BotB on Bandcamp; Winter Chip VI Released! :D
BotB Academy News
Level 29 Hostist
post #16565 :: 2011.08.20 11:55am :: edit 2011.08.20 12:09pm
  anewuser, marphff, gyms and zanzan liēkd this
BotB on bandcamp

Also, physical stuff in an online store
. I'm talking double cassettes, double CD's and a record.

Whaddup now, son?
Level 16 OHCist
Soiled Bargains
post #16566 :: 2011.08.20 11:56am
Buy it.
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #16567 :: 2011.08.20 12:08pm
ima cassette when i got some cash homie :D
Level 29 Hostist
post #16568 :: 2011.08.20 12:58pm :: edit 2011.08.20 2:56pm
Alright, the store is now set to handle domestic and international orders!! :D:D:DD
Level 28 Chipist
post #16575 :: 2011.08.20 6:03pm
dammm my paypals need money for this and domationssssszzz!!! JEEZZZ
Level 25 Mixist
post #16584 :: 2011.08.22 9:44am
  marphff and xterm liēkd this
FUCK YES! *clickity click* TAPE PURCHASED

Time to pull out my ghetto blaster and knee high socks y0

I fucking love BOTB to bits
Level 19 Chipist
Modus Ponens
post #16586 :: 2011.08.22 9:52am
Are the track lengths listed next to the individual tracks on bandcamp what they are in the digital album and the physical media, or are they just preview lengths? Because it looks like bandcamp only has half of my song.
Level 29 Hostist
post #16587 :: 2011.08.22 11:20am
The tapes are already made, and each side has a rather exact length of music to fill each tape. I apologize. I rerendered all tracks to .wav for upload to bandcamp. The way it loops, well, the 2nd half visually looked like the 1st half. I haven't made any CDs yet, and I can update the bandcamp version too.
Level 19 Chipist
Modus Ponens
post #16588 :: 2011.08.22 1:56pm
It's not a huge deal. The form of that song is ABA'C; I understand why one would think that it was just ABAB.
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #16589 :: 2011.08.22 2:34pm
  anewuser liēkd this
I know you n00bs got facebook and twitter. Share this thing! Share the pants off of it! The bandcamp page makes it so easy!! :X
Level 25 Chipist
post #16595 :: 2011.08.23 11:28am
  anewuser liēkd this
I'd rather get the mixparty Ann Arbor/Detroit stuff, hope we can get around to that.
Level 29 Hostist
post #16597 :: 2011.08.23 2:49pm
chunter - I've had a couple concerns about the remix stuff . . .

Should each one be it's own release or should they be slightly combined. I really like the idea of making highlight compilations rather than putting out everything on bandcamp.

The other big one, should I just render the MP3's to WAV and call it a day?!?!
Level 22 Playa
post #16598 :: 2011.08.23 4:14pm
random thing, looks like artist/track name are swapped on this one:

Lala Bondage - Zelda 77
Level 25 Chipist
post #16600 :: 2011.08.23 11:06pm
re: mix contest compilations are a good idea because then you can include the best of some one-offs like pir8 break; since I expect most people don't have the sauce files to re-encode the mixes, encoding the mp3s might be the only way to go, however, that doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't attempt to post process it with care- multiband compression and/or EQ, that sort of thing...
Level 22 Playa
post #16606 :: 2011.08.24 4:48pm
  anewuser and Soiled Bargains liēkd this
puke7: i think you should definitely solicit WAVs from the participants before you resort to using the MP3s. i'm sure a lot of them are still around on disk (or can be re-rendered from source)!
Level 28 Chipist
post #16609 :: 2011.08.24 8:24pm
6 days left, and i have nothing... im about to cry! :(((
Level 17 Chipist
Alpha C
post #16697 :: 2011.08.31 4:18pm
ordered the double-CD!!!!!
Level 17 Chipist
Alpha C
post #17451 :: 2011.10.24 2:45pm
Not to be nagging, but any indication as to when I might receive my order? It's been almost two months, after all.
Level 30 Chipist
post #17452 :: 2011.10.24 4:13pm
^ same here (ordered the double cassette + WC1 7", order was made 24th of August, so over 2 months ago). I actually emailed Beard man about this some days ago, as order status still says "processing" for me which I guess points to that the stuff has not been sent yet(?)
Level 29 Hostist
post #17459 :: 2011.10.25 8:35am
I'd like to apologize. I was really trying to create a cross-promotion with Sumer Chip and the launch of the store. The tapes and CDs are made, but the insert sheets have yet to be laid out. Nate (from Epic Fail Cassette) bugs me every once in a while about this too. There are 4 orders that have not gone out from the time of the store's launch. I was hoping for a bit more than that. All the money is still sitting in my paypal account, I can give a refund if anyone is that upset, but I also planned on sending extra goodies along when the orders finally shipped. You all should probably nag me in IRC about getting this done.
Level 17 Chipist
Alpha C
post #17468 :: 2011.10.25 1:35pm
No problem man, just checking :). I'll be waiting.
Level 30 Chipist
post #17469 :: 2011.10.25 1:59pm
yeps, no hurries. and the other slackers on this site, go buy some stuffs! ;P
Level 27 chipist
post #17496 :: 2011.11.03 5:20am
i was trying to order a 2xcasette but i was having real problems with loblast. BLAAAART i'll try again later

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