31% CastleNes
VST list View HTML Version

the purpose of this page is to draw up a list of free VST, to use in allgear/wildchip format for example. 

'[t[b3] Compatibility '[/t]

Most DAWs (Digital Audio Workstation, n00b!) like LMMS, Reaper, Ableton or Cubase can use VST plugins. They can be instruments or effects. Be careful, some DAWs like Ableton require 64 bits VST, unless you use a 32 bit bridge. VSTs marked with (64b) are 64 bits


'[t[b3] Console emulation '[/t]

NES (2a03):
- '[l[http://ymck.net/app/magical-8bit-plug/[magical 8bits (64b)]: this VST emulate pulse, triangle and noise instruments of the 2a03 chipset, with all the duty cycles, vibrato, portamento or enveloppe you need.

SNES (SPC700):
- '[l[http://picopicose.com/software.html[C700 (64b)]:C700 emulates the SNES's built-in software sampler.

Mega Drive (YM2612 and SN76489):
- '[l[https://www.wonthelp.info/genny//[GENNY (64b)]:GENNY is a Virtual Instrument that emulates the Sega Genesis'/Megadrive's YM2612 and SN76489 chips. It allows you to create Sega Genesis style FM
music in your favorite DAW, and it will allow you to use almost the full capabilities of the two chips.

Atari ST (AY-3-8910/YM2149):
- '[l[http://www.preromanbritain.com/ymvst/[ymVST] - Simulates a single channel of the AY-3, so multiples are needed for full effect. Interface is based off of '[[MusicMon].

Acoustic instruments:
- '[l[https://labs.spitfireaudio.com/[Spitefire LABS (64b)]: A plugin wich support multiple quality instruments available for free.
- '[l[https://vis.versilstudios.com/etherealwinds-harp.html[EWHarp 2 (64b)]: An harp instrument, sample based.

'[t[b3] Synthetizers '[/t]

- '[l[https://asb2m10.github.io/dexed/[Dexed (64b)]: FM synthetizer
- '[l[https://www.kvraudio.com/product/synth1-by-daichi-laboratory-ichiro-toda/details[synth1 (64b)]: Simple but powerful synthetiser, with preset management, LFOs, chorus, equalizer, 2 oscillators, etc

'[t[b3] Effects '[/t]

- '[l[https://www.tritik.com/products/krush/[Krush (64b)]: bitcrushing and downsampling, useful to distort sound and giving them a DPCM feel for exemple
- '[l[https://www.vennaudio.com/free-clip/[FreeClip (64b)]: limiter, soft clipper. Useful in a mastering chain
- '[l[https://valhalladsp.com/shop/reverb/valhalla-supermassive/[Valhalla Super Massive (64b)]:Best for Massive reverbs, harmonic echoes, space sounds

'[#[See also]
All related Lyceum articles:
referencing to: 
- '[[allgear (format)]

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