@ViLXDRYAD at discord they seems very open to feature requests
@puke7 i never tried it - is it from a kind of nsf to nes rom "converter"? and what if a similar tool for "converting" (embedding) vgm to nes rom could exist? i'm asking this as it is so easy to add sn76489 vgm binary files into sms and colecovision rom files (i tried on code made on boriel's zxbasic compiler) - i'm even about to imagine that, as you can code a game to nes, and also know how vgm file is structured, you can also play a vgm file on nes as well! ;) (but btw, don't worry about this too much, all the tools we use here, without exceptions, are very known as very "work in progress"! ;) )