#botbma - BotB IRC for Mature Audiences ;D
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 27 Renderist
post #50178 :: 2014.12.05 9:02pm :: edit 2014.12.05 9:05pm
  dolfin, Xemogasa, Beard, tothejazz, Jimmyoshi, Savestate, raphaelgoulart, mega9man and R3M hæitd this
  Fearofdark, zanzan, blank, plrusek, Flaminglog and marcb0t liēkd this
OK. So it's this simple. There is to be no more discussion by minors to adults or from adults to minors in #botb of adult or sexually related activities. Battle of the Bits is hosted on American servers and we will abide by laws within this country (fortunately/unfortunately.) This is in part in effort to make everyone more comfortable in the channel.

So! As a warning prepare to be banned if you are a minor (less than 18 years old) who talks sexually suggestively (or directly) to an adult (18 or older) or an adult speaking sexually suggestively (or directly) to a minor. This includes posting of sexually suggestive explicit material. Moderators/admins (as usual) have the right to do as they please but also should set good examples within #botb.

#botbma is a channel where anything and everything goes as long as it is compliant within EsperNet terms of service. ;)

Minors are not allowed in #botbma until they are "of age". If we cannot prove the person is under age we will work on the honors system. As within best practices we set up this channel under the purpose to disallow underage patronage. If we can dox you to be underage you will be banned instantly and semi-permanently (also again to moderator/admin discretion.) No offense meant if you get kick/banned, kiddies. We're just trying to make it safe and fun for everyone! ;)

Have fun and say/do (almost) whatever you please! :D
Level 21 Criticist
post #50180 :: 2014.12.05 9:41pm :: edit 2014.12.05 9:43pm
  R3M hæitd this
Wouldn't it have been easier to make a kids' channel?

[edit:]How are users supposed to be responsible for knowing the age of other users? Will there be a list kept at hand to be sure of this? Or is it expected of everyone to preface every line with "UserX, how old are you?"
Level 27 Renderist
post #50182 :: 2014.12.05 9:51pm
  raphaelgoulart, Beard and R3M hæitd this
We "ASL" (and dox). ;D And it says it's on the honors system, don't it? :D

No kids channel planned by me at the moment and don't really want one. :) No creepy kids channel for them to do sex-related things tied to BotB. Obviously.
Level 19 Pedagogist
post #50184 :: 2014.12.05 10:16pm :: edit 2014.12.05 10:39pm
  Xemogasa, Fearofdark, rainwarrior, raphaelgoulart, Jangler and Slimeball liēkd this
  Xyz hæitd this
Why can't we just make it such that overtly adult content in #botb is frowned upon/disallowed? We don't /need/ explicit content to have an excellent community, I thought that was obvious. All this does is make those that happen to be underage feel 'less' for no reason. Not everyone who's under 18 needs to be treated like they need to be shielded and babysat by the 'grown-ups'. I'm not going as far as 'age is just a number', as there are laws and they exist for good reasons, but I feel this unreasonably caste-ifies the BOTB community, and will lead to elitism and unproductive circlejerking. Together we stand, divided we fall.
Level 27 chipist
why don't you just Get 18
Level 26 Mixist
post #50187 :: 2014.12.06 12:39am
  marcb0t, rainwarrior, Baron Knoxburry, zanzan and Jangler liēkd this
TBH, given the way the general chat in #botb has been lately, I'm thankful for the mature audiences channel because now I can choose not to go there. D:
Level 28 Renderist
post #50193 :: 2014.12.06 4:23am
  goluigi, rainwarrior and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
I really wonder where the line is drawn regarding sexual suggestiveness... I can agree with not posting pr0n or talking explicitly about sexual acts, but a rule against "sexually suggestive" would imply that even Kukas Kukarsson and THIS 8========D are not allowed anymore.

I don't think this new channel will cause a divide. Most adults here don't consider themselves better than everyone just because they're older.

The desire of some people to circle jerk away from others is already fulfilled by other channels, Skype groups and private conversations anyway. :P
Level 21 Criticist
post #50196 :: 2014.12.06 6:07am
  sleeparrow, ap0c, JINTAKE, Xaser, mootbooxle, Savestate, raphaelgoulart, DimWiddy, Baron Knoxburry, xterm, aji, jowlsucks and Intero liēkd this
"What are you, 15? I have sample packs older than you"
Level 27 Renderist
post #50197 :: 2014.12.06 7:57am :: edit 2014.12.06 8:00am
#botbma is an alternative channel for allowing all things to those who have the associated age and maturity to do so.

