but on the other hand there's nothing to get super excited about either. its 2-tone, low risk, effective. makes me wonder why you are using your current NES horror game eyesore over the older, better one

maximemoring and tilde: i'm smashing you two together because theres a lesson to be learned from the comparison. max has a trio of black-backed, vibrant color text palettes. all of them are pretty decent (black backing and bright text together is cruise control for good usability). similar to lincent's palette above, good usability, low risk strategy. however, when you choose to splash in a second color of text you lose a little bit of overall aesthetic, even if your text colors have good harmony, which they do. overall, the effect is a wash. tilde's palette clamps down on one color, sort of like lincent's, but the button and bottom have been lightened to a dark flat gray, which adds a bit of holistic warmth. there's a definite caution tape kind of aesthetic which is captured very well here.

funute: yeah dude, nothing wrong with the default palette, its a solid 7 with high usability. this is, however, a website about expressing yourself artistically, so give it a whirl, you'll be glad you did.

vinscool: i like your palette too. im a forever fan of purple in general, and you managed to make a purple gradient scheme that has high usability. i do wish that the button and box colors somehow contrasted more. the overarching aesthetic might not be too obvious with the teal background swerve, but one glance at your avatar ties it all together. very enjoyable palette

petet: im usually not terribly fond of lighter palettes, being a creature of purest darkness and terror, but yours is has some interesting design choices. the overall aesthetic feels clean and fresh, but the usability suffers because of the orange button/pink link combo. if you could improve contrast here somehow, that would add a point or two on my idiotic arbitrary scoring scale.
Level 13 Criticist
post #126047 :: 2020.08.27 1:20am
You're kind of assuming here that on a dark background a single color is better than two, or that a dark background implies a minimal color selection. I will have to strongly disagree there. Reading that made me so angry I immediately wanted to get myself a nice fruit ale to compensate for the awful experience I just had. You should be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting such a thing... Simpletons.
Level 23 XHBist
post #126048 :: 2020.08.27 1:20am :: edit 2020.08.27 1:21am
  sean, petet and Maximemoring liēkd this
I give petet palette a 6/7 cool breeze and a 6/7 sun in the pants! Perfect vacation palette
Level 13 Criticist
post #126049 :: 2020.08.27 1:24am
  petet liēkd this
petet, if I could look at something that bright, I'd say it was really greatly themed for the next winter major... but I also haet light, and thus haet your palette. puke/7
Level 22 Playa
post #126050 :: 2020.08.27 1:34am
  Maximemoring liēkd this
being someone who likes to change up my site browsing aesthetic relatively frequently, i can tell how much i like a palette by how long i keep using it... the one i'm using now has been pleasing me for many months:


when i have some time, i'll try to look up some old favorites which i also kept for long stretches in the past.
Level 27 Chipist
Yung Gotenks
post #126056 :: 2020.08.27 7:49am
the palette im using right now is best dont care what anyone says purple botb is best
Level 28 Mixist
post #126057 :: 2020.08.27 8:21am
  Maximemoring liēkd this
haven't had to change mine because I've been pretty happy with it... though maybe it could be the fact that I try to keep my colour scheme consistent between my window manager and everything else.

Level 30 Mixist
post #126073 :: 2020.08.27 10:54am :: edit 2020.08.27 10:54am
  Maximemoring liēkd this
i've only done one palette and it works for me. maybe pure white message text is a bit overly saturated but whatever
Level 25 Mixist
post #126088 :: 2020.08.27 3:05pm
  tennisers, Maximemoring, argarak and kleeder liēkd this
max, max, max my ways are wise and my judgments final

ok next batch

xterm: this does have a bit of potential, but there's simply not enough contrast here. i enjoy a more subdued palette, but there's nothing memorable or eye catching here. while the link text is sufficiently contrasted against the dark gray button tone, the regular grey text is not contrasted well at all with the box and bottom colors. if there was an overarching aesthetic you were aiming for, i sadly cant discern it, unless you were aiming for an 8-bit sewer level feel, and why would you want to live in a sewer?

yung gotenks: i can see that you were trying to be matchy matchy with your avatar, and i appreciate that. this palette has some glaring contrast problems, however. just look at the botbrs online box, its nearly unreadable even in a dark room. the 100% black text on a fairly dark purple box backing isnt great either. you do have a nice icy aesthetic and good color harmony, but you gotta up your usability

argarak: this is a decent palette. it has a nice cool tone without using any overt blue tones. it feels very grown up and no-nonsense. the exact choice of which grey tones to use probably took a while to nail down, im guessing. the text contrast is very good as well. my only real issue with it is that because of all the blending grey shades it's a bit on the boring side, maybe a little bit too timid. but hey, if you also have a boring, timid personality, then this is the perfect palette for you!

