something TRULY terrifying happened
BotB Academy n00b s0z
Level 15 Chipist
post #209783 :: 2025.01.28 3:51pm
i was at school (still am!) and i tried to go on botb, but it wasnt working..... i thought they blocked it, but now it works!!!!! it was weird because every other website worked EXCEPT for botb, and i used one of those websites that check if a website is up and it said it was up.

i dont know if the entirety of botb went down, i just had an australian skill issue, or my school blocked the website for an hour. state your theories on what happened below!!!!!!
Level 8 Mixist
Da Flarf
post #209795 :: 2025.01.28 5:05pm
  SweatyNoodle hæitd this
I haveth a theory. God wanted you to do your schoolwork
Level 15 Chipist
post #209804 :: 2025.01.28 6:29pm
there is no schoolwork because we just started
Level 28 Chipist
post #209813 :: 2025.01.29 2:23am :: edit 2025.01.29 2:27am
  kleeder liēkd this
maybe there was a word or words on the front page that your school filter didnt like. i can think of a recent few stupid song titles that would make a filter block it for instance
Level 8 Mixist
Da Flarf
post #209831 :: 2025.01.29 10:02am
  kleeder liēkd this
Bruh what's with this community to make the most tame song ever then name it something like "piss-chugging contest"
Level 32 Chipist
post #209832 :: 2025.01.29 10:16am
its a chiptune scene thing. remember michus fap.xm? lol
Level 8 Mixist
Da Flarf
post #209839 :: 2025.01.29 11:57am
In that case... I'm naming my next entry "piss-chugging contest"
Level 13 Chipist
post #209851 :: 2025.01.29 2:57pm
Level 15 Chipist
post #209856 :: 2025.01.29 4:39pm
it doesnt seem like the filter catches "bad words" because i can visit those pages just fine (in fact, there is an entry on the main page with a sus name)
Level 18 Chipist
post #209858 :: 2025.01.29 6:05pm
I have something similar at my workplace (I like to listen to entries at work since other music sites are blocked); the site itself works fine (though it's really easy to get the white palette glitch due to lag), but if I go to a song with a certain name or something it'll block the page (usually something with "keygen" in the title or extra links in the description is a no-no, probably for security reasons).

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