a discussion cont'd.
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 25 Mixist
post #26997 :: 2013.04.27 2:39pm
  Slimeball hæitd this
puke: "If someone want's to continue a discussion on a single topic then make a new thread."

thanks puke

nb4 Dude-Just-Drop-It's...i understand and agree with the recent thread being closed but, with puke's blessing, i'm not just gonna leave an unresolved discourse the way it was left. at least now it's focused and won't end up another long train of confusion and misunderstanding.


"honestly i think calling someone a shithead is less egregious than, say, taking part in a heated debate with people and then editing all your posts to make it look like you had no part in it / and or were playing the role of peacemaker. i see that one of your less involved/mild-mannered posts managed to somehow remain unscathed by your little joke to mootbooxle. read the thread now - it's clearly an unfair representation of what actually was said."

it wasn't a joke to mootbooxle. he completely trivialized my response to rainwarrior and it pissed me off. the one response i left unedited was intentional, i thought the trail of strikethroughs leading up to that post within the context would have made an obvious point. so i guess my whole strikethrough response was a bit cryptic and prone to misinterpretation, but that's what i chose to do rather than going on yet another 'wahh, why are you being so mean?' tangent.

"given the topic of the thread in general maybe it was an appropriate place for you to demonstrate your willingness to erase from history anything you've done that you later find embarrassing"

that would have been cool, but it wasn't the intent. and i'm past caring about embarrassment. i just want to resolve whatever it is that's going on.
Level 21 Criticist
post #26998 :: 2013.04.27 4:19pm
  Slimeball liēkd this
  Jangler hæitd this
Giving into anger in that manner looked depressingly self-destructive.

As a person who's often on the receiving end of "shut up" and "just drop it", I feel that that's a very counterproductive demand.

We come together because of our similar interests, but it's our differences that make anybody interesting. Even if one holds a disagreeable stance on something, I think it's much better that someone not be chastised for voicing themselves. You get to know people better when there's communication. The more you talk, the more you open yourself up. Even shitposting is telling of one's lack of passion/interest on a subject (though I think we'd all enjoy less shitposting). Also, a bit of waiting and rereading what you've typed before posting could help stop with all the fighting words. I don't think it's in anyone's heart to cause ill will. Just that a poor choice of wording can make it seem that way.

Post more, say more, interact more, grow more.
Level 24 Chipist
post #26999 :: 2013.04.27 4:21pm
it' ok i forgive you

arguing makes me feel pretty gross and im sorry we did it. and i am sorry for using some thoughtless language too.

hopefully you can see how having that kind of debate and then removing your side of it can leave a kind of skewed picture of the other people invovled. which upsets them.

but yeah whatever. i don't think the proposed feature is a good idea (just my opinion) but it seems like puke has some playlisting feature in mind already anyway. which i don't know anything about. maybe it will be cool. puke7 why don't you tell us about it. so discussion of the topic is maybe pointless if we don't know about the future context of the proposed feature. and even if we did i think at this point i'd prefer to agree to disagree.

i mean i don't want to seem like i am being dismissive or trying to shut down whatever discussion there might be to be had! but i think that's pretty much all i have to say right now. basically just a *bigsmile.gif*

ok ? :)
Level 22 Chipist
post #27001 :: 2013.04.27 4:28pm
  goluigi and Slimeball liēkd this
When you talk with people over the internet it is easy to miss when some people are upset, having a bad day or just not being serious and/or sarcastic. This debate seems to have turned into a complete misunderstanding which resulted in hurt feelings all around.
I haven't been following this discussion closely, but if the main issue still stands, gyms I would never think worse of you for faveing your own music.

I'm sorry if this is blunt/rude or just judgemental, but I think we should calm down and hug it out

Level 28 Chipist
post #27002 :: 2013.04.27 4:32pm
  null1024 liēkd this
  Slimeball hæitd this
I really don't care about the favorites issue much but I'd like to say that I think erasing your posts is a pretty crappy thing to do! To me it reads as a big "fuck you" to everyone else involved in the debate, and makes the thread impossible to comprehend for anyone trying to read it. If you've a point to make, use yr words!
Level 17 Chipist
post #27003 :: 2013.04.27 5:04pm
  Slimeball and Doxic liēkd this
hey everyone i'm not so sure what your big posts are saying because i can't read anymore than three lines at a time but i wish you would not be mad at each other.
Level 25 Mixist
post #27004 :: 2013.04.27 5:10pm :: edit 2013.04.27 5:29pm
  Slimeball and puke7 liēkd this
wolly, sorry for dragging this out via forum chatter. i took way too many liberties trying use the forum space for emotional bullshit, sorry to everyone. next time i'll just hop on irc and be like, 'wtf dude' we probably could have come to an understanding in seconds.

been avoiding irc lately cos it sucks more time from me than i can afford, but trying to use the forums to debate things similar to how i'd use irc was a mistake. if i get pissed off or misinterpret something, it seems the forumosphere doesn't really support trying to clarify things without unfolding as some fucked, self devouring mess. lesson learned.

sorry again to everyone.
Level 27 Renderist
post #27008 :: 2013.04.27 7:22pm
  Slimeball, epic_caterpillar, puke7 and Doxic liēkd this
jesus, don't fucking apologize. you didn't ragequit into a hole of self-disillusion. i commend you. you didn't do anything to require anybody's forgiveness. hell, i think you're learning more about your internal mechanics and through these impersonal debates you can gather well-needed criticism without real-world consequences. feel triumphant and fortunate. you also have your ever-supportive wife slimeball to thank.
Level 30 Mixist
post #27012 :: 2013.04.27 9:08pm
  skinnyhead2000, Slimeball, puke7 and goluigi liēkd this
Wow, I guess I missed a lot of stuff. I wasn't aware that I did anything to piss anyone off. I was just trying to lighten the mood. It was getting kinda out of hand, and my usual response to that is to just push it off the crazy cliff into the pit of ridiculousness.

Stop taking yourselves so damn seriously. You'll live a lot longer.
I'm done.
Level 29 Mixist
post #27013 :: 2013.04.27 9:09pm :: edit 2013.04.27 9:11pm
  Jangler and b00daw hæitd this
  Slimeball and Doxic liēkd this
why cant we have a botb hugging section? i would love if that replaced the forums. instead of people going sociopathy on each other in the forums, we could just hug each other all the time and be nice happy friends ^o^

we could even have group hugging compos :D
Level 25 Mixist
post #27014 :: 2013.04.27 9:45pm :: edit 2013.04.27 9:48pm
  Slimeball liēkd this
can i get a thread lock plz

edit: i think it's come to a conclusion by now, let's plz bury it
Level 29 Mixist
post #27016 :: 2013.04.27 9:54pm
  Slimeball liēkd this
wow don't bury it, roofie will find this and dig it up so it's not like that would do anything
Level 22 Chipist
post #27017 :: 2013.04.27 9:55pm
  Slimeball and goluigi hæitd this
now is not the time goluigi.
Level 25 Mixist
post #27018 :: 2013.04.27 9:59pm
  Slimeball and Doxic liēkd this
Level 30 Mixist
post #27019 :: 2013.04.27 10:14pm
  Slimeball and Doxic liēkd this
i'm sorry

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