Alts and Trolls
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 27 Renderist
post #44782 :: 2014.06.14 7:39pm :: edit 2014.06.14 7:58pm
  Slimeball, ShadowScythe, null1024 and R3M liēkd this
just as a heads up, I forgot that puke and strobe want alt accounts to be trolled up so they can't vote; since a single botbr/person/user cannot vote more than once.

reference the "BotBr" section of the lyceum for explanation. puke7 trolled himself so that b-knox could vote instead previously when ailments were lifted. admins/sysops trolling others is kinda faux pas. i've already trolled mine.

message me or kfaraday on IRC if you have a preferred user of your alts at this point. that user will be able to vote and the other alts will not be able. if you don't come forward, we'll just troll whichever ones we decide.

grievances can be addressed in this thread as long as they have a semblance of civility. :) otherwise please watch your conduct.

lastly, this isn't a ban for alts, but it promotes sportsmanship and fairness. please make as many alts as you want to express each and every side of yourself. :D

edit: also perhaps as a bonus for compliance, botbrs that come forward in secret with their alts to be trolled could possibly have their troll ailment only visible by admins/sysops to keep the mystery. it should be the responsibility of the admin/sysop to maintain the confidence of the disclosure. of course this is not currently implemented and theoretical. if there is enough interest, please express so.
Level 24 Chipist
post #44789 :: 2014.06.15 12:23am
  ShadowScythe and Slimeball liēkd this
I am expressing interest in the invisible troll ailment.

Major compos with anonymity are virtually non-existent on BotB (and I wouldn't have it any other way!), but with alternate accounts you can get a taste of this. And it's neat!
Level 23 Chipist
post #44792 :: 2014.06.15 1:54am
Troll both Emelia Kaylee and 12-16-13 6-21PM; I'll just skip over voting them if I ever enter with them
Level 28 Renderist
post #44793 :: 2014.06.15 2:05am
  MKSTAR26 and goluigi liēkd this
Dear alt account: you suck even more
Level 23 Chipist
post #44796 :: 2014.06.15 2:27am :: edit 2014.06.15 2:30am
  Xemogasa, mega9man and Slimeball liēkd this
  tothejazz and goluigi hæitd this
Slimeball, mega9man and Xemogasa hæitd this

( )
Level 29 Mixist
post #44802 :: 2014.06.15 3:15am
  frogluigi hæitd this
it's okay if this happens but i've only remembered one example of someone using an alt to doublevote/upvote themselves? i mean yeah i guess i wouldn't mind this at all seeing as i don't doublevote in the first place anyway but idk

other creatures living in the same house as me that have botb accounts are frogluigi and Tromboner. i have some secret alts too which i might pm if that's necessary (not that i doubleupvote with them either)
Level 31 Chipist
post #44804 :: 2014.06.15 3:37am
  tothejazz, Chip Champion and goluigi liēkd this
I don't remember that i said i wanted alt accounts trolled :o
Level 28 Renderist
post #44805 :: 2014.06.15 3:59am
  Grumskiz and mootbooxle liēkd this
I think Strobe is a bit nervous about the prospect of becoming the BotBr with the most ailments!

I highly support the idea of invisible troll ailments. I think an invisible troll ailment would be the best way to go about it, actually. If only because a visible TROLL ailment should remain a stigma reserved for naughty people!
Level 27 Renderist
post #44814 :: 2014.06.15 6:16am
  goluigi and Slimeball liēkd this
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #44824 :: 2014.06.15 10:07am
  Slimeball, mootbooxle and goluigi liēkd this
i think that ailments are best used as punishments rather than preventative measures. let's not devalue the shaming aspect of ailments.
Level 31 Chipist
post #44828 :: 2014.06.15 11:34am :: edit 2014.06.15 12:21pm
  Flaminglog, Savestate, null1024, Chip Champion, goluigi, mootbooxle and Slimeball liēkd this
The thing is, i like not trolling alts because then you can see if anyone votes with alts, and then all hell comes. trust me, all hell comes.

Let me clarify, voting with alts is okay for me.
However, voting with your real account and then with your alt
in the same competition, thats when i will start seeing red.
Level 30 Mixist
post #44830 :: 2014.06.15 12:06pm
  Strobe liēkd this
Helcome To The Strobodome
Level 27 Chipist
post #44831 :: 2014.06.15 12:16pm
  Xemogasa, goluigi and Slimeball liēkd this
you can troll obnoxious memes if you want
it would be fitting
Level 26 Mixist
post #44833 :: 2014.06.15 12:40pm
  raphaelgoulart liēkd this
Strobe's last point is how I feel about it; if I'm using an alt in a compo, I'd like to vote with that alt if at all possible, though double-voting is a huuuuuuuuge no-no that should be avoided.

