Oh wow this one has me switched. I am infp in the usual myers-briggs things but here...
Your Sociotype: EII-2Fi FiNe (INFj)
Ethical Intuitive Introvert - The Empath
Brief Description of the EII
Using introverted feeling as her base function and extroverted intuition as her creative, the EII is adept at understanding people's internal drive and motivation. She often acts reserved, respectful, and polite around others she does not know well but will eventually open up more. She implicitly trusts her intuition when judging someone, and this intuition serves her well at grasping more abstract concepts. EIIs need to constantly set new goals for themselves and they care deeply about meeting these goals. However it should be noted that these goals are very personal, and she places less weight on the conventional achievements that society values, so often any correlation is largely coincidental. At her best, the EII is known for respecting other people's beliefs and values while also being an overachiever at school and work; at her worst, the EII's compassion and empathy can cause her undue harm when the people she cares about are suffering. Overall, the EII cares about diligence, meeting one's individuals goals, and respecting others; she distates behavior that is overtly loud, abrasive, or aggressive.
If the overview text was sposed to change based on the gender you put in at the beginning, well it didn't because I put in male. It's ok though I forgive this test.
Also it says my primary romance style is infantile and secondary is aggressor... aw man... neither of those sound very nice...
The other graphs/pokemon ev charts don't make any meaningful sense to me, and it's hard to grasp what the test is Really trying to get across as my "personality type" past the overview. Also some of the questions were a little weak since they weren't necessarily contradictory. I remember a couple in particular I strongly believed in both sides of the slider so it was tough to answer at all. If I had to grade this test I would give it infp/estj