You know what would have been really fun with this exploit? Giving negative boons to
the bank of BotB. Imagine: Rolling. In. Boons. That was the "bigger problem" I found.
Thanks to you, Stelpa, I found this bug/exploit, and it was
ace. I am going to give you a cash reward: all the boons you need to have ~
b256 (since apparently our boon counts are semi-precise floating point numbers). You have
b12.68 as of now.
b256 is enough for you to host a OHB for
b125 (you get your money thrown back at you if it has three or more participants), with
b131 as an extra little something. With that kind of spare cash you can
post new bulletins for
b25, liēk posts for a nub (
b0.01), or
create palettes to spice up your experience here. I'm happy that you decided to go under a new name,