Feature Request: Reply Alert
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 30 Chipist
post #188473 :: 2024.04.28 6:49pm
  MemoryCanyon, Opilion, anizodotmp3, blockblockblock, cmdc57, Yung Gotenks and Collidy liēkd this
I've been thinking about this for awhile now, but an option to getting alerted when Botbrs reply to your message may increase the amount of comments people get in there entries.

When I leave a message on a Botbr entry, I'll often move on and forget to check up on it. But sometimes the botbr whos entry I commented on will give a thoughtful reply that I've missed out on seeing.

Maybe so as to not have it as a spammable feature, a small 10 boon increase is required to have a comment ping the botbr; could perhaps use "@" and the botbrs name to create the alert.
Or maybe it's automatic, that, when the creator replies, the comment directly above will get a ping. Could also be a feature that every botbr can toggle on or off to get replies (but if that were the case I wouldn't go for the boon cost, or botbrs might pay boons to send to someone who've chosen not to be alerted.)

Could name it something cute, like some sort of botb postal delivery service.

What would everyone's thoughts be on such an idea?

Level 22 Chipist
post #188475 :: 2024.04.28 7:03pm
I think thats a wonderful idea given that I sometimes forget I even posted on a certain entry and would realize days later(probably months 💀). Really helps to keep you up to date with responses you receive
Level 21 Chipist
post #188480 :: 2024.04.28 9:58pm
Yeah as it stands now, you basically can't have a threaded conversation on entries, battles, or profiles - could that be an intentional decision, to encourage people to stick to chat DMs for back-and-forth interactions? Or is it just a consequence of where things are at currently, featurewise?
Level 32 Chipist
post #188483 :: 2024.04.28 10:07pm
  OminPigeonMaster liēkd this
alternatively you can give me 56 boons per posted comment and i'll check for you every day and inform you when theres a reply, how does that sound? :3
Level 25 XHBist
post #188487 :: 2024.04.29 1:25am
  doopdee, lasersphaser and Opilion liēkd this
i don't think an @ system is required - posts are already numbered, so simply including a post ID (e.g. "#188473" for the OP of this thread) in your comment should be sufficient to alert the person whose post was mentioned. this should probably be level-gated to prevent spam (at least i would prefer that to imposing a booncost).

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