tennisers: i honestly expected more risky palette design from you, because of your eclectic style. the bright white text would normally be a turnoff, but you've softened it somewhat with the light brown bottom, so it end up being a good thing because of the sharp contrast you've achieved with the black box. the link/button combo has decent contrast too. you're usability is good overall, but your holistic color scheme has some destructive disharmony and im not really picking up any definite aesthetic direction. also why do you have two separate palettes that are exactly the same and named synonymically?
Level 21 Chipist
post #126089 :: 2020.08.27 3:39pm
Level 24 Chipist
post #126090 :: 2020.08.27 3:56pm
  pizza-chan liēkd this

this is the one i've been using for like 6 years
Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #126094 :: 2020.08.27 4:36pm
alright yuo schmaellae neoarhd, try THIS out for size
Level 22 Chipist
post #126095 :: 2020.08.27 4:51pm :: edit 2020.08.27 4:52pm
  ipi, Maximemoring, CastleNes and big lumby liēkd this
I've always been partial to IPI's pretty palette.
(and maybe my pretty purple palette)
Also petition to rename this thread "Pimp my Palette - by Vav"
Level 23 XHBist
post #126108 :: 2020.08.28 12:27am
Where do we sign the pΓ©tition? Lol
Level 9 Mixist
post #126111 :: 2020.08.28 2:24am
The first, maybe the only one for a while? Hue.
Level 28 Chipist
post #126114 :: 2020.08.28 4:35am :: edit 2020.08.28 5:03am
  tennisers and xterm liēkd this

vav, master of the palettes, what do you say about this beautiful palette
Level 14 Chipist
post #126122 :: 2020.08.28 10:40am
  puke7 and kleeder liēkd this
Dare I risk the ire of Vav of the Critical Eye by offering up my very expensive palette for review?

. . .

Yah, I do.
Level 32 Chipist
post #126128 :: 2020.08.28 11:29am
  puke7 liēkd this
majsty14, whatever vav is gonna say, i think your palette is pretty good! o:
Level 30 Mixist
post #126130 :: 2020.08.28 12:25pm
  kleeder liēkd this
it's nice that the pallette colors line up with the avatar
Level 32 Chipist
post #126131 :: 2020.08.28 12:27pm
  maJsty14 liēkd this
yes it is!

though if i would do that, i would end up with a greyscale-palette ugh xD
Level 30 Chipist
post #126133 :: 2020.08.28 12:33pm
VAV can I get a review on my latest creation Fall leaves http://battleofthebits.com/barracks/PaletteEditor/1573
Level 25 Mixist
post #126134 :: 2020.08.28 1:15pm
  qrqrqr0515_1, MiDoRi, big lumby, ArcOfDream, Viravax, Doxic and kleeder liēkd this
tbh never thought so many people would line up to have their palettes judged in front of everyone

i may not have asked for this, but it seems that many lost souls are in need of my peerless palette punditry.

viravax: i already commented on your profile that you have a solid palette, so i bet you thought you could just waltz in here and get a good rating, huh? didn't you? well... you're right, its a good palette. its got a similar vibe to tilde's, but you chose to use an eye-catching color contrasted text scheme. the purply-pink is just a little bit too dark for good contrast. a more neon electric pink would have popped more and made it even more usable. for your first palette it's quite good, but dont get cocky kid

flaminglog: 6 years, huh? i guess this just goes to prove that human beings really can get used to anything. this is the lemon meringue of palettes, it just looks sour. contrast is ok with the black text over the lighter backing, but the poopy green link color doesn't show very well over the creamy and bright yellow. maybe 6 years is long enough :)


big lumby: i can't be entirely sure but i think you wanted me to review that palette, so here goes. #ffffff link aint gonna work over such a light button. also i totally respect and admire your tree-like drive and commitment to fully going green, but there
. spice it up with a contrasting tone, i liked your pink and green palette better for this very reason

doxic: yeah it's pretty good. it's a little too easter pastel for my personal tastes, but the contrast is there, and the color scheme has a nice soft pop to it. this definitely would be very good for decorating a newborn's botb profile. who knows, maybe ipi is nesting?

arcofdream: this reminds me of a US marine uniform
. so i guess that's the aesthetic? thank you for your service....?? wait, youre polish... dziΔ™kujΔ™ za twojΔ… usΕ‚ugΔ™... oh nevermind. it has good contrast, but i think it would have worked better if you sharpened up the red a smidge more.

jakerson: once every few generations a singular visionary mind emerges from the wannabe drones of the artistic world. brave people who make great leaps into the unknown and advance the human condition, allowing us terrifying and exhilarating glimpses into the past, present, and future of our entire race. what you have achieved here cannot be directly described, only experienced and then reflected upon with reverence. you have captured the cruel passage of time, the yearning and hunger of youth, and the soft visage of a satisfied lover during a blissful refractory period, all in one palette. the masters of ages past would weep with joy to behold how far we have come, and it is all thanks to jakerson. be humbled, fellow botbrs, for history will have its eyes on this moment, and you have witnessed it firsthand

majsty14: this is actually very good. good contrast, neat and coherent aesthetic. it would have looked much flatter and very boring with pure grey or black as backing, but you threw a little red tone in there and the result really catches my attention well. the link and text color are maybe a little too close together, but it would be hard to tell without extensive scientific testing and aint nobody got time fo dat. and yes, as has been mentioned, the discoball avatar is perfectly complemented. exemplary work, gold star, now go forth and spread the gospel

tristendo: while i like your bold decision to go with a yellow - blue gradient, the overall essence of your palette is a little bland. lots of potential here though, i think that increasing the saturation a bit on orange box color would make for a more eye-catching and true-to-life "fall leaves" aesthetic. could use a bit more contrast from your grey text, perhaps a bit darker or a more distinct dark color tone would achieve this. looking through your palette portfolio, you have a very good sense for aesthetic! many suffer from usability issues, but "love guru" and "game boy" are very evocative, and i think you have the best, most festive halloween palette on the entire site. this one is... just ok. dont worry, i know you can do better.