Question to the admins in general: How easy is it to check if two users have voted on the same thing? I suppose it's mostly an honor system thing for folks to say "I just won't double-vote," but if the admins can check it out when/if they need, that leaves it as a viable option to handle abuse without using an oddball preventative measure.
Level 27 Mixist
post #44877 :: 2014.06.15 9:17pm
  ieilenj92, Slimeball, Xemogasa and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
i'm of the opinion that the site should be made aware of alts somehow. maybe it's an admin-designated relationship that's only shown to admins and the members of that pairing. i think it would solve a lot of problems with having alts in a major battle

e.g. you'd go to an entry by an alt of yours and it would say "no voting on your own entries", or you'd be unable to vote on things that an alt has already voted on, and the "...12.34% done!" feature would not include entries by your alts in the percentage, etc.
Level 27 Renderist
post #44891 :: 2014.06.16 8:28am
  Slimeball liēkd this
I was of the impression that trolling alts (hidden or not) was just going to make things easier so that people don't accidentally or "accidentally" vote with alts and then have to get talked to. I haven't been in checking votes nor do I have enough time to devote to checking up on all of the alt accounts for their voting patterns.

Also people don't seem to mind having their alt accounts trolled as long as they know that it's not because they're being punished.

Before we finalize the decision of the path that we should move forward with let's discuss this a tad further. :)
Level 27 Chipist
post #44899 :: 2014.06.16 9:28am
  Slimeball liēkd this
Since alts aren't really uncommon, it should be a nice idea to implement such a feature like aji suggested
It would probably be a bit of hassle to puke though, however I think it wouldn't be that difficult to implement, but I'm probably wrong.
Level 26 Mixist
post #44903 :: 2014.06.16 10:36am
Although I'd generally think that something should be done in an official manner, I'd rather that be the proper feature that aji suggested. Trolling, even invisi-trolling, is a bit of a half-solution since it means the alts can't vote even if it's just the alts that are competing.

That of course means more development time, though, which is hard. Does Puke handle all the site heavy-lifting himself or do other folks help out? Don't wanna turn this into "HEY PUKE DO THIS FOR US" or anything. :P

Having said that, I'm curious to know if there's a way I could lend a hand. This would undoubtedly require some database-side tweaks+additions and I eat n' breathe SQL in my IRL job, i.e. this sort of thing is actually my forte.
Level 25 Chipist
post #44904 :: 2014.06.16 10:57am
  DalekSam, Flaminglog, Grumskiz, ieilenj92, Slimeball, goluigi, raphaelgoulart and b00daw liēkd this
I have a much easier solution. Implement nothing new. Reserve troll for people who abuse their voting privelages. If someone votes with their main and alt on a single battle, both accounts will get a troll, because this is a bad thing to do.

If you use an alt for an OHB it's fully appropriate to vote with that alt. Trolling the alt makes alts a lot less fun, the account switching will reveal their identity a lot quicker. Admins already know who is an alt, that part isn't a problem.

If you want your alt trolled for some reason (but why?) you can request that, but it should only happen if you ask for it. Puke7 wanted a troll because he doesn't use that account for battling.
Level 27 Renderist
post #44905 :: 2014.06.16 11:11am :: edit 2014.06.16 11:17am
  Xaser and Slimeball liēkd this
I'm good with this, thanks. I'm not really for "bling" ailments if we really need to use them. My thing is I'm not, for the most part, going to be monitoring voting patterns. I'll untroll the alts and those who didn't come forward in public still have the secrecy of those alts.

One thing we do need to do as admins is hunt down alts which can be tedious. Some people have 6+ alts and use proxies when making them to disguise IP and location.

