"nor are they by any means the first examples of multiple majors going on at once."
-Okay, but they are one example. Whether or not they're the first is irrelevant. My point was that having one going on doesn't guarantee that others won't be going on at the same time. Summer Chip was started late, but it still started in the middle of this one (and again, it was shortened due to it being a Summer competition, not due to any conflict with this one).
"you cannot deny the correlation between Decadent Decade's two month entry extension and the normal monthly majors that would normally happen aside from Summer Chip not being on."
-You're right, I can't deny the correlation. I can, however, suggest that it wasn't the cause. That's what the thread I linked was implying. It seems you believe otherwise though, and that's fine I guess.
We'll see whether or not more compos happen in the next few months; puke never said anything about halting future compos for this one. That's based on assumptions and your interpretation of why Summer Chip was the way it was.
And you're right about original compos having a very different feel from a cover compo! I totally understand the desire to have one of those, I'm not saying we don't need one.
Sorry for the wall of text and arguing, I really just want to suggest that this competition isn't something to get upset about. Although it doesn't really seem like this is going anywhere, so I guess I'll stop. I'm sorry about this.