Level 30 Mixist
post #44419 ::
2014.06.06 2:28pm
Scooblee, commandycan, ShadowScythe, gyms_, plrusek, dw-, tothejazz, raphaelgoulart, b00daw, puke7, Lukas Eriksson and R3M liēkd this
Scooblee, commandycan, ShadowScythe, gyms_, plrusek, dw-, tothejazz, raphaelgoulart, b00daw, puke7, Lukas Eriksson and R3M liēkd this
It's really not as scary as it sounds! Actually you may find it uplifting.
Anyway, I just finished what I consider to be the most important work of my career as an "artist". I have spent over a year carefully considering every aspect of this album, and that still means I left a lot of "mistakes" in it.
This is my most personal album, and I'm really excited to share it with my BotBr fam.
"Name your price" for the next week or so...eventually I'll prob charge something for it.
Step Inside My Mind.
Anyway, I just finished what I consider to be the most important work of my career as an "artist". I have spent over a year carefully considering every aspect of this album, and that still means I left a lot of "mistakes" in it.
This is my most personal album, and I'm really excited to share it with my BotBr fam.
"Name your price" for the next week or so...eventually I'll prob charge something for it.
Step Inside My Mind.