why i don't make songs often anymore
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 6 Chipist
post #193735 :: 2024.07.21 8:41am
  Lincent liēkd this
now i'm gonna explain why i don't make songs often now because i feel like i need to address it

it's that i feel kind of a oddball compared to most of you guys because of straight up starting my chiptune career with a bit of music knowledge i just decided to go straight for it without my retarded self thinking twice

and talking about the battles i can't really comprehend alot of things musically meaning i cant do anything on a specific category i just like to do what my imagination runs into

and with that my only 2 entries did bad, both of them did, my first one was a invalid submission because i didnt read the lyceum page for the atari 2600 probably because i was both very new to chiptune music and BotB itself and the 2nd one just sounded bad to me which atleast is doing a bit better on musical perfomance and thats why i already started asking questions on my profile, i just felt really new for a good reason and i'm not always perfect on what i do

and during battles i also get stressed out during songs for the smallest things ever and that just is preventing me from doing songs good and overwhelms me alot

and also school is weighting me over giving me less free time (they dont teach music in my school at all) so i need to think for myself making it so learning music takes longer and is giving me this hiatus on a loop where its discouraging me to make music but i want to so bad

i don't always do things all straight because it's just too complex to explain and i am also dealing with burnout

and i dont wanna post songs into the bulletin because that kind of defeats the purpose of why BotB is competitive

this is why
Level 10 Chipist
post #193739 :: 2024.07.21 9:05am
  ultraNT liēkd this
nah I get it. I personally don’t ever really participate in most OHB’a
Level 6 Chipist
post #193745 :: 2024.07.21 9:32am
  retrokid104 liēkd this
glad that you understand it then
Level 30 Mixist
post #193785 :: 2024.07.21 5:34pm :: edit 2024.07.21 5:36pm
  petet, argarak, mahogany, dobra, YQN, ASIKWUSpulse, Viraxor, nitrofurano, Lincent, Kaytse, Surfcroc, mirageofher, ItsDuv, lasersphaser, cabbage drop and damifortune liēkd this
the reality is that nobody feels perfect in what they do. there is no such thing as perfection, so don't pursue that. there are people who do things, and people who don't, and the people that do things regardless of the result invariably achieve more than the people who don't do things because they're afraid of looking bad, which is another illusion because people are too worried about how they themselves are percieved to think much about others.
Level 31 Chipist
i realize this is technically a competition site, but it is just about the friendliest, most relaxed competition you can get - the numbers are there just for fun, and to get you to try your best, to put in effort. don't take them any more seriously than that. if you're having fun, you're winning.

you have to make a lot of """bad""" art to find yourself making """good""" art. people on this site are at ALL experience levels and ALL points along the arc of their progression as an artist. many, like me, have been writing music for decades, so don't even bother comparing yourself with others, it just doesn't make sense!

and as tennisers is alluding to, you'll definitely never get to a point where you're happy with what you're making if you stop yourself from making in the first place.

do what feels healthiest for you - if you genuinely can't stomach the competition aspect, and there are totally people like that in this world, that's fine! but don't let that stop you from making art if you feel like making art for whatever reason.
Level 22 Mixist
post #193788 :: 2024.07.21 6:25pm :: edit 2024.07.21 6:26pm
  Viraxor, Lincent, ItsDuv, Talen and cabbage drop liēkd this
So, one thing i wanna say first:
Please do not measure or treat your music via how well it does in a competitive setting or in a specific community.
One thing that has helped me significantly in a music journey is to make sure I am the first audience for my music, then eventually focus on the others.
Try making songs for yourself, even stuff that would be seen as self-indulgent. I have made like almost 10 vent songs at this point, they have helped me immensely in this musical journey and my own life.
Then after that you can try focusing on something for a more wider audience, like a song you made to impress people or just for fun.

Like Damifortune say, BOTB might have aspects of a competition, but it isn't super competitive compared to those places where there's actual prizes that aren't just honorary titles or a .png medal. A lot of people here just participate in the XHBs or even majors just for fun.
I wanna show the music I've made to the world first, then maybe eventually if I'm felling spicy i might do it more competitively.
Focus on having fun in this place first. However, I understand if you want to leave in case the competitive aspects fuck you up too much.
I certainly had to deal with self-doubt, depression, etc over my songs not doing well in majors. Just try to do it in a way that makes you happy and if that isn't making you happy then you have the rights to take care of yourself first.

And third:
You can still make music just fine. Your music doesn't have to be tied to a competitive event at all. And the scores or ranks in a major don't have a say over how you should feel over your own output.
It's kinda weird because the numbers are both real (genuine people vote there, deciding how they like your song or not) and fake (small voting pool, can be biased towards certain styles, genres, artists, etc) at the same time. But even then they just represent what a few people of this community of this site think of your music, not an actual overall description of the quality of your music.
You're the one who decides whenever to engage or not with your music after all. You have the power to decide how you enjoy and interpret your art, don't let a lot of arbitrary BS tell otherwise.

sorry i just got passionate about it.
Level 30 Mixist
thanks for making this post because i realized i stopped making myself from making music because i felt like "it's gotten boring and it's not worth it" but i can make it fun and worth it if i want to and maybe give something to other people.
Level 22 Mixist
post #193790 :: 2024.07.21 6:41pm
  Titan of Plasma liēkd this
i honestly struggle a lot when my songs do really bad in majors... in fact i had a breakdown today when my famicom grandprix song had a mid placement despite all the love and effort i put into it.
Level 18 Chipist
post #193794 :: 2024.07.21 6:50pm
  Viraxor, nitrofurano, Hexer, kilowatt64, cabbage drop and damifortune liēkd this
keep practicing. Keep Practicing. KEEP PRACTICING.
Level 31 Chipist
post #193795 :: 2024.07.21 6:53pm
  YQN, Viraxor, Kaytse, mirageofher, Prestune, Titan of Plasma, kilowatt64, ItsDuv, lasersphaser and Talen liēkd this
to take this even a step further: if you're making stuff you're winning. if you're stopping yourself from making stuff for some reason you're losing.
Level 16 Chipist
post #193838 :: 2024.07.22 8:03am
  cabbage drop, nitrofurano and lasersphaser liēkd this
burnout sucks :(
Level 29 Chipist
cabbage drop
post #193869 :: 2024.07.22 3:04pm
  Chepaki, Opilion and kilowatt64 liēkd this
the Atari 2600 is hard ime! been at this for over two years here by the time I took my first shot at TIA and the tune didn't clear 20

the notes in TIA are far from twelve equal temperament. there's a few places to land on the 267 cent blues third, which rules, but modulate and it's gone! and only two channels? it's hard to make a definite call here but TIA may be one of the hardest formats. c+ and the beep shredders at least have notes in familiar places. bytebeat can get the notes one way or another. klangfreude naturally lands on just temperaments and has eight full channels! and when I fire up baby-k the tune glues itself together and everything works

Summer Chip XIV still has some time if you want; imo the NES+ is a good call. the Famitrackers are really user friendly trackers. Dn-Famitracker is great! and there's always an NES xhb nearby. anything made for NES+ can work for wildchip and maybe fakebit. mb pan and master for fakebit? gameboy's good too. and works from Furnace! Sega Master System's great but kinda restricted; third pulse interferes w noise so sms is mostly two pulses and a noise. that lone noise channel's gonna be carrying drums, basses, and risers

and yeah; after mb some rest, doing lots of xhbs works too! all good if the xhb tune doesn't badge. also really cool when it does. took me five times to badge the xhb

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