In private conversations anything can go as well, but #botbma is a non-private alternative for those who wish to let-go to do as they wish. Yes it is meant exclusive in nature, and as zanzan mentions all will be allowed within the honors system to be in #botbma as long as they are 18+. :) Thank you.

In #botb definitions of what is sexually suggestive and what isn't sexually suggestive depends on the moderator/admin. So if you see a moderator/admin then you may want to be on your guard. :) Also moderators/admins are allowed to do as they please as long as it is acceptable to logical and ethical general standards; and this being stated it's not up to non-admins/moderators to voice their criticisms as moderators/admins have been given the title due to their quality of work or trust associated with the elevated status. :D
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #50198 :: 2014.12.06 8:23am
  kleeder, stinkbug, Xaser, raphaelgoulart, b00daw and Slimeball liēkd this
uncle b00d needs a place where he can comfortably talk about [WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT!] and violent [WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT!] without having to worry about being put on an FBI watch list
Level 28 Chipist
post #50205 :: 2014.12.06 9:59am
  Fearofdark, raphaelgoulart, rainwarrior, gotoandplay, Baron Knoxburry, zanzan and R3M liēkd this
i think that disallowing Explicit Content in #botb is a good move, but i agree with R3M that it should be unilateral. no exceptions for adults talking to adults, or minors talking to minors. admins/ops are also subject to the same rules.

the bottom line is that if you want to do it, do it somewhere else.
Level 19 Mixist
post #50210 :: 2014.12.06 11:26am
  Xemogasa, raphaelgoulart, Savestate, goluigi and Slimeball liēkd this
  zanzan hæitd this
you know, it should be brought up that implied and/or fictional sexuality of minors or between minors and adults is not against US laws of consent

just going to put that in there
Level 24 Chipist
post #50215 :: 2014.12.06 11:35am
  Xemogasa, tothejazz, rainwarrior, Savestate, DalekSam, raphaelgoulart, R3M, aji and Slimeball liēkd this
#botbma won't work. Community splits do not ever work. It'll create serious problems down the line. As much as I detest the idea of censoring global activity, it's the only smart move.
Level 28 Chipist
post #50218 :: 2014.12.06 11:52am
  raphaelgoulart and DimWiddy liēkd this
Whats the problem in just using banning/scrubbing/other ailments to deal with this? Seems it would generate less fuss.
Level 27 Renderist
post #50239 :: 2014.12.06 6:53pm :: edit 2014.12.06 6:57pm
  Slimeball liēkd this
There's nothing serious about #botbma and it's just a little hang-out with no current ideas for OHB-ish ideas; etc. I think people are going way too overboard about potential implications.

Secondly it was an idea roughly coined by athaudia which I happen to think is fun. I have no expectations of the channel and it is what it is; with semi-official association.

I'm not for censoring of anything and we never had to censor anything until the age group of BotBrs became younger and younger. In fact most of our older BotBrs (albeit many moved on for natural reasons) have become less comfortable expressing themselves due to the current culture and its globally restrictive political overtones.

If this happens to be my little outpost for any adult to do as they wish, so be it. Please have fun and enjoy yourselves!

@ChipChampion: On a watchlist or not, I just came back from another country so even though I may be overly sexual and violent at times I was allowed in and out of the country... SCORE! ;D (Plus: love you!)

@kinkinkijkin: You're a smart little person, but that's the direction we've moved on the site and the "#botb" channel. Thanks for your flexibility and understanding. :)
Level 25 Chipist
post #50244 :: 2014.12.06 9:48pm
  Jangler liēkd this
Because I like the idea of moderating this content out of #botb, as long as I never have to go into or think about #botbma, I'm totally cool with this.
Level 30 Mixist
post #50248 :: 2014.12.06 11:07pm
  jowlsucks, raphaelgoulart and goluigi liēkd this
I'm more or less ambivalent on this issue, but I'm curious...What prompted this in the first place? I'm a little confused on how/when/why this became an issue.
Level 27 Renderist
post #50249 :: 2014.12.06 11:54pm
  mootbooxle and Slimeball liēkd this
Jesus christ it's been very tame for how long it's been around. I'm pretty sure people aren't going to be cybering one another in a public setting. So far it's just been very open and interesting discussion about music, etc. without bullshit mental self-constipation.
Level 22 Chipist
post #50259 :: 2014.12.07 2:05am
  sleeparrow, JINTAKE, mootbooxle, Zillah, jowlsucks, Savestate, mega9man, raphaelgoulart, Slimeball, goluigi, tothejazz, Xyz and DimWiddy liēkd this
i have one thing to say about the pressing issue of sexual activity on botb: !this

