OK. So it's this simple. There is to be no more discussion by minors to adults or from adults to minors in #botb of adult or sexually related activities. Battle of the Bits is hosted on American servers and we will abide by laws within this country (fortunately/unfortunately.) This is in part in effort to make everyone more comfortable in the channel.
So! As a warning prepare to be banned if you are a minor (less than 18 years old) who talks sexually suggestively (or directly) to an adult (18 or older) or an adult speaking sexually suggestively (or directly) to a minor. This includes posting of sexually suggestive explicit material. Moderators/admins (as usual) have the right to do as they please but also should set good examples within #botb.
#botbma is a channel where anything and everything goes as long as it is compliant within EsperNet terms of service. ;)
Minors are not allowed in #botbma until they are "of age". If we cannot prove the person is under age we will work on the honors system. As within best practices we set up this channel under the purpose to disallow underage patronage. If we can dox you to be underage you will be banned instantly and semi-permanently (also again to moderator/admin discretion.) No offense meant if you get kick/banned, kiddies. We're just trying to make it safe and fun for everyone! ;)
Have fun and say/do (almost) whatever you please! :D
So! As a warning prepare to be banned if you are a minor (less than 18 years old) who talks sexually suggestively (or directly) to an adult (18 or older) or an adult speaking sexually suggestively (or directly) to a minor. This includes posting of sexually suggestive explicit material. Moderators/admins (as usual) have the right to do as they please but also should set good examples within #botb.
#botbma is a channel where anything and everything goes as long as it is compliant within EsperNet terms of service. ;)
Minors are not allowed in #botbma until they are "of age". If we cannot prove the person is under age we will work on the honors system. As within best practices we set up this channel under the purpose to disallow underage patronage. If we can dox you to be underage you will be banned instantly and semi-permanently (also again to moderator/admin discretion.) No offense meant if you get kick/banned, kiddies. We're just trying to make it safe and fun for everyone! ;)
Have fun and say/do (almost) whatever you please! :D