MML is a music description language used in sequencing music on a number of computer and video game system platforms. It's basically a text file which can be compiled into a native music file for a video game console. Several dialects of MML exist for many different platforms, below is a non-exhaustive list: '[#[NES / Famicom (2a03, Expansions)] '[t[b2] mck'[/t] '[o]Supports 2a03 Only'[/o] - '[l[[Official Website (archive)] - '[l[[English manual by nullsleep] - '[l[[Compiler Manual by virt] '[t[b2] ppmck '[/t] '[o]Supports All Expansions'[/o] - '[l[[Lyceum Article] '[t[b2] NSD.Lib '[/t] '[o]Supports All Expansions + OPLL'[/o] - '[l[[Official Website] (All expansions, ad-hoc OPLL support) - '[l[[Manual] (Japanese) '[t[b2] OFGS '[/t] '[o]Supports some expansions + PCM synth channels'[/o] - '[l[[Official Website] - '[l[[Manual] (Japanese) '[#[Gameboy/Gameboy Color] '[t[b2]GBMC'[/t] '[o]Extensive driver, supports sample playback on wavetable channel'[/o] - '[l[[Download and Manual] (Japanese) '[#[Wonderswan] '[t[b2] Wonderswan Total Driver (WTD)'[/t] - '[l[[Official Website] - '[l[[Manual] '[#[TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine (HuC6280)] '[t[b2]HusiC'[/t] - '[l[[Official Repository] - '[l[[Manual] (Japanese) '[#[SNES (SPC-700)] '[t[b2]AddMusicK'[/t] '[o]Romhacking tool for Super Mario World, can ouptut .SPC files'[/o] - '[l[[Version 0.9 on SMWcentral] (Manual Included) - '[l[[KungFuFurby's Fork of AddMusicK] (Manual Included) '[t[b2]mfvitools'[/t] '[o]Romhacking tool for Final Fantasy VI, can ouptut .SPC files'[/o] - '[l[[Official Repository] - '[l[[Manual] '[t[b2]SuperC'[/t] '[o]Dedicated MML driver with focus on memory optimization, and built-in synth functionality, can output .SPC, .SNSF and ROM files'[/o] - '[l[[Official Repository] - '[l[[Manual] (Japanese) - '[l[[Manual] (English translation) '[t[b2]Terrific Audio Driver'[/t] '[o]MML with a GUI to preview songs as they're being created, can output .SPC files. Syntax is based on PMD's.'[/o] - '[l[[Official Repository] '[#[Sega Genesis/Mega Drive (YM2612+SN76489)] '[t[b2]ctrmml/mdsdrv'[/t] '[o]Supports up to 3 PCM channels, has its own editor GUI for instant playback and note highlighting'[/o] - '[l[[Official Repository] - '[l[[Editor GUI] - '[l[[Genesis/MD driver repository] - '[l[[Manual] '[t[b2] MML2VGM '[/t] '[o]Supports XGM for 4-channel PCM'[/o] - '[l[[Official Repository] - '[l[[Manual] (Japanese) '[#[PC-x801 (YM2608, YM2203)] '[t[b2]Professional Music Driver (PMD)'[/t] '[o]PC-98 driver, supports YM2203, YM2608 and 86PCM, allows for SSGPCM (1 channel) and 8-channel software PCM on the 86'[/o] - '[l[[Lyceum Article] '[t[b2]MUCOM88'[/t] '[o]PC-88 driver, supports YM2203 and YM2608'[/o] - '[l[[Official Website] - '[l[[Manual] '[#[MSX (AYM, Expansions)] '[t[b2]MGSDRV'[/t] '[o]Supports OPLL and SCC, has a web editor for making songs in any browser.'[/o] - '[l[ダウンロード[MSX-DOS Driver] - '[l[[Web Editor] - '[l[[Manual] (Computer Translation) '[t[b2]moondrv'[/t] '[o]A driver for the MoonSound, an OPL4 cartridge for MSX. Supports both FM and PCM.'[/o] - '[l[[Official Repository] - '[l[ [Manual] (Japanese) '[#[Sharp X68000/X1 (YM2151+OKIMSM6258,2x2151+AYM)] '[t[b2]MXDRV'[/t] '[o]X68000 driver, supports 8-channel PCM mode on the OKI'[/o] - '[l[[Lyceum Article] '[t[b2]NRTDRV'[/t] '[o]X1 Driver, supports 2x2151+AYM'[/o] - '[l[;O=D[Official Website] (needs auto https disabled) - '[l[[Manual] '[#[Multi-system] '[t[b2] MML2VGM '[/t] '[o]Supports many soundchips, outputs to VGM'[/o] - '[l[[Official Repository] - '[l[[Manual] (Japanese) '[t[b2]XPMCK'[/t] '[o] Supports many soundchips, outputs to VGM and its own library format for some'[/o] - '[l[[Download] (Manual included) - '[l[[Fork with some bugfixes, but no builds available] '[t[b2]VGMCK'[/t] '[o] Supports many soundchips, outputs to VGM'[/o] - '[l[[Archive repository] - '[l[[Manual]