WEEKLY INSIGHT corner: sign up thread
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #55761 :: 2015.04.04 1:16pm
where is this to happen?
Level 22 Chipist
post #55764 :: 2015.04.04 2:00pm :: edit 2015.04.04 3:09pm
this sounds really cool so i'll join in! i think i'm going through a transitional phase in my musical style and sorta would appreciate the support (▰˘◡˘▰) tbh though i'm still a little confused on how this works, but i'll go with the flow and wait for further instruction, maybe a flowchart


• captain beard (, of course! :0)

• uhh, the weekend, def the weekend. preferably later in EST time like evening-up but i can do my best for whatever

• does my song go anywhere without jumping all over the place tonally/stylistically? are my melodies memorable and good to the ear?? do the choice in samples/synths sound good, flowing well together? what sort of game/media/era could you imagine this in? mixing advice is always appreciated too
Level 26 Mixist
post #55769 :: 2015.04.04 3:02pm
  goluigi liēkd this
Allrighty, I'll bite.

- Name: I AM A XASER
- Time: next week is good; i'm most available Monday, Wednesday and Friday but i'll probably be able to comment throughout the day on TuTh as well.
- Question: How can I improve the production quality of [song x]? Can it be mixed better (and if so, how)? For module-based tunes (i.e. all of them) Is it actually possible to master this to a degree if exported to audio tracks to achieve some sorta old-school but semi-pro sound?

I'll probably post up a sample of "here are the things i consider the best and/or candidates for an album thing." I kinda consider OHBs (and even majors, sometimes) as experimental grounds to try random stuff, a.k.a "throw paint at a canvas to see if it sticks," and I'm mostly interested in how to further improve the stuff that "sticks," if that makes sense.

General critiques re:composition and other things would be welcome too, of course; it's just production quality I'm wanting to focus on since that's what I suck most at IMO. :P
Level 22 Chipist
post #55771 :: 2015.04.04 3:07pm
kf: i'll post some recent stuff, but i also want to be prepared with some new wip stuff too (which i will work on a lot tonight especially) so expect it to be updated with a few clyp links tomorrow at the latest
Level 19 Mixist
post #55772 :: 2015.04.04 3:12pm
cool idea :D
Level 17 Mixist
post #55780 :: 2015.04.04 3:45pm
I like this idea!!! :DD

NAME: Zaalan

TIME: The weekend @ any time between 12pm and 12am Central Time( ei. midwestern U.S) , I can't be here on weekdays cuz I gotta focus on school

QUESTIONS: How can I get the creative juices flowing, and during OHC's how can I produce faster? I have a hard time making anything decent within the limit. Tips on making good melodies and accompaniment would also be appreciated!

pls and thank you <3
Level 29 Mixist
post #55783 :: 2015.04.04 4:15pm :: edit 2015.04.04 4:17pm
  JINTAKE, raphaelgoulart, Beard and Rainbow Dash liēkd this
wow okay.....................................


name: goluigi "golgi" apparatus aka gloggy from gayward, clockifornia COCKIN' it large...

time: (PDT!!!!!) tuesday morning, thursday morning, friday afternoon or weekends.....

questions: how do i get better at chords/voice leading/chord voicings (this is a really open question) (i already have a decent knowledge of music theory so this isn't a how do i make more interesting chords question as much as a how do i make "better" chords/chord voicings that don't clash w/ other parts)

also for critters, does this work by like anyone comes in on the thread and gives their advice on how to help???
Level 23 Chipist
post #55786 :: 2015.04.04 5:36pm
  Flaminglog liēkd this
• Emelia K.

• earliest 7PM GMT (8PM BST) Saturday which i guess is either the 18th or the 25th??? can you have it on other days

• How do I remove myself from a trap wherein I cannot create what I want to with my current toolset, nor can I create using higher toolsets because they either cost money or are extremely unfamiliar? The problem is actually a lot more deep than this that's just a surface summation

• Not regarding the previous question - what can I do to start entering the whole hi-fi music production thing?