Level 22 Chipist
post #50261 :: 2014.12.07 2:45am
  sleeparrow, Tilde, jowlsucks, Jimmyoshi, Savestate, mega9man and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
this seems silly

you'll have a channel with lots of people who have to force themselves to not talk about adult-oriented things

and then a channel filled with people who think #botbma is a good idea (probably not a lot of people)

it's sort of like only buying music with explicit lyrics warning labels on them. what's the point? what's the point of having to have this specific thing?

everything should just be fine the way it is
Level 23 Chipist
post #50270 :: 2014.12.07 9:43am
  sleeparrow, ap0c, Beard, tothejazz, mootbooxle, goluigi, jowlsucks and aji liēkd this
later, #botbkidzbop is created and replaces all explicit content with wildly unsuitable minor-friendly substitutions
Level 27 Mixist
post #50274 :: 2014.12.07 11:39am
  sleeparrow, mootbooxle, Xaser and Slimeball liēkd this
i will lurk in any channel that is offered to me because i have an insatiable need for irc channels
Level 24 Chipist
post #50292 :: 2014.12.07 9:25pm
  Xaser liēkd this
Plus, my boobs are central to many of my compositions and art projects.
Level 22 Chipist
post #50298 :: 2014.12.08 12:59am
  kinkinkijkin, mega9man, Tilde, DalekSam and aji liēkd this
  Beard hæitd this
what with the whole 'we dox people to see if they're a kid, and ban them if they are (smiley face)' thing, the channel seems to be more like an exclusive club than an alternative to to the main channel

"#botbma won't work. Community splits do not ever work. It'll create serious problems down the line."

tilde is 100% correct. someone should kill #botbma before it develops its own culture thing
Level 22 Chipist
post #50299 :: 2014.12.08 1:03am
  kinkinkijkin and Beard liēkd this
battleofthebits.com HOSTS explicit content
Level 27 Mixist
post #50302 :: 2014.12.08 1:21am
is there such a thing in the united states as a topic of conversation you cannot legally discuss with somebody under 18? if not, then i don't really see a compelling reason for #botbma to exist. there are better ways to deal with content preferences

other networks i've been on have had channel rating systems (PG/PG-13/18+) which were used to provide a sort of family-friendly environment, but it was an opt-in thing by the network, not a legal obligation.
Level 24 Chipist
post #50304 :: 2014.12.08 2:03am
  Ktcmoop and goluigi liēkd this
  Jangler hæitd this
Level 8 Mixist
post #50305 :: 2014.12.08 2:27am
  kinkinkijkin, goluigi and tothejazz liēkd this
I think 'officially' endorsing this as an extension of #botb is what's causing a bit of discord here.

My 2c:

I hung out for a bit there last night and enjoyed the conversation and w/e...the dynamic is different because there are different people hanging out there under exclusive conditions. The filter happens to be an age related one, which arguably acts as a signal-to-noise management tool(since more 'mature' folks are hanging out together), and that's fine cos w/e it's a new channel and the mod can do what he pleases.

I can say there have been a number of times where I was engaged in an 'adult(?)' conversation on #botb(not even sex related) and it happened to be a turn off to many people there who openly voiced how displeased they were with what was being said. So I politely(yet quite annoyed...grr) shut up and let the general opinion have its way while I consoled my poor blue balls in the corner.

So, I do appreciate the idea that there is an alternate channel where people can go to discuss stuff more openly without fear of killing a happy vibe or something...which I believe is b00daw's intent here.

But I don't think it's so healthy to send out the message that we're splitting into two parties of adults vs non adults. Personally, I don't like acknowledging that I'm older than others here and I'm sure the younger guys don't like their age being a factor either.

If this is in place to make everyone more comfortable in the main channel, then I think that is what should be emphasized(along with the reasons why it's necessary, such as my example above). But if it's to protect the children or something, or to avert any legal issues...I think it's a bunch of baloney. I don't hang out on IRC all the time, but I doubt either of these things are a true problem. A few people have already pointed out there's nothing exactly illegal with an adult discussing sex with a legal minor over the internet(and come one, it's not like we have people sporadically cybering in the main channel or something).

I vote pulling the plug on the semi-official declaration and perhaps even changing the name to something else(without changing the conditions or purpose of the channel). I don't think anyone would have a problem with a such a channel existing, but the way it's being announced here is a bit eh...destructive maybe.
Level 24 Chipist
post #50307 :: 2014.12.08 2:56am :: edit 2014.12.08 2:58am
  kinkinkijkin, tothejazz and mega9man liēkd this
  Beard hæitd this
"I hung out for a bit there last night and enjoyed the conversation and w/e...the dynamic is different because there are different people hanging out there under exclusive conditions. The filter happens to be an age related one, which arguably acts as a signal-to-noise management tool(since more 'mature' folks are hanging out together), and that's fine cos w/e it's a new channel and the mod can do what he pleases."

