New Detroit-Style Major
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 22 Mixist
post #185596 :: 2024.02.25 6:34am
  Hz-Voyager, BubblegumOctopus, anizodotmp3 and damifortune liēkd this
fellas. folks. i miss Detroit. it was so dope.

i got access to a few fun DIY spaces to host another irl detroit-like, if theres any interest lemme know. (similarly, gimme any questions or suggestions you might have)
Level 31 Chipist
post #185604 :: 2024.02.25 7:02am
Chicago's a full day's drive for me but i'd be interested!
Level 32 Chipist
post #185611 :: 2024.02.25 7:15am
any live event outside of europe isnt something i can attend, but having the major on botb alone wld be cool.
anything in the direction of 25/48

gonna bring up my comment here again - rn the battle engine of botb cant handle these battles.

last year i wanted to do something like this in hamburg too, but theres so much planning involved .. . . ;-;
Level 15 Chipist
post #185616 :: 2024.02.25 7:45am
Level 28 Chipist
post #185637 :: 2024.02.25 12:41pm
bit period issues in new battle system aside, I am a Detroit/similar style enjoyer and also interested in IRL style if I can.

I would also like another Remix/Allgear major in the vein of the drumpf battle (preferably no politicians in this one, that's just the one I thought of)
Level 28 Chipist
post #185699 :: 2024.02.26 12:19pm
I stayed far away from that particular battle, especially after what happened over the years outside the scope of that battle. For whatever reason, having such a large collection of samples is just plain overkill for these kind of remix battles these days for me: I feel like I've done enough digging around. That's actually why Amen Sin and Apache Saw almost sound like a good idea for me these days, since I don't have to do so much digging around for materials.

However, I have also been around long enough to have actually been in a Detroit... namely, as my very first entry all the way back in 2012. I ended up not participating in any further ones (they ran for another five years), but it just so happens that my very first entry was indeed a Detroit entry. I was never in an Ann Arbor because the series ended before I ever joined Battle of the Bits.

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