hm, i wonder what the longest comment ever posted on botb is... what is the character limit? wait... is there a character limit???
Level 26 Chipist
post #126148 :: 2020.08.28 6:13pm
  Oli liēkd this
A rating of my palette would also count as a rating of my avatar's colors... :o
Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #126149 :: 2020.08.28 6:18pm
danke for the review o wise vav
tbh i kinda just looked outside when making my palette, will improve with a better one soon. again, thank you for the review :D/
Level 22 Chipist
post #126151 :: 2020.08.28 7:14pm :: edit 2020.08.28 9:47pm

edit: this too
Level 14 Chipist
post #126153 :: 2020.08.28 7:38pm
  big lumby and hanna liēkd this
The mighty Vav hath spoken and, lo, I proclaim to all that his teachings are sound! Embrace contrast ye palette forgers! Though this life be one of suffering, the eyes need not partake of that bitter cup! With a righteousness of heart and a sharpness of mind, recall the Lessons of Vav and carefully choose the hex codes that shall lead to glory for all BotBrs!

Level 25 Chipist
post #126154 :: 2020.08.28 7:42pm :: edit 2020.08.28 8:45pm
  Cryptovolans, Jangler, Jakerson, gotoandplay, Doxic and Sinc-X liēkd this
Not a fan of the arrogance in this thread, but that aside...

I've been using this one since 2016; I like it. It's similar to my FamiTracker colors too.

I also like this one that I made in late 2015 and intended to use during winter season, but I haven't actually used it much.

Also in 2015, I was very enamored with Kulor's palette. I still use it on my alt, Haunter (which somehow has a perfect aura to match; completely coincidental).

I agree that having an avatar that matches the palette is nice for the overarching aesthetic of a profile, but I don't think it should be mandatory for a palette or even a profile to be "good". I'm always irritated by people treating entirely subjective topics like personal taste as if it's objective.

Of course, palettes that intentionally go out of their way to make your eyes bleed or make text unreadable can be annoying. Perhaps there should be a button on profiles to enable default palette for those who are that worried about it?
Level 29 Chipist
post #126155 :: 2020.08.28 9:50pm
  MiDoRi, Jangler, VinsCool, Tilde, maJsty14 and Doxic liēkd this
color theory is a disgusting and meaningless social construct
Level 21 Criticist
post #126157 :: 2020.08.28 10:51pm
  Sinc-X liēkd this
I made my account, fucked with the palette, realized I'm shit, and was horrified there was no "default" option. So I tried to recreate what I thought I saw previously to the best of my colorblind ability.

it's always a shock when I visit the site on some other device and the real color is actually different.
Level 30 Chipist
post #126175 :: 2020.08.29 4:47pm
  Doxic liēkd this
VAV can I get a review on my latest creation Fall leaves http://battleofthebits.com/barracks/PaletteEditor/1573
Level 29 Chipist
post #126176 :: 2020.08.29 5:49pm
  ASIKWUSpulse, Xaser, maJsty14 and kleeder liēkd this
as affirmation that color theory is bad, i have updated my palette and will not revert it for at least one week
Level 32 Chipist
post #126177 :: 2020.08.29 5:56pm
  ASIKWUSpulse and Sinc-X liēkd this
mmmmmm good one!
Level 23 Chipist
post #126185 :: 2020.08.29 6:48pm :: edit 2020.08.29 6:49pm
  pizza-chan liēkd this
Sure. Mine's here. http://battleofthebits.com/barracks/PaletteEditor/512

I should get back to playing N++.
Level 30 Chipist
post #126186 :: 2020.08.29 7:36pm
  Sinc-X liēkd this
sinc-X very Gestalt
Level 20 Pixelist
post #126189 :: 2020.08.29 9:43pm :: edit 2020.08.29 10:04pm
  Sinc-X liēkd this
loooool sinc-x

