Battle of the Bits offers a fully public API. Please do not abuse; request throttling and/or api access tokens might be implemented in the future. Please enjoy. '[#[Basic Syntax] '[t[mono]{object_type}/{command}(/{param0}(/{param1}(/{param2(..))))'[/t] Current object types : botbr, entry, battle, format '[#[Commands] '[t[b3]load'[/t] '[t[mono]{object_type}/load/{object_id}'[/t] '[t[b3]list'[/t] '[t[mono]{object_type}/list/{object_property}/{value}(/{page_number=0}(/{page_length=25}))'[/t] Lists can be sorted by property values by using the GET method '[t[mono]?sort={object_property}&desc=true'[/t] The '[t[mono]desc'[/t] variable is optional; defaults to ascending. Pagination is optional. The '[t[mono]page_number'[/t] is zero based and the default '[t[mono]page_length'[/t] is 25 objects. The maximum number of objects that can be pulled in a single call is 250. '[#[Response Formats] The BotB API v1 default response format is a JSON object. XML is also available by either setting the format via GET '[t[mono]?format=xml'[/t] or adding the '[t[mono].xml'[/t] extension to the URI.