Sawblade Precipice - I know this is a good work, but what knowledge can I actually take from this work regarding what's a good idea and what's not? I like Sawblade Precipice, I just feel like I haven't learned from it.


hope i did this right
Level 27 Chipist
post #55841 :: 2015.04.05 11:17am :: edit 2015.04.09 5:15pm
  JINTAKE, Beard, goluigi, iamgreaser and Rainbow Dash liēkd this
name: Raphael "Big Cock" Goulart
time: any
-how do i extend or at least vary more the structure of my songs? they're most like intro (lead-less part A) -> part A -> part A with harmony -> part B -> loops and i cant make something long at all (not even 3 mins!) with it
-how do i make more different leads? i like my leads but im beginning to unconciously steal leads from other songs of mine and only noticing it after im done with it (or when someone else notices) (also thats why i made the "troll entry" with obnoxious memes to that one mod ohb)
-besides structure and originality, what else can i improve in my songs?
Level 28 Chipist
post #55872 :: 2015.04.05 3:36pm
  aji liēkd this
Name - me I think
quest - to seek the grail
time - I honestly dont have a preference
questions - Is there a song I've made before that you think could do with having others made in a similar style? Ie a guidepost for future songs. Can be other people's music too.
Also I dont find it easy to make overtly happy songs without them sounding derivative of games or other artists.. any pointers on unique positive songs would be useful!
Level 14 Chipist
post #56115 :: 2015.04.12 4:15pm :: edit 2015.04.12 4:19pm
  goluigi liēkd this
name: Harumi
time: GMT+1 12pm-4pm, 6pm-10pm.

Questions: Lately I've really been dabbling in trackers, but I'm really worried about my melodies sounding too odd, disruptive, or generally meandering. I'm curious as to what I could do, any tips people have or whatever else you can think of.

Chords are another thing I'm struggling with. I can't get nice chord voicings or progressions going, not without the help of others. I want to get over this, at least a little bit. I don't really want to rely on others to get some decent chords going, since it's such a bother.

Last thing, counter and/or response melodies. What would be an effective way to go about these, that compliment the main melody, give it more life, but don't steal the spotlight of it?

hope i did it right~
Level 29 Mixist
post #56135 :: 2015.04.12 11:17pm
what about just starting the thread in general and letting critters give tips as necessary? like start one of the threads every other day or something
Level 14 Chipist
post #56138 :: 2015.04.13 12:49am
  goluigi liēkd this
I can agree with golgi on that, it'd be a lot smoother, and people wouldn't have to wait nearly as long.
Level 29 Mixist
post #56139 :: 2015.04.13 12:53am
  Cessor Safari liēkd this
yeah maybe whoever feels like getting criticised and pelted~~ (with useful tips obv!) can pose their music issue in a new thread... !!!

i guess it would be cool, like at the end we would have a bunch of threads dedicated to improving urself musically in different ways and it would be cool for others to read back on what happened and take the tips themselves.....

i wonder if a new forum section can be made..."musical insight"
Level 23 Mixist
post #59667 :: 2015.09.01 7:53pm :: edit 2015.09.02 6:27pm
  Savestate liēkd this
name: noodlebuckets
time: whenever
questions: how can I start adding more sections to my music and stop relying on AABA crap? how to stop THINKING in sections? how can I just make my stuff flow?

how can I write interesting percussion instead of just using it to provide a metronome-like beat in the background?

how can I get a piece to not be stuck in one "mood" without just switching from major to minor or minor to major or repeating transposed up?

how can I use metric modulation without sounding clunky?

how can I add more chromaticism without secondary dominants/leading tones or those annoyingly "smug" sounding bebop scales?

how can I use "classical" music theory and "jazz" theory to make stuff that doesn't sound like "classical" or "jazz"? (I really hate how traditional jazz sounds...)

how can I become debussy?
help pls
Level 25 Chipist
post #59670 :: 2015.09.02 4:59am
name: pedipanol
time: whenever during the weekends
question: my songs are repetitive as f*ck and I think it's related to the chord progressions, but whenever I try to do something different on the same song I lose my confidence and return to the same chords as before, how should I work on this?

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