[COM]=[G-M] (the palette that i and xterm use)'s inspiration was this piece i did

my onions is that color theory is not real for the most part, you only really need to care about value ratios, although HSV wont help you on this because of each hue's inherent chromacity not being accounted for [include Lch evangelism here].
even then, this decade's trendy design also throws this out, using searing vibrancy to great effect

i shld probably make new palette tho, i've learned so much these years
edit: made a couple new palets
Level 25 Mixist
post #126191 :: 2020.08.29 10:13pm
  qrqrqr0515_1, DevEd, kleeder, Galgox and Sinc-X liēkd this
oof these just keep coming and i really dont have a ton of time this weekend, so im gonna speedrun the next batch of doods

galgox: you have cute palettes :) your current one is very matchy matchy with your avatar, yes. good contrast, usability. maybe the yellow/gold link could be better, but it does stand out nicely regardless. i am having a hard time finding anything to criticize here, so i guess you deserve a good score! hm, what score to give.... hmmmmm... throws dart at dartboard 8.5 it is!

deved: a


edit: a

razerek: first palette is excellent, you got great contrast, you got neat color harmony, you got complemented avatar. hard for me to find anything wrong with a plague knight themed palette. second palette is, well, it's amazing! that subtle but effective contrast between the button and box blues! the bold dgaf double #000000. tbh this one is top 5 all time for me. more people should use it. last one is really striking and def fits all gastly evolutions perfectly. the button color is too close to both the text and link purple, so contrast suffers and it is uncomfortable for me to look at for very long. gotta dock a couple points for that, but the crazy combo of palette, avatar, theming, and aura on this specific profile is so profoundly cool that it would be a shame to change any of it. i guess the rating i give this one would be for general use only, and the haunter account is a special case that would get some arbitrarily higher score i dunno
OVERALL PALETTE RATING: 8.5/10, 9.5/10 and 6.5/10, respectively

sinc-x: no u

kfaraday: i guess if we are gonna have a boss battle i better set the mood
first up is chrome robot, good contrast, unusual but refreshing light box and button choices. usability is high-tier, easy on the eyes. it feels very no-nonsense and professional, like something an up-and-coming off-brand deodorant company would use to market their products. my dad would really like this palette. next is sakuracon64. did you use #EEEEEE on purpose? you must have. i like the vibe of this one. once again good contrast, high sustainable usability. the intended aesthetic is a little unclear to me but its pretty good overall. now lets talk ON BREAK, yowza i don't like it but i certainly respect it. really stings the retinas. not gonna linger on this one anymore its burning an afterimage now. ok now... ah yes game&watch pro, this seems kind of like a cry for help to me. its like the bad kind of rainy day. you ok, keff? if you need someone to talk to, y'know, get stuff off your chest, hmu. last is the charlotte palette, cheese. this is really interesting. you veered away from #000000 into a very dark navy, and your fairly brown link contrasts really well with all the bubblegum. reminds me of my cute daughters' bedroom. this palette just works, ok? really starting to flag now, so im gonna just smash all your ratings together into a much less meaningful whole
META PALETTE RATING: gj but razereks were better sorrynotsorry/10

tristendo: while i like your bold decision to go with a yellow - blue gradient, the overall essence of your palette is a little bland. lots of potential here though, i think that increasing the saturation a bit on orange box color would make for a more eye-catching and true-to-life "fall leaves" aesthetic. could use a bit more contrast from your grey text, perhaps a bit darker or a more distinct dark color tone would achieve this. looking through your palette portfolio, you have a very good sense for aesthetic! many suffer from usability issues, but "love guru" and "game boy" are very evocative, and i think you have the best, most festive halloween palette on the entire site. this one is... just ok. dont worry, i know you can do better.

sinc-x: NO U

mkstar26: simple, clean, triple #0D0D0D. contrast is great, like the full pink, feels a little flat with all the backing the same color. definitely a usable palette. mazel tov. fyi i actually like your lime green version of this palette a little bit more. we need more lime green in palettes
Level 21 Chipist
post #126203 :: 2020.08.30 3:21am
  maJsty14 liēkd this
My eyes were scorched by CRT glow from the C64 so that's my palette. I can't see no other colours even if i tried.
Level 32 Chipist
post #126207 :: 2020.08.30 6:18am
thats a very cool, slimy palette. i like it!
Level 23 XHBist
post #126225 :: 2020.08.30 11:57am :: edit 2020.08.30 11:58am
  Maximemoring, Xaser, Tilde and kleeder liēkd this
Vav, one advice: don't re-paint someone else castle/palette during his vacation!

Level 18 Mixist
post #126260 :: 2020.08.31 3:18pm
m i n e
Level 23 Mixist
post #126261 :: 2020.08.31 6:35pm
  Sinc-X liēkd this
i can only stand my own palette
Level 25 Mixist
post #126264 :: 2020.08.31 10:08pm
  noodlebuckets, maJsty14, Jakerson and CastleNes liēkd this
ok i see the queue has filled back up, court is in session, all rise

loni: cool pixel art, and your new palettes are really nice! very impressed. i especially like ACID. the highlighter yellow-green link really sells it. the rating is for that one.