Of course. Unfortunately, I've seen this a thousand times. These exact words are the beginning of a community split. There's nothing wrong with feeling like it's a nice convenience. Obviously nobody's trying to destroy the site.

But it will. Regardless of intent, and regardless of how "politely" the new channel is announced.

Besides, I think intent might be a silly conversation to have. It's not like a general censor would make me feel more comfortable. Then again, I accidentally curse and talk about vaginas in front of children a LOT.
Level 30 Mixist
post #50309 :: 2014.12.08 3:18am
  b00daw, raphaelgoulart, goluigi, Fearofdark, Cessor Safari, tothejazz and mega9man liēkd this
Hey guess what? There are other IRC channels that BotBrs are members of in which subject matter that is of a more "mature" or "explicit" sort is discussed. It's no big deal. I really don't see why this is an issue in the first place.
Level 8 Mixist
post #50312 :: 2014.12.08 5:04am
  Beard and goluigi liēkd this
It's an issue cos it has been formally announced in such an authoritative and exclusive fashion.
Level 24 Chipist
post #50313 :: 2014.12.08 5:28am
  Beard hæitd this
I disagree, I have no qualms with how this was announced. I contend that even if b00daw announced it with hugs and free cookies, that would not be the issue.
Level 8 Mixist
post #50314 :: 2014.12.08 5:40am
  rainwarrior liēkd this
lol, there have been several other channels formed under the radar for similar reasons and they never lasted longer than the 2-3 week honeymoon period. There was no community split or damage to the main channel. Things were peaceful and the secretive circle jerk went unnoticed, so no one became upset.

Which is why I disagree with the nature of this announcement, as some people clearly Are a bit upset by it.

Drama and gloom-n-doom prophecy is fun, but the only thing truly in danger is the new channel's lifespan I think.
Level 8 Chipist
DJ Uncelot
post #50321 :: 2014.12.08 8:55am
  Ktcmoop, kinkinkijkin, Beard and jowlsucks hæitd this
Nothing wrong with a community split, imo
Level 17 Chipist
post #50329 :: 2014.12.08 1:50pm
  Savestate, goluigi and tothejazz liēkd this
perfect segway for MY new mature only irc channel #botbs (the b's stand for "boner")
Level 22 Chipist
post #50330 :: 2014.12.08 2:03pm
  kinkinkijkin liēkd this
gyms, i feel like if you want to talk about adult stuff in #botb, you should just do it regardless of whatever.
Level 21 Criticist
post #50341 :: 2014.12.08 5:10pm
  Slimeball, Beard, uUni and goluigi liēkd this
I think it would be even worse if it were not officially announced as it creates a sekrit klub for kool kids which I cannot fathom a more fertile ground for factional splits to occur. I'm naturally inclined to believe such is a bad thing.

On the other hand, it often seems that it's the natural flow of things for botbrs to WANT to create factions. Maybe it's time the game updates its tools to facilitate this.
Level 22 Chipist
post #50344 :: 2014.12.08 5:25pm
i like the way you think, Xyz!
Level 22 Chipist
post #50350 :: 2014.12.08 5:40pm :: edit 2014.12.08 5:43pm
  kinkinkijkin liēkd this
these constant community "splits" will cause stress and such to the users and relationships between them imo

in fact, it seems they already have -- so why would we publicize a new group and make it even more possible to bring a schizm (or an increase in such) within botb? a community shouldn't be about breaking itself into pieces for a few people to dwell on each one

along with this, the concept of limiting conversation towards two parties of people -- folks over 18 and under 18 is really stupid honestly and shouldn't be endorsed on an internet-based community where we're all inclined to chat about whatever generally in #botb anyway! it wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't endorsed and announced by a moderator, but it was, and now there's this mental mindset of "we're these people, and they're those people". real talk tho, we're all botb members, and should not be pushing eachother into different circles because we have a lot of people here.

