🥫 Tin Can Day is over! GG
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 28 XHBist
Tin Can Day is over!! 20 people have chosen 1 entry of theirs they really like and that only earned them tincans to be featured on Tin Can Day (January 19th). These entries were checked out to celebrate the day!

blockblockblock - chipfic
Bravoman - tiny boss
cabbage drop - cabbs noob zone
Chepaki - new king of the jungle
Collidy - Kites are cool
Demphys - Hard Hike
DuccBoi - somewhere very mysterious
funute - Two Ways About It
gotoandplay - fauna/fungi
ivel - magic gnat
kilowatt64 - Chrysalis
Lasertooth - Points and Bubbles
Max Chaplin - Meadow Plunge
Opilion - hello
Prestune - Homestead
roz - base pairs
SnugglyBun - LETSGO
Tex - Melting Into Wildflowers
Tilde - dedication
Titan of Plasma - Umi kara no omoide


(original post)

So, January 19th is National Tin Can Day in the US. An opportunity to celebrate tin cans in BotB fashion!

Here's how it works:

DM me, on Discord (texbotb), 1 entry of yours you're honestly proud of and that only earned you tincans. Maybe you have an obscure one from the depths of the archives that you wish received more attention.

When the big day is upon us, I'll edit this post with everyone's entries and we can check them out during the day. Don't feel obliged to do so, but I think it's part of the celebration that each is individually acknowledged, so I can at least speak for myself that I'll do my part.

If this goes well, we can also celebrate different days for the other ranking categories.

May these tincans shine like they have never shined before.
Level 28 Chipist
post #182912 :: 2024.01.15 6:59pm
  Viraxor, Raiku, cabbage drop and Tex liēkd this
Fun idea!
The can is adorable

My house is full of tin cans
Level 21 Chipist
post #182956 :: 2024.01.16 7:57pm
  cabbage drop and Tex liēkd this
good idea!! sent you mine.
Level 32 Chipist
post #182972 :: 2024.01.17 1:11am
  Xaser, cabbage drop, Demphys, Chepaki, blockblockblock and Arcane Toaster liēkd this
the image clearly says
T uu n Can Day
Level 28 XHBist
post #182974 :: 2024.01.17 2:05am
  cabbage drop, mirageofher, Lasertooth, Arcane Toaster and kleeder liēkd this
I wish Friday was T uu n Can Day...
Level 29 Mixist
post #183019 :: 2024.01.17 4:23pm
  cabbage drop, Demphys and Chepaki liēkd this
T ,,uᵤu,, n Can Day
Level 22 Chipist
post #183038 :: 2024.01.18 12:43pm
  cabbage drop and Tex liēkd this
tincanso day
Level 28 XHBist
post #183066 :: 2024.01.19 1:47am
  cabbage drop liēkd this
Tin Can Day is here!! Check out the first post for all the entries featured.

If you are not on this list, posting your entry in this thread today also works. Remember, it has to be an entry you're proud of and that only earned you tincans. And it's 1 entry per person.

Feel free to share your thoughts about your entry in this thread if you so desire (why you chose it to be featured today, etc).

Here's what funute had to say about their own:

"proudest of this tin can in terms of both effort and quality i put into the entry as well as how well it did against such a stacked format"

Honestly, I chose my own entry for the same reasons funute chose theirs.
Level 23 Mixist
post #183069 :: 2024.01.19 2:30am
  cabbage drop and Tex liēkd this
Level 25 Chipist
post #183076 :: 2024.01.19 4:54am :: edit 2024.01.20 5:45am
  cabbage drop and Tex liēkd this
Shid I forgot to post mine but here's my personal fave of tincan:

For those who want to know why I chose this, it's because it's my first time submitting cover art on botb. Since I've really dug into vectoring since 2020, I decided to use that technique; heck, chip battle art doesn't have to be chipped art style. Vectoring is love; vectoring is life. The full image can be found on Pixiv, and the svg file is available on Mega (link in bio).
Level 24 Chipist
post #183101 :: 2024.01.19 11:00am
  cabbage drop, kilowatt64, roz and Tex liēkd this
Mighty proud of this can

Level 28 Chipist
post #183109 :: 2024.01.19 12:51pm :: edit 2024.01.19 3:19pm
  Titan of Plasma, cabbage drop and Tex liēkd this
my choice was a pretty basic laid-back track that I like because I vibe with the feeling and the storytelling aspect of it (one of my first attempts at suggesting story elements via instrumentation, I tried to capture a butterfly's sporadic movements with the backing during the chorus)

edit: LOL just now realized that the icon in the thread title is in fact a can and NOT a sideways Canada flag.

moar edit: someone tagged the entries TinCanDay2024. That's cool, now we can find these here
Level 28 XHBist
post #183116 :: 2024.01.19 2:40pm
  Collidy, Bravoman and cabbage drop liēkd this
Edited the first post with entries from SnugglyBun, Collidy, Bravoman and Tilde, which adds up to 19 tinchallengers on the day of 19th!!
Level 29 Chipist
cabbage drop
post #183119 :: 2024.01.19 3:21pm
  Lasertooth, Tex and kilowatt64 liēkd this
cabbs noob zone -- first time I did MML! didn't plan to? short and fast level, easy to play thru; I got the Yoshi bongos to play! mine are pitched a bit lower. having a song change and stay the same like this by in-game choices felt huge. also keeping the in-game samples, staying kinda close to the smw style; just 6kb of MML for the tune
Level 22 Chipist
Titan of Plasma
post #183120 :: 2024.01.19 3:35pm :: edit 2024.01.20 3:23pm
  kilowatt64, cabbage drop and Tex liēkd this
I realized that I tend more towards upbeat tunes. However, for a change, this tin can awarded melody was thought as a chill shuffle, more fit to an anime ending than an opening (for WCXIX I went full anime opening, though).

As Galgox and Kleeder commented, I like this one because I don't make rather relaxed songs very often, nor songs with a swung/triplet pattern.
Level 28 XHBist
post #183150 :: 2024.01.20 12:52am
  Titan of Plasma, kilowatt64, roz, Max Chaplin, Collidy, Opilion and cabbage drop liēkd this
All the participation in this event made it feel like Tin Can Day really materialized on BotB yesterday. And that is special. These tincans sure have gotten shinier.

Thanks everyone who took part!
Level 25 XHBist
post #183160 :: 2024.01.20 7:29am
  Collidy, Raiku, Titan of Plasma, cabbage drop, Opilion and Tex liēkd this
thanks for sharing, all!!

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