manganoid: well, there's definitely worse palettes to have indelibly etched into your visual cortex. it's a decent color scheme, i only wish that the text and box contrasted more, but its alright as is. also, if you want true C64 realism, you'll want to make some adjustments, all of your colors are a bit off from the true palette. im guessing you know this already. the text should be #0088FF (light blue), the link should be #AAFFEE (cyan), the button should be #880000 (red), the box should be #0000AA (blue), and the bottom, well... im not sure if you were trying to make brown (#664400) or orange (#DD8855), but either way those are the correct hexes. It's a cool idea for a palette. i actually tried to recreate your palette in the editor and tbh i like your softer look.
OVERALL PALETTE RATING: 7.333333333333repeatingofcourse/10

jessica robo: hey, cool, a homage to vim! i wish there was another text color so you could put some of the light blue in there too, but alas. maybe you could change that aquamarine link to light blue? and i think maybe having a dark teal bottom would evoke vim a bit more strongly. anyhow its neat, good job. good contrast and usability. strong palette.

castlenes: is that a threat master jedi

I'm blue
I'm blue
I'm blue, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Yo listen up, here's the story
About a little guy that lives in a blue world
And all day and all night
And everything he sees is just blue
Like him, inside and outside
Blue his house with a blue little window
And a blue Corvette
And everything is blue for him
And himself and everybody around
'Cause he ain't got nobody to listen (to listen, to listen, to listen)
I'm blue, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
I'm blue, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
I have a blue house with a blue window
Blue is the color of all that I wear
Blue are the streets and all the trees are, too
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue
Blue are the people here that walk around
Blue like my Corvette, it's in and outside
Blue are the words I say and what I think
Blue are the feelings that live inside me
I'm blue, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Inside and outside
Blue his house with a blue little window
And a blue Corvette
And everything is blue for him
And himself and everybody around
'Cause he ain't got nobody to listen (to listen, to listen)
I'm blue
Da ba dee da ba, daa
Da ba dee da ba, daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
I'm blue, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
I'm blue
I'm blue, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Yo listen up, here's the story
About a little guy that lives in a blue world
And all day and all night
And everything he sees is just blue
Like him, inside and outside
Blue his house with a blue little window
And a blue Corvette
And everything is blue for him
And himself and everybody around
'Cause he ain't got nobody to listen (to listen, to listen, to listen)
I'm blue, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
I'm blue, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
I have a blue house with a blue window
Blue is the color of all that I wear
Blue are the streets and all the trees are, too
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue
Blue are the people here that walk around
Blue like my Corvette, it's in and outside
Blue are the words I say and what I think
Blue are the feelings that live inside me
I'm blue, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Inside and outside
Blue his house with a blue little window
And a blue Corvette
And everything is blue for him
And himself and everybody around
'Cause he ain't got nobody to listen (to listen, to listen)
I'm blue
Da ba dee da ba, daa
Da ba dee da ba, daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
I'm blue, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa/10

noodlebuckets: this is you

OVERALL PALETTE RATING: burger king kids club/10
Level 23 Mixist
post #126440 :: 2020.09.05 10:24am :: edit 2020.09.05 10:25am
  argarak, CastleNes, maJsty14 and Vav liēkd this
that is literally me, i've never seen myself captured in any kind of media so accurately before
Level 14 Chipist
post #126502 :: 2020.09.05 11:14pm :: edit 2020.09.05 11:15pm
  xterm liēkd this
how do you change the different color
Level 24 Chipist
post #126791 :: 2020.09.09 2:33pm
goth girlfriend out of ten
Level 25 Mixist
post #126810 :: 2020.09.10 1:38am
Most of my palettes are trash, but i'm very happy with my current one as well.

Level 30 Chipist
post #126811 :: 2020.09.10 3:50am
  Pale Dim liēkd this
I caved and made a palette. Gonna have to get a bit adjusted to the new look :)
Level 23 Mixist
post #126813 :: 2020.09.10 4:47am
  CastleNes liēkd this
I've gotten so used to my palette that anything else looks weird. Tear it to shreds.

Also I stole it off someone so I mean if you use it too I'm sorry.
Level 7 Mixist
post #126883 :: 2020.09.12 9:08am
  CastleNes liēkd this
Level 25 Chipist
post #126888 :: 2020.09.12 12:57pm
sincx ofc, I'm sacrificing my eyes for it. I'll see if I can hurt my eyes even more....
Level 5 Criticist
post #126889 :: 2020.09.12 3:08pm
my palette is superior Vav pls flame me
Level 25 Mixist
post #126969 :: 2020.09.13 11:55pm
  ASIKWUSpulse liēkd this
get ready for the weeping and gnashing of teeth

hospital boy: im going to assume you got the help you needed. let me know if you're still confused. most of your accounts have custom palettes so i think you have the palette editor down pat

jessica robo: i just accidentally deleted this giant, detailed palette review i did for you, and im pissed about it so here's the cliff notes version. your darker cheese is ok, but something about the text and link colors over the darker pinks is bothering my eyes. maybe it has something to do with this gigantic, apocalyptic smoke cloud hanging over western north america right now that is making my eyes super sensitive to everything. who knows. goth girlfriend is pretty cool, but i would personally bring up the sat and brightness on the link color. as is, its more like goth grandma
OVERALL PALETTE RATING: 7/10 for cheese ripoff and 7.5/10 for goth grandma

mandrasigma: this reminds me a lot of castlenes palette, but i like it better. your color choices are a lot more vibrant and they contrast well. just a strong unapologetic palette and i love orange lately

funute: hey this is a solid palette for a first try. i like it, it does give me an oceany feel like the title suggests. the contrast is decent but i think you could make everything stand out much more by simply dropping the bottom color a hue or two in darkness. but pretty good as is.

