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64% Baron Knoxburry
ReNoise Effects commands

Copied from the manual, edited for ease of use. (work in progress)

00xy - Arpeggio (x=base note offset 1, y=base noteoffset 2) (Sample instrument related only)

01xx - Pitch Slide up (00 - ff) (Sample instrument related only)

02xx - Pitch Slide down (00 - ff) (Sample instrument related only)

03xx - Set Channel volume (00 - ff)

04xy - Volume slicer → x = factor (0=0.0, f=1.0), slice at tick y. (Sample instrument related only)

05xx - Glide to note with step xx (00 - ff) (Sample instrument related only)

06xx - Volume slide up with step xx (00–64) (64 x 0601 will slide from 0 to full, 2 x 0632 will do the same.) (Sample instrument related only)

07xx - Volume slide down with step xx (00–64) (Sample instrument related only)

08xx - Set panning (00 - ff)
o 00 - most left
o 80 - center
o ff - most right

09xx - Trigger sample offset, 00 is sample start, ff is sample end. Offset positions are related to the total sample size. The larger the sample, the more inaccurate stepping will be. (Sample instrument related only)

0Axx - Surround width (00 - ff) (Sample instrument related only)

0Bxx - Play sample backwards (b00) or forwards again (b01 → during play when sample is playing backwards). Tip:Use with 09xx to apply offset changes from an offset closer to the sample start. (Sample instrument related only)

0Cxx - Set track-volume (00-ff)

0Dxx - Delay notes in track-row xx ticks before playing. (00 - speed)

0Exy - Retrig notes in track-row every xy ticks (y=ticks 0 - speed) The first digit (x) sets the volume of the retriggered sample. Value effects on volume for each retrig are (x):
0 No change
1 -1
2 -2
3 -4
4 -8
5 -16
6 *2/3
7 *1/2
8 No change
9 +1
a +2
b +4
c +8
d +16
e *3/2
f *2

0Fxy - Vibrato x = speed, y = depth; x=(0 - f); y=(0 - f) (Sample instrument-related only)

X Yzz - Send zz (00 - ff) value to parameter Y (0 - e) of vst/dsp effect number X (0 - e) in the effect rack of the Track Dsp’s. To turn on or off an effect, send value F as Y parameter:
xF00 - Turn effect x off;
xF01 - Turn effect x on.

f0xx - Set BPM (20 - ff)

f1xx - Set songspeed (01–14, 00 = stop song)

f2xx - Set trackrouting to channel xx (00 is stereo output, other values determine upon your sound-card’s abilities. ASIO only!)

fb00 - Pattern break (don’t finish playing till the end of the pattern, jump to next sequence position from patternbreak point, you can only have one functional patternbreak command per pattern.)

fcxx - Set mastervolume (00 - ff)

fdxx - Delay complete pattern xx lines.

ff00 - Stop all track effects and notes.

Volume column

00 - 40 - Set note-volume of current subtrack.

9x - Volume slide up in current subtrack with step x. (0 - f)

ax - Volume slide down in current subtrack with step x. (0 - f)

fx - Notecut after x ticks. (0 - e)

Panning column

0 - 80 - Set panning position of current subtrack.
00 - most left
40 - center
80 - most right

9x - Panningslide left with step x (0 - f)

ax - Panningslide right with step x (0 - f)

bx - Play sample of subtrack note backwards (0 is backwards, 1 is forwards again, see 0bxx in effect column command-list)

dx - Delay note x ticks (0 - f) dx and fx combination tricks

ex - Retrig note x ticks (0 -f)

fx - Cut note after x ticks (0 -f) dx and fx combination tricks

* MIDI / VSTI commands in panning column
o 90 - Send CC Change, value in the effect-column (XXYY, XX = controller, YY = value)
+ Controllers
+ 01 - MOD wheel
o 91 - Pitchbend, value in the effect-column (XXYY, XX global range, YY = finevalue)
+ XX - 40 = center value, 40 - 7F = pitch-up, 40–01 = pitch down
+ YY - 00 - 7F = finevalue range.
o 92 - Program change, value in the effect-column (usually the last two bytes are used only (00 - 7F)

See Also

renoise (format)
List of Effects Commands

Effects Commands