if u plannng c64 entry PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCE___
BotB Academy n00b s0z
Level 24 Chipist
post #22373 :: 2013.01.27 6:15pm :: edit 2013.02.06 6:08pm
  Strobe, Delek, jrlepage and Doxic hæitd this
  goluigi, Slimeball, Interrobang Pie and HertzDevil liēkd this
[OK here is my edited sanitized post which aims to cause no offence to deflemask developers or partisan deflemask users]


you can use defflemask to make sid files now. well thats what i amtold

but check first because you cant believe everything you are told
Level 25 Chipist
post #22583 :: 2013.01.30 10:16am
  CybeR PunK, goluigi, Interrobang Pie and Beard liēkd this
wow rude
Level 24 Chipist
Interrobang Pie
post #22616 :: 2013.01.30 10:23pm
  goluigi, puke7 and Slimeball liēkd this
Nobody would dare submit another SID anyway

We have all been overrun by KungFuFurby's 27-hour long Commodorpera
Level 9 Playa
post #22648 :: 2013.01.31 3:13pm :: edit 2013.01.31 3:28pm
  jrlepage and Doxic liēkd this
I don't get it . This is a joke?

As explained in the DefleMask forums, the Sid export in the 9 version is very basic, the lack of bank switching and low memory of the C64 are the reasons why it is not that good as the others Rom builders of DefleMask. I planned to delay the release of the 9 version but I didn't to permit users to build tracks for C64 and get them ready to be built with the update.

Whatever, it is already finished a new version of the builder that will be released this weekend with DefleMask 9b.
Level 29 Hostist
post #22719 :: 2013.02.01 3:28pm
  Jangler and Slimeball liēkd this
It is and it isn't a joke. Traditional .SID files are Commdore 64 programs with an 128 byte header. I've heard of people exporting SIDs in deflemask with files sizes of 150-350kb+ and the C64 had ~48kb available when you turn it on. The cool thing about a .SID file is you can strip the header, then load and run it on original hardware that typically has 48k free.

We don't mean to be rude, but we do tend to be pretty uptight about the entry formats. I'm not as knowledgeable about your software as I could be. This gets me curious about other formats the deflemask handles like HES, NSF and GB. How large are those files on average?

At some point I was aware that .VGM is an archive of registry writes. Maybe at the time I didn't know what that meant. But lately I've been painting this picture of an Arduino or FPGA hooked up to all these different sound chips as the only kind of way to get this ripped music back on original hardware.

A lot of this is speculation on my part. I hope the new ROM builder is adequate. I just want everyone to be happy!! :D/
Level 9 Playa
post #22761 :: 2013.02.02 6:25am
  jrlepage liēkd this
This is ridiculous, 150-300kb?, that will not fit in the ROM SID Player, what you are investigating are VGM files with SID extension appears like, please double check before you post. The SID files of DefleMask are 0kb-48kb ALWAYS (In fact, that's actually the PROBLEM, DefleMask's SID Player was not optimized enough and you can't export large tunes, only a few seconds because of the 48kb barrier!).

About the other systems:

The DefleMask's NSF for your information, are the unique ones capable of playing RAW PCM Samples at variable sampling rate with a new technique, implemented latter on NSFPlay, because it amazingly works on the actual hardware (tested by lot of people, if you are interested http://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9296), the DefleMask's NSF are absolutely correct and compatible with the NES, in terms of size and everything.

The Genesis ROMs, the same, they play perfectly in the actual hardware without any type of issues, SMS too, etc.

Whatever, now the SID files are really good, lot of time was needed to optimize the player, lot of code to write and to test, it is really annoying to hear this type of things: "DefleMask output is not correct for the hardware" after all of the effort that is being left on the rom builders for the systems.

Btw, DefleMask 9b in some hours.
Level 21 Chipist
post #22773 :: 2013.02.02 9:59am
I can't get over how rude ant1's post is. I'm sorry, but was that really necessary?!
Level 9 Playa
post #23040 :: 2013.02.03 1:25pm
  Jangler liēkd this
DefleMask 9b Released!

New and better SID export for Commodore 64, awesome use of memory and great sync.
Added lot of accurate code to the SID, some of your tunes will need some adjusts.
Effect Added to Commodore 64: 15xx - ADSR Hard Reset Time Set.
Now the effect 1Axx ADSR Reset is ON by default, setting it to 1 will NOT reset the ADSR on next notes on, setting it to 0 will use 15xx to perform the ADSR Hard Reset. Your tunes may need adjusts.
Added color change to the cursor while recording, it will be painted as "Effects Value" color (RED on default theme skin).
Added numbers to the Algorithms of FM instruments.
Improved some points of the GUI.
Shortcuts Alt+Up/Alt+Down acts like Backspace and Insert.
Some bugs fixed.
Manual Updated.
Linux, Mac and Windows builds updated.

Wiii. Looking forward to hear some DefleMask's .sid files running on a C64!