minerscale: huh, weird. you and funute have really similar palettes. like if funute shifted a bit from green to blue and used a black bottom, we would get your palette. nothing about this makes me want to bash it. decent contrast, could be a bit better but still good. dont have much else to say about it, nice job

hornet: this is a nice dark palette. everyone look at the nice subtlety to the backing, this was the work of a sensitive soul. the theming is a little odd to me, as the name of the palette is edgelord, but it doesn't really give me an edgy feel. you use a raspberry instead of a blood red and the blue link seems kinda playful to me. its not really a big deal though, really good work overall

asikwuspulse: here's a pretty good light palette. i see that little matchy matchy thing you got goin on with your avatar. contrast is alright. using gray backing for any color text is risky business but you pulled it off well enough. im getting distracted by galgox's new avatar, its too cute for this mortal realm. its a nice palette, im sure your parents are proud.

hey, this has been a really nice batch so far! it would be a real shame if someone came and dumped an eye-gouger on me for the last palet--

calamari: goddamnit calamari
OVERALL PALETTE RATING: tropical terror/10
Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #126974 :: 2020.09.14 1:30am
  CastleNes liēkd this
ok so i've been going through some real
so i went ahead and made a palette that is way easier on the eyes while also adhering to my personal aesthetical preferences


for your reviewing delectation
Level 12 Mixist
post #127006 :: 2020.09.14 1:55pm
  MiDoRi, sean, Vav and CastleNes liēkd this
hi vav, i have made color theory
each color is carefully selected and hand crafted in accordance to the elements and principles of graphic design
Level 23 XHBist
post #127011 :: 2020.09.14 2:51pm
  nitrofurano liēkd this
For linux users, I recommend installing and using "Agave" to select mathematically matching colors! Or an online tool like that to see color by triad, tetrad etc (http://paletton.com/#uid=70i0u0kllllcDrFg+owpGiau2f0)
Level 25 Chipist
post #133587 :: 2020.12.28 4:02pm :: edit 2021.01.03 11:47am
yes you

the cyanbot palette - created with only 9-bit colors!
edit: the red text color had too bad contrast with the blue box color that it gave my eyes a hard time. All colors are still 9-bit!
Level 29 Chipist
post #133626 :: 2020.12.29 1:25am :: edit 2020.12.29 1:38am
  pizza-chan and mirageofher liēkd this
please be blunt about my humble ones! what do you all think of them? and btw, how many of us also have accounts at colourlovers, chromapost.net, etc.? and about palettes not mine, i enjoyed this one: https://battleofthebits.com/barracks/PaletteEditor/1639
Level 23 Pixelist
post #133629 :: 2020.12.29 3:38am
  nitrofurano liēkd this
Honestly I still love my current one and I'm not afraid of being rated :3
Level 19 Taggist
Pale Dim
post #133633 :: 2020.12.29 6:29am
  nitrofurano liēkd this
Level 29 Chipist
post #133636 :: 2020.12.29 7:30am :: edit 2020.12.29 7:33am
  blower5, Oli and MiDoRi liēkd this
Level 23 Pixelist
post #133795 :: 2020.12.31 7:58am
  nitrofurano and Oli liēkd this
Thanks for the links, i'll check it out!
Level 11 Playa
post #134458 :: 2021.01.11 8:05pm
  nitrofurano liēkd this
Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #134469 :: 2021.01.12 3:59am
  JINTAKE, mirageofher, tael and kleeder liēkd this
<. <
> .>

vav ain't here anymore.


review time
i review the palettes now >:3c

nice ruse palette 8)
second palette is sorta monotonous but it doesn't get particularly bad in terms of color distribution. the contrast that's already there is nowhere near outright illegibility but i think the text should be a similar shade to the links (with the same amount of lightness ofc) for added distinction + color variation.
first palette: 1.4/7
second palette: 4.6/7

already said this before, but mirage i love this palette. wide array of colors that really mesh well with each other, contrast is strong among the colors used, and the theming of the colors really go well with each other. it really feels like it's a pirate's island, y'know? phenominal work here, mirage.
rating: 6.7/7

Pale Dim
a similar feel to asik's bluebot palette i just reviewed, but the color variation here is much better. it's gotten the feel down for a really nice, beachy kinda color schema, like you're on the sands of a tropical island in the middle of the pacific. i kinda wish the box was a #06a590 - more of a seafoam green - but that's just me.
rating: 5.8/7

very monotonous but it works for the theming. it feels like your under the waves for this one, that's how i felt while looking at it. great atmospherical coloring, tho i think it's just an alright palette.
rating: 4.5/7

i really like the darker, contrasting aspect of this palette. it has that kinda warring vibe to it, two different camps vying for power in a way. the links i feel could be a tiny bit brighter, but that's about it. no h8 here.
rating: 5.1/7

alright now get outta my house b4 vav notices (/o)/
Level 13 Mixist
post #134561 :: 2021.01.13 8:35am :: edit 2021.01.13 8:36am
  mirageofher liēkd this
i like my palette but i cannot remember why i called it vintage internet???