For this, please just let an admin know in private that you have some alts and if you accidentally vote with two (or more) we can develop something that works for you rather than us just trolling all of your accounts. :)

edit: I left one account trolled because it's displaying a non-ailment in the admin screen for some reason. ;P
Level 20 Chipist
post #44906 :: 2014.06.16 11:59am
  raphaelgoulart liēkd this
Still I could see b00daw is up to something. It could be a good thing to deal with this now, than later on when the problem will be palpable. There should be clear guidelines (are there any?).
Level 27 Chipist
post #44907 :: 2014.06.16 12:08pm :: edit 2014.06.16 1:07pm
  goluigi liēkd this
IMO it's kinda obvious that you aren't supposed to vote on your own entry or double-vote on other entries
The troll ailment is the consequence of doing so
Level 24 Chipist
post #44908 :: 2014.06.16 2:44pm
  Flaminglog, Savestate and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
  goluigi hæitd this
You know, maybe this would be doing things too complicated, but

perhaps an ALT status "ailment" could solve this?

I know they'd do the same thing, but having one not be a punishment could help matters. Like, people would look at an account with the alt badge and go "Oh, that's an alt account! Interesting, I wonder who's in charge of it" instead of "Oh boy is that one of those troublemakers? ...Ugh".

And I don't see this as some sort of limitation or anything. I mean, if admins say "hey, let's round up the alts and stuff" and you say "hey guys, this one's my alt account", it means that you yourself are making a commitment to use the alt properly, but you also don't leave people in the dark about it.
Level 27 Chipist
post #44909 :: 2014.06.16 2:57pm :: edit 2014.06.17 6:06am
  tothejazz liēkd this
What if some people don't want people to know a specific account is an alt (not necessarily for 'trolling' matters, which would be ailable)?
I think it's not necessary to make an alt status but if that happens I think the account owner should choose whether to show it or not (but to have such a status would be 'obligatory')
Level 25 Chipist
post #44921 :: 2014.06.16 9:14pm
  Slimeball and tothejazz liēkd this
I thought the whole point of an alt was pretending to be someone else...
Level 24 Chipist
post #44922 :: 2014.06.16 10:07pm :: edit 2014.06.16 10:11pm
  raphaelgoulart liēkd this
While some alternate accounts may originally have been a mystery, it is pretty common knowledge who, say, frogluigi or roofie are the alt accounts of.

And then there's alt accounts like "goluigi and ipi" or "ShippoZillah!" Sometimes the point of an alt is... beautiful collaboration *O*

...And sometimes it is to deceive. Just not always.

ALSO, be sure not to misconstrue intentions!!! Just because an alternate account IS a mystery does not mean the person controlling that account means for it to be! Sometimes it is just a lack of information that causes confusion. Not many, IF any, alt accounts make it clear who they are an alternate account of.
Level 10 Chipist
post #44972 :: 2014.06.17 7:42pm
  tothejazz, puke7, Xaser, Slimeball, Savestate, raphaelgoulart and commandycan liēkd this
  goluigi hæitd this
i am not associated with that meanie goluigi wtf!!!!!
Level 24 Chipist
post #44976 :: 2014.06.17 8:58pm :: edit 2014.06.17 8:59pm
Ctrl+F "alt ailment"

I thought that was a really obvious idea!

Oh hey ElHeus o<o
Level 27 Renderist
post #44977 :: 2014.06.17 9:38pm
  raphaelgoulart and Slimeball liēkd this
Well it's fun to dream up ailments and things; but even easier when an owner thinks it's FUN too to work on his site. :)
Level 24 Chipist
post #44985 :: 2014.06.18 12:39pm
  Slimeball hæitd this
Troll WhiteCrow please.
Level 29 Hostist
post #44989 :: 2014.06.18 1:29pm
  raphaelgoulart, tothejazz, Savestate, goluigi, Flaminglog and Slimeball liēkd this
When I created BotB 2.0 I separated login credentials from BotBr character-type info. My thinking at the time was being able to manage multiple BotBrs (alts) with a single signon. Maybe it's high time I started experimenting with that concept. I have no idea how much FUN it will be though.
Level 24 Chipist
post #44990 :: 2014.06.18 1:41pm
  raphaelgoulart, goluigi and Slimeball liēkd this
That would be a fantastic implementation!
Level 22 Chipist
post #44999 :: 2014.06.18 6:48pm
  raphaelgoulart, goluigi and Slimeball liēkd this
So it'd be like Google's multiple account association? Or like Bandcamp's? If so, sign me up. Literally, sign me and my alts up.
Level 27 Renderist
post #45007 :: 2014.06.18 9:49pm :: edit 2014.06.18 9:50pm
a tab with a keyboard out in the woods or in a cave etc. it's as fun as you make it. :)

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