wow!! no way that's crazy! thank you very much to everyone for your boats to make this feat possible ^-^ and thank you savestate for your delicious beard ascii :ooo
the goodness of a thing or person is entirely subjective to those who encounter it; therefore, your declaration that i am good at everything is the root cause of why i am good at everything; THEREFORE, IT IS YOUR FAULT, DIMWIDDY, SO DO NOT BLAME ME, I AM ONLY DOING MY THING ;A;
Every song that Jet has made not only hurts my wrists, but it also hurts my ears, my eyes, my olfactory nerves, and my taste buds. I can't decide which one is the worst song because they are all the worst things I have ever listened to. He truly does a disservice to everyone by even thinking of opening his music making program. Every time he touches a piano, birds fall out of trees and die, another species goes extinct, another person jumps off a bridge. I am extremely proud of myself for the fact that I have not jumped out of a window myself yet, though I absolutely want to as I question every fiber of my existence every time I hear a song that Jet has made. The entire planet will benefit from the day Jet loses his hearing from the atrocious music he makes and cannot make any more music and he dies a sad, lonely life without his pollution.
Actually he didn't. The period represents one of his eyes which suffered so much from staring into this palette that it exploded and the vital fluids leaked out, causing the eye to essentially deflate.
Hey man what happened to your bandcamp? I really enjoy your music and was really disheartened when I saw that it was removed. Is there any way I could buy any of your albums so I can still listen to them?
greetings travelers. just here in my garage. well... studio. dog is asleep. 4000Kelvin lightbulbs are keeping me awake well into the demon hours. situation normal: all fucked up!