also i completely forgot about this one

feel free to pile on the praise
Level 25 Chipist
post #134592 :: 2021.01.13 7:59pm
  mirageofher liēkd this
somebody rate my palette? :')

i have c r e a m y o r a n g e s
Level 23 Pixelist
post #134674 :: 2021.01.15 10:36am
  mirageofher and qrqrqr0515_1 liēkd this
Lumby you seem to have overlooked mine :(
Level 32 Chipist
post #134676 :: 2021.01.15 11:13am
Level 12 Mixist
post #134901 :: 2021.01.17 1:13pm
Level 22 Mixist
post #134983 :: 2021.01.18 11:01am
i have excellent palettes

here's a good one

here's a great one
Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #167383 :: 2023.02.14 9:51pm
wow it's been 2 years, let's revive this

i'm reviewing
the palettes AGAIN!!!

note that i am only reviewing a few out of this backlog. if i don't get to yours, it probably means i have nothing meaningful to say about it, soz

let me take a look at your palette because i missed yours the first time and i need some way to lift the curse (of not reviewing palettes)

reviewing Uwu Owo Kolorowo (because that's what you're wearing atm):
this is certainly a palette. i'll say this much, an interesting thing some botbrs go for is the dark theme, which i can get. easy on the eyes, all the important stuff is the bright stuff, it's definitely easier to have a dark theme on at night for sure. the majority of these seem to go for a dark mode kinda aesthetic which is good but being blunt this just tells me you browse botb at 1 in the morning. at this point i don't know if that's dedication or insomnia

anyway, uwu owo ur a furry
SCORE: 4/7

reviewing ColourWank:
i really like this one a lot. use of 2 of my favorite colors in a way that makes things snap out at you like you're playing castlevania. good to use the background to make the body of botb pop instead of using it on individual elements like buttons, saves a LOT of time seeing what works and doesn't work. efficient, fun, well made
SCORE: 6/7

wow, color blend. i get the hustle for a 3 color palette, but at least have there be a bit more...variety? all i see when seeing this is blah. i also don't enjoy the partial straining i have to do when reading links on buttons, the only saving grace for this is that botb doesn't have plain text on buttons (yet)
SCORE: 2/7

reviewing the good one (ord's purple):
i like the use of a colder magenta as the primary color, it and the sickly green really sets in this sorta zombie theme to it; only thing that kinda ruins that is the blue, but i doubt you were going for some zombie thing when doing this. the colors remind me of the fairchild channel f
SCORE: 5/7

reviewing the great one (ord's green):
more readable than the last, but also less interesting? like the link and button don't blend in that much anymore, which is great for usability, but the whole palette is this green awash with only the link being a light pink to contrast it. don't take that as criticism, it's mainly me saying "damn that first one left an impression" since this one actually does its job as a palette better.
SCORE: 5/7

reviewing Fuckin Angy rn:

this palette

SCORE: 0/7

please leave me your palette below and i'll review them within a week. pinky promise this time
Level 6 Playa
post #167425 :: 2023.02.15 8:36pm :: edit 2023.02.15 9:00pm
  cabbage drop, big lumby, roz and mirageofher liēkd this
I love how out of hand this has gotten. It is beautiful and communal and unhinged and everything i imagine BOTB should be
Level 24 Chipist
post #167452 :: 2023.02.16 6:53am
  big lumby and Lincent liēkd this
Level 25 XHBist
post #167468 :: 2023.02.16 9:26am
  big lumby liēkd this
an interesting thing some botbrs go for is the dark theme, which i can get. easy on the eyes, all the important stuff is the bright stuff, it's definitely easier to have a dark theme on at night for sure.
something fun is to do a light and dark version of the same theme, like i've done with vellum and vellum dark. i would pay real money* for a script which switches the site's palette between two based on the time of day.

*uh... are boons real money?
Level 28 XHBist
post #167472 :: 2023.02.16 11:14am
  big lumby liēkd this
I borrowed my current palette from BotBr maJsty14

But also noticed it looks great if you swap the colors from RGB to BGR or to GRB.

BGR version

GRB version
Level 28 Mixist
post #167473 :: 2023.02.16 11:15am
  big lumby liēkd this
Best palette I've seen? Why, mine of course. I see it every day I'm on here. Hehe..

