'[#[Normal Effects] '[t[b0]Axx'[/t] - Run table xx = Table index Valid range = 00 - 1F '[t[b0]Cxy'[/t] - Arpeggio aka '[[arps]; fast note shifting in half steps. x = Number of half steps from root note for first shift y = Number of half steps from root note for second shift Ex: 037 = Minor chord. 047 = Major chord. 070 = Perfect 5th View article on '[[arps] for more examples. Notes: Leaving y blank causes the arp to last two ticks instead of three. '[t[b0]Dxx'[/t] - Delay row xx = Amount of ticks before row is played '[t[b0]Gxx'[/t] - Set groove (tempo pattern) xx = Groove index Valid range = 00 - 1F Notes: Each channel and each table uses an independent groove. '[t[b0]Hxx'[/t] - Skip to next phrase If xx = 00-0F: Row index (in hexadecimal) If xx = FF: Halt song '[t[b0]Kxx'[/t] - Delayed note cut. xx = Ticks before note is cut. Notes: K00 is effectively the same as a note cut event. '[t[b0]Lxx'[/t] - Slide from previous note xx = speed Note: becomes about six times as fast when the current instrument's VIB.TYPE is set to HF sine. '[t[b0]Mxy'[/t] - Master volume x = Left output volume y = Right output volume Valid range for x and y = 0 - 7 '[t[b0]OLR'[/t] - Left/right output If L or R is on: Left/right output of the channel is enabled If L or R is off: Left/right output of the channel is disabled '[t[b0]Pxx'[/t] - Pitch bend If xx = 00: Default If xx = 01-7F: Increase pitch If xx = 80-FF: Decrease pitch Note: becomes about six times as fast when the current instrument's VIB.TYPE is set to HF sine. '[t[b0]Rxy'[/t] - Retrigger note If x = 0: Constant volume If x = 1-7: Increase volume on each note If x = 8-F: Decrease volume on each note y = Ticks to wait between successive notes Note: Ignores x on the wave channel. '[t[b0]Txx'[/t] - Set tempo xx = Tempo value in BPM Notes: The minimal tempo is 0x50 = 80. '[t[b0]Vxy'[/t] - Vibrato; pitch vibration. x = Speed y = Depth Note: becomes about six times as fast when the current instrument's VIB.TYPE is set to HF sine. '[t[b0]Zxx'[/t] - Randomize command Recalls the latest command by adding a random number between 0x00 and xx to the effect value. '[#[Channel-Specific Effects] '[t[b0]Exy'[/t] - Hardware volume envelope x = Initial volume If y = 0 or 8: Sustain If y = 1-7: Decay, 1 being the fastest If y = 9-F: Attack, 9 being the fastest Applies to: Pulse 1 / 2, Noise '[t[b0]Exx'[/t] - Wave volume setting xx = Volume Valid range = 00 - 03 Applies to: Wave '[t[b0]Fxx'[/t] - Wave kit sample offset / Wave index offset. The command argument is added to the current wave index. xx = Sample offset (must be positive) or wave index offset Applies to: Wave '[t[b0]Sxy'[/t] - Hardware sweep x = Speed If y = 1-7: Shift downward, 7 is deepest If y = 9-F: Shift upward, F is deepest Valid range for x = 1 - 7 Applies to: Pulse 1 '[t[b0]Sxx'[/t] - Wave index setting xx = Waveform index Applies to: Wave '[t[b0]Wxx'[/t] - Set duty This effect is edited graphically under normal conditions, but sometimes the display might glitch temporarily causing numbers to be shown. xx = Square duty cycle -_______ = 00 = 12.5% Duty --______ = 01 = 25% Duty ----____ = 02 = 50% Duty ------__ = 03 = 75% Duty Applies to: Pulse 1 / 2 '[#[Table Effects] '[t[b0]Hxy'[/t] - Table repeat settings. If xy = FF: Halt table Otherwise, If x = 0: Loop indefinitely If x = 1-F: Jump to row y for x times '[#[See Also] '[[LSDJ]