Feature Request: Trophy Comparison
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Level 16 Mixist
post #209751 :: 2025.01.28 7:14am
  arceus413, OminPigeonMaster, ItsDuv, Da Flarf, SweatyNoodle and damifortune liēkd this
You know how you can see the top classists and badgers in the barracks? What if we could see the top trophy earners too-- it could be broken down by category (Best Overall, Format Trophies, OHB Trophies, Cans), though in my opinion a feature like this would work best if your "ranking" was determined by comparing your number of trophies against total number of entries, that way it's not just "who has the most submissions" but rather "who has the most submissions that place high" (and maybe filter out anyone with <10 entries, for example, to help prevent obvious exploiting of this type of calculation with new accounts)

Bonus points if there's specifically a metric for who has the most first places relative to entries submitted!
Level 32 Chipist
post #209753 :: 2025.01.28 7:46am
  arceus413 and damifortune liēkd this
i always wanted this lyceum article to be dynamically generated by the website itself.
i think this and your request would work well on one or two new subpages with stats and maybe sort-options

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