Example SID File:

Level 24 Chipist
post #23223 :: 2013.02.05 1:20pm
  goluigi, HertzDevil and Jangler liēkd this
  jrlepage hæitd this
it was >>> FRUSTRATING!!! to see my Friends spending days and days on a song at winterchip and find that they couldn't enter it>

jrlepage it was also FRUSTRATING!!! <<< to see you telling in irc that botb rules should be changed just because your favourite tracker was broken

but now it isnt broken

so thats nice

well done delek keep up the good work
Level 9 Playa
post #23228 :: 2013.02.05 6:14pm
DefleMask was never "broken", the HW Player code for C64 was simply released without optimization for time & date reasons, but that does not means that the tracker is broken, that I'm a lier or that DefleMask can't produce C64 music like you said.
Level 29 Hostist
post #23235 :: 2013.02.05 7:56pm
  Slimeball and Jangler liēkd this
Sorry. I did state that most of what I heard was speculation. I don't have time to try and evaluate every tool the BotB community is using. I don't even have enough time to run this website.

Delek, keep up the good work! I'm sorry if you felt attacked. I know what that feels like. Thank you for taking the time to explain here!
Level 21 Chipist
post #23276 :: 2013.02.06 4:17pm :: edit 2013.02.06 4:20pm
>jrlepage it was also FRUSTRATING!!! <<< to see you telling in irc that botb rules should be changed just because your favourite tracker was broken

I never suggested a change in the rules; only that Deflemask did produce proper SID music, just that the exporter wasn't ready to transfer that absolutely faithful SID music to the actual hardware, and therefore DMFs should be temporarily acceptable files for C64 for this reason. All of that is moot now anyway, with the SID exporter in working order.

If anything, I was appalled at your jumping the gun and calling Delek a liar for essentially not working fast enough to satisfy your own petty nitpicky needs, without even checking if work was being done to address the situation.

it was >>> FRUSTRATING!!! to see my Friends spending days and days on a song at winterchip and find that they couldn't enter it>

Nobody other than yourself suggested they couldn't enter it. At least two people entered their DMF source as their C64 entry, with no incident or controversy whatsoever. To my knowledge, they haven't been DQ'd, and they shouldn't be either.

Thanks for all your efforts Delek; very appreciated.
Level 9 Playa
post #23277 :: 2013.02.06 5:36pm :: edit 2013.02.06 8:20pm
After all of this misunderstanding, ant1, would be good if you could edit your message in case someone takes your first post's words as true. Because I really want to see a C64 entry in DefleMask after all, hope you don't mind.
Level 24 Chipist
post #23281 :: 2013.02.06 6:05pm
  goluigi liēkd this
here is my apology/here is my Apology:

firstly to delek!, i apologise for calling you a liar. i didnt really think that you were a liar. this is just the way i talk about things. to some extent Yes it was a joke. the problem i percievedwas that people were using the tracker expecting to be able to enter winterchip. and maybe they weren't able to, or they were able to enter by submitting a dmf (which was against the rules). its obviously not a problem any more because you fixed it. but maybe it would be wise to make sure that new versions of the tracker are functioning as expected : or clarify to the users what is the bugs and so on. i will edit the first post accordingly

jrlepage, people were producing songs which could not be converted to sid format and uploading them in not sid format to a compo which only accepted sid format. you were pretty rude in irc to me about it , laying blame everywhere but your own inability to chose the right tools for the job, and its funny to see you getting on at me for it now. if you had spend any time at all talking to me you would realise i often have my tongue somewhat in my cheek. i;m sorry for not being FORMAL enough for botb, the site where download is spelt "donload" and next is spelt "nextious".

puke7: i donot know how easy this would be to do at your end, but maybe now taht deflemask sid export is fixed, it would be possible to replace the dmf c64 entries on botb with real SID files?


to the rest of botb: i didnt really want such a drama. how about users of software check it does what they want it to do before starting large projects in it. iTS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!! YES YOU!!!

to me: stfu ant1 you are an idiot
Level 9 Playa
post #23310 :: 2013.02.07 6:58pm
That's the SID file, I need the DMF. Regards.
Level 9 Playa
post #23314 :: 2013.02.07 7:55pm
You are playing in the line of bugs in the SID, for this reason you will hear really different things across emulators.

Those fast arps with instrument 6 in pattern 4 do not have enough time to perform the hard reset thing, so, in some emulators (ReSid, SIDPlay2) will be no output; but in some others you will hear the instrument fine (DefleMask uses SIDPlay 1 emu used by MAME).

If you play the .SID file in SIDPlay it will play EXACTLY like in DefleMask.

I'm looking for a more accurate emulator, but seems that the better ones are closed source.

The SID chip is a very buggy thing, and lot of the bugs are not implemented in some emulators (for example this ADSR bug thing).
Level 24 Chipist
post #23339 :: 2013.02.08 7:31am
delek if you are interestd!!

the absolute best SID library : http://sourceforge.net/projects/sidplay-residfp/

is the same one used in VICE and goattracker (and sidplay2), sound is really very good
Level 9 Playa
post #23375 :: 2013.02.08 5:43pm
Thanks, I will implement that in the next DefleMask's SID update.

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