(Also Kulor's looks pretty nice)
Level 22 Mixist
post #167502 :: 2023.02.16 5:43pm
ok but how's my amazing palette
Level 25 Grafxicist
post #167503 :: 2023.02.16 6:31pm
I have no idea why but I keep reading this thread's title as "what's the best palette you have ever screenshotted"
Level 25 Grafxicist
post #167504 :: 2023.02.16 6:41pm
  big lumby liēkd this
my fav is scorched earth
Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #167516 :: 2023.02.17 8:19am :: edit 2023.02.17 8:23am
wowza got lots of them this time!! o uo let's not waste any time then hey


reviewing be here now (lol this one):
really lovely one!! i really like the consistent sunset palette being used here, it adds this dreamy kinda feel to it. the only think i can nitpick is color choice: the link and button colors kinda blend in, making button reading harder. a darker pink would've worked better, but i still think the palette has a really strong overarching theme either way.
SCORE: 5/7

reviewing Hawt Cheeze (lmao another one):
now you're just making me humgry
SCORE: πŸ§€πŸ§€πŸ§€πŸ§€πŸ§€πŸ§€/7

comparing π“‹π‘’π“π“π“Šπ“‚ to π“‹π‘’π“π“π“Šπ“‚ 𝒹𝒢𝓇𝓀:
i agree, it's really fun flipping the colors to make a dark (or light) variant on a palette. the example you show here is also a really good example, especially in the text - it's a bit brighter then the colors that would be in place of those, which i think helps the text pop out better. definitely helps in the readability department!

SCORE (for the former): 4/7
SCORE (for the latter): 5/7

comparing A maJstic Palette - BGR to GRB:
i'll say this much, GRB has a much more interesting look to it over BGR. when prioritizing green and red, it turns the contrast from a pretty standard sea blue to dusk indigo to a more interesting tropical yellow-green to pine forest green. it's two different feels that go together well in a surprising way, and makes it a bit more of a mixed mood. enjoyable lil change :D

SCORE (for the former): 3/7
SCORE (for the latter): 5/7

yea this ain't it chief. for one, it's got this boring blue-indigo theme which, while strong yes, doesn't really get the imagination flowing or have any interesting nuances to it. it really just feels like i'm browsing tumblr or dark mode 2012 facebook. not to mention the contrast issue with the link and button colors. i feel like this pallete could REALLY use a contrasting tone, even if it was just the link color, but as it stands it's just...really boring.
SCORE: 3/7

forgot to do kulor's. not all that great either - the button is a slightly darker shade of the link, so less contrast ftw. UNITED_FOREVER is burning my retinas.
SCORE: 2/7

holy shit this palette POPS OUT. i'll give you credit, this one gets your attention quick in places! however, there's a fatal issue. if a lack of link-button contrast is bad, i'd think a lack of link-box contrast is way worse, and sorry but...you're palette is suffering from that. the link and box colors have a contrast rating of around 1.3
. it makes it a legit strain to read link text on the body of botb, making links appear almost invisible; it's only by the saving grace of the toggable soft glow that i can find them in this palette. not much to comment outside of that, other than that's a bright ass magenta for text.
SCORE: 2/7

the og palette. yk what i got time, let's send this majestic janky lil beast off.

this thing looks gaudy now honestly, but in a good way. like, for example, say you walk into the living room of your grandparents after travelling to see them. the furniture has the same 70s aesthetic to it. the tv in the corner has this cheesy, bicentennial feel to it, like the person who made it was watching happy days while making it. you look at the pictures, and there's a pic of your grandparents in a protest against vietnam. a picture of them and your own parents as children, at some sort of festival for music. a half burnt, scribbled-on portrait of richard nixon.

that's what scorched earth feels like to me now, and yet it's still "the n00b palette" for me. after all, i remember a time when it was. the current default is good, don't get me wrong - in fact, there are areas where the default palette wins handily, being more subtle while retaining the ubiquitous volcanic orange. but...agh, idk. i always feel like coming back to this one now and again. it's an icon of botb history, at this point! i guess it's for the better, but i will miss this old friend when logged off of botb.

c'est la vie, scorched earth. c'est la vie.
SCORE: 😎/7

thanks for posting these palettes everyone! post some more and i'll get to them next week wednesday :D/
Level 25 XHBist
post #167519 :: 2023.02.17 10:29am
  mirageofher, cabbage drop, big lumby, Bravoman and wyngwyrm liēkd this
concept: featured palette. every few [weeks? months?] a botbr's palette is chosen to be the site default for logged out users/guests. obviously no troll palettes, just ones everyone agrees are pleasant and readable. just another way to show off BotBr talent!
Level 14 Mixist
post #167527 :: 2023.02.17 1:35pm
  roz liēkd this
Level 11 Pixelist
post #167622 :: 2023.02.20 9:51am :: edit 2023.02.20 9:52am
all hail vav

I tried to make something that was bright but didn't strain my eyes in the dark. I also tried to make something dark that wasn't hard to read in the light.

pls review
Level 24 Chipist
post #167628 :: 2023.02.20 3:11pm
  YQN liēkd this
the best palettes are... mine!!

el classico
mute indigo (an updated version of the above)
acceptable green (my current palette)

a good source for palette inspiration is @colorschemez
on twitter. it's actually how i came across the colours for my newest palette (though i might have tweaked them slightly)

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