BotBr release library!
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 27 Chipist
Howdy, folks.

I was inspired by Prestune's thread from a while back, and have long thought it would be cool to have a list or some other way to find more BotBr music published on BandCamp and SoundCloud.

Now there is such a list! It currently lives in a Googledocs spreadsheet
linked in a new lyceum article I plan to maintain (periodically), "List of External Releases by BotBrs" which also includes user bandcamp/soundcloud links for many BotBrs. Please check out the article and the google docs list! I think you will find some familiar favorites on there and lots of people that you didn't realize had something shared out there. My hope is that this enables just a little more visibility for all of us and enables people to find more ways to support their favorite artists.

-This list only includes Bandcamp releases currently. I plan to also pull SoundCloud releases in the future.

-I wrote a python script to do all the web scraping work for me, so all I need to maintain is a list accurately mapping BotBrs to their known releases. I am sure there are mistakes in my mapping so PLEASE LET ME KNOW if you spot any.

-This list is not completely exhaustive, nor do I think it is meant to be. My process included manually searching bandcamp and soundcloud (not as thoroughly on the latter) for every BotBr who has submitted a music entry to a major in the last two years, and in addition, every BotBr above level 17 including those who haven't been active recently. This resulted in around 400 profiles or so. In some cases people have linked their own stuff on their BotB profiles, and in other cases I was able to find their bandcamp presence by the same/similar name, or from being aware of other artist names they publish with. PLEASE NOTE that if you would not like to be included in this library, that's totally ok! Please just let me know either in this thread or privately in a message, if you prefer, so that I can make a note to remove your mapping from future runs of my script.

Feedback and thoughts are welcome! Thanks for taking a look and supporting your fellow botbrs.

~P.S. BotBrs are a prolific bunch! With the current data I have (which is incomplete) we boast some cool numbers on bandcamp:
-1047 releases (814 of which are multi-track releases)
-9401 total tracks

~P.P.S. the next update will include third party label releases and other works featuring BotBrs.
Level 27 Chipist
post #207025 :: 2025.01.02 4:46pm
P.P.S. to reiterate, please add anything I'm missing! This thread or the lyceum article are great places, but if you do add something I'm missing, please let me know so that I can update my mapping list to keep it as accurate as possible. Thanks so much!
Level 31 Chipist
post #207027 :: 2025.01.02 5:27pm
  mirageofher, Prestune and kilowatt64 liēkd this
thanks for putting this together, it's a nice resource to have!

i don't think any of the iiiypad records
releases are up there that aren't mirrored on peoples' personal pages - same with inpuj
or deskpop
. admittedly that's a lot to go through
Level 27 Chipist
post #207033 :: 2025.01.02 5:57pm
  damifortune liēkd this
Perfect, yeah iiiypad and other are next on the list. Thanks for inpuj/deskpop, I didn’t have those
Level 12 Chipist
post #207106 :: 2025.01.02 10:10pm
  kilowatt64 liēkd this
i am listed twice on the lyceum page (not that its a problem (:< )
Level 20 Chipist
post #207119 :: 2025.01.03 12:43am
  SRB2er and kilowatt64 liēkd this
thanks for reminding me that i need to release more stuff lol
Level 10 Mixist
post #207128 :: 2025.01.03 5:12am
  kilowatt64 liēkd this
ok i saw my bandcamp page and my release on the list, thx for it
Level 31 Chipist
post #207133 :: 2025.01.03 6:25am
  kilowatt64 liēkd this
Level 22 Chipist
post #207158 :: 2025.01.03 11:03am
  kilowatt64 liēkd this
Super cool. Thanks for organizing an easy way to support fellow batolrz!
Level 20 Mixist
post #207182 :: 2025.01.03 12:20pm
  kilowatt64 and damifortune liēkd this
Level 27 Chipist
post #207184 :: 2025.01.03 1:06pm
Thanks! I think there may have been other folks who had multiple bandcamp presences (like tennisers) and I am sure there are more out there. If people would like them included, that is

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