Level 22 Chipist
post #171974 ::
2023.06.09 8:23pm
agargara, Hz-Voyager, Opilion, anizodotmp3, Glitz Gal, roz, kleeder, VirtualMan, Delita, Tex, Viraxor, Yung Gotenks, mirageofher and damifortune liēkd this
agargara, Hz-Voyager, Opilion, anizodotmp3, Glitz Gal, roz, kleeder, VirtualMan, Delita, Tex, Viraxor, Yung Gotenks, mirageofher and damifortune liēkd this
Hello one, hello all!
I've been a part of BotB for a few months now, and I feel the time is right to infuse my own random interests into our community — namely, a YouTube Power Hour featuring tracks from our very own.
For the unfamiliar, the Power Hour is a (usually) college drinking game that, as far as I can tell, is more prevalent in places like the Rust Belt. The game entails you taking a shot of beer every minute for an entire hour, typically leading to 5 or 6 beers finished in that time before the night ahead of you. (Brilliant, I know.) The game is punctuated with songs that are changed every minute: at one time, manually on the mp3 player or iPod of choice, but now in a number of permutations found all over the internet.
At 36, the drinks move much more slowly, but the intrigue in an hour of music, highlighting in its way tracks you may have never otherwise stumbled upon, remains strong, and so I propose here and now a Power Hour of strictly BotB submissions, especially given that the OHB format means a lot of them won't even make it a full minute (which is fine).
I'm happy to organize and make the video — all I need is folks' permission and a list of what songs to include (again, great part is, I can just download the mp3 files). *If* you'd like to have your song as a part of the video, please list 1 or 2 of your BotB-submitted tracks at the link below (including, if preferred, a one-minute section of the song you want to have chosen), and I'll get things going!
Such playlists typically have a theme and this one is...
What better way to embrace the Power Hour mentality? My apologies for the lengthy post, but hope you're willing to participate!
Sheet for song info: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d15JxiVLn-oDf91lYufYN7xDF_WYHhhvh4550md4PqI/edit?usp=sharing
I've been a part of BotB for a few months now, and I feel the time is right to infuse my own random interests into our community — namely, a YouTube Power Hour featuring tracks from our very own.
For the unfamiliar, the Power Hour is a (usually) college drinking game that, as far as I can tell, is more prevalent in places like the Rust Belt. The game entails you taking a shot of beer every minute for an entire hour, typically leading to 5 or 6 beers finished in that time before the night ahead of you. (Brilliant, I know.) The game is punctuated with songs that are changed every minute: at one time, manually on the mp3 player or iPod of choice, but now in a number of permutations found all over the internet.
At 36, the drinks move much more slowly, but the intrigue in an hour of music, highlighting in its way tracks you may have never otherwise stumbled upon, remains strong, and so I propose here and now a Power Hour of strictly BotB submissions, especially given that the OHB format means a lot of them won't even make it a full minute (which is fine).
I'm happy to organize and make the video — all I need is folks' permission and a list of what songs to include (again, great part is, I can just download the mp3 files). *If* you'd like to have your song as a part of the video, please list 1 or 2 of your BotB-submitted tracks at the link below (including, if preferred, a one-minute section of the song you want to have chosen), and I'll get things going!
Such playlists typically have a theme and this one is...
What better way to embrace the Power Hour mentality? My apologies for the lengthy post, but hope you're willing to participate!
Sheet for song info: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d15JxiVLn-oDf91lYufYN7xDF_WYHhhvh4550md4PqI/edit?usp=sharing