Take Lessons from Moot!
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 30 Mixist
post #59975 :: 2015.09.11 4:24am
  JINTAKE, raphaelgoulart, mega9man, goluigi, Cessor Safari, Baron Knoxburry, Savestate and Ktcmoop liēkd this
Hey Botbrs...Have you ever wanted to improve your musical skills, or your recording/production chops, but aren't sure where to go next? Maybe you need some guidance.
I'm here to help! I'm offering lessons via Skype!

This offer is only for my Botb fam...I'm lowering my price to $35 USD per one-hour lesson, via PayPal! That's a lot less than I charge in person!
I can help you with:

-Programming (MIDI sequencing, synth sound design, etc)
-DAW multitrack recording
-General music theory

If you're interested, leave a comment and we'll set something up! Feel free to ask any questions.
Level 24 Chipist
post #59976 :: 2015.09.11 4:50am
  pedipanol, Ryaan2000 and Baron Knoxburry liēkd this
35 USD...i could buy a toy guitar for Ryaan...
Level 26 Mixist
post #59977 :: 2015.09.11 6:17am
  goluigi liēkd this
I'm extremely interested. Leaning toward the "audio production / mixing" side of life if you're cool with focusing on that sort of thing.

I wouldn't mind attempting to learn piano again, though I don't have my old keyboard with me at the moment -- might have to wait a few weeks to be able to snag it from the parents, though.
Level 29 Mixist
post #59993 :: 2015.09.12 4:04am
can i learn how 2 start getting into actual mixing and stuff like that

also i'd be on board for some piano lessons maybe because idk how 2 play wow (i don't have velocity sensors on my keyboard tho rip)
Level 30 Mixist
post #60024 :: 2015.09.12 9:43pm
Hey Xaser and golgi! If you're interested let's do it for sure. You know my skype obviously golgi but Xaser, my skype is mootyboox if you want to add me.
I'm pretty much wide open as far as time this month but next month we'd have to work out a day that's best, if you wanted to continue.
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #60060 :: 2015.09.15 1:09pm
  mootbooxle liēkd this
i should study chord voicings and keyboard technique :x
Level 30 Mixist
post #60068 :: 2015.09.16 6:27am
  marcb0t liēkd this
Let me know if you would like help with that B-Knocks

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