#botbkidzone(which is basically what you've allowed the main channel to become)

all these channels could be argued into creation for the same reason the MA one has, because talking about lgbt/racial things could possibly make someone uncomfortable, right? i mean, i remember i used to be uncomfortable and irritated when people talked about social issues in the IRC. i don't think that means that there should've been a separate channel for that...same goes for "mature" topics! and let's face it, botb isn't notorious for it's maturity. or even talking about mature topics, usually.

there's no reason this channel should be associated or even mentioned with botb. there's no botb activity there, it's just botb members. honestly, this isn't good! this is a bad idea to publicize like this. i'm really fed up with how this site's community is eating itself up and i don't think we should allow it to continue, as blame for such an occurrence can be based on us as users, and how we portray ourselves and our friends.

also: it won't kill the community or cause a literal division, get real

Level 13 Chipist
post #50352 :: 2014.12.08 5:43pm
  9999HP, puke7 and Slimeball liēkd this
I'm creating a faction, too! Those who join my faction get guns and unlimited ammo. May our fire fuel the spirit of revolution!!! Down with tyranny!! Dismantle the proletariat!!!!!
Level 19 Pedagogist
post #50353 :: 2014.12.08 5:48pm :: edit 2014.12.08 5:58pm
  kinkinkijkin, Beard and tothejazz liēkd this
The thing that bothers me is that it's clear that the creation of #botbma is clearly /not/ a popular decision for various reasons, but it's obvious it's not going away, and I feel that it should.
I don't want to go all Vive la révolution!, however, I think BOTB needs to rethink the position of its admins in much the same way Wikipedia thinks about its administrators, as janitors maintaining the service--that are accountable, not as all-powerful deific beings that play judge, jury, and executioner.
Level 24 Chipist
post #50355 :: 2014.12.08 5:59pm
r3m, you could probably pretend #botbma doesn't exist and you wouldn't notice any difference from how #botb functions. maybe a few people will talk less.

i think #botbma is probably not a necessity. i and many others have 0 need to join it. but it's not gonna destroy the botb community from the inside-out, lol.
Level 24 Mixist
post #50356 :: 2014.12.08 6:01pm
  Slimeball, goluigi, Cessor Safari and Xyz liēkd this
I'm just gonna say that I have no opinion on this at all.
Level 19 Pedagogist
post #50358 :: 2014.12.08 6:03pm :: edit 2014.12.08 6:07pm
  Beard liēkd this
I feel that we don't know that until it happens. In my opinion, #botbma is a net negative for the community for reasons I've previously stated, and it's a symptom of other problems.
The way this has been rolled out has been more than a little bit demoralizing to those left out; 'kiddies', 'No creepy kids channel for them to do sex-related things tied to BotB.', etc. I believe the fashion in which this has been executed is half the problem.
Level 28 Chipist
post #50359 :: 2014.12.08 6:30pm
  gotoandplay, ap0c, Beard, zanzan, puke7, Intero, R3M, aji, Savestate, mootbooxle and b00daw liēkd this
  kinkinkijkin hæitd this
#botbma is not about the kids at all, and i don't think that b00daw meant to imply that it's for kids' protection. no one is genuinely worried about sex offenders or anything else of the sort happening within the community.

the benefit of #botbma is for adults to have a place to chat about things which would be uncomfortable/unwise for them to discuss with kids around. the atmosphere in #botb can also get kind of childish, which can be fun sometimes but annoying/exhausting other times. age isn't a perfect predictor of "maturity", but if you say there's not a difference between teens and adults you're wrong and i hope that some part of you knows it.

the chance of a real schism happening is low. several people in this thread that could join #botbma say they have no interest in doing so, and all the official functions of botb irc will be carried out in the main #botb channel. the sheer amount of discussion about this indicates how much people care about this community. it's not going to break because of a side-channel.
Level 27 Renderist
post #50362 :: 2014.12.08 7:55pm
  Intero, Jangler, R3M and mootbooxle liēkd this
Jangler, my man. *dap dap hug*
Level 30 Mixist
post #50364 :: 2014.12.08 8:45pm
  Intero and R3M liēkd this
  Slimeball hæitd this
Jangler: voice of reason. Right on.
Level 28 Renderist
post #50368 :: 2014.12.08 9:40pm
  Intero and mootbooxle hæitd this
  Savestate, aji and R3M liēkd this
For those curious about the current state of things:

[06:35:57] <aji> https://gist.github.com/aji/f1e1b5d31bf3871d682e
[06:35:59] <aji> botbma vs botb
Level 29 Mixist
post #50369 :: 2014.12.08 9:58pm
  Rainbow Dash, uUni, aji, Beard and Savestate liēkd this
slimeball u dong you didn't even post the entire song...................

[21:30:32] <golgi>  *swingy jingly tune* when u get outta bed u ~fap fap fap~ when u brush ur teeth u ~fap fap fap~ when u go eat some food u ~fap fap fap~ u go to the compoop u ~fap fap fap~

[21:32:23] <golgi>  *chorus* faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap faaaaaaaaaaaaaaap fap fap fap fap fappity fap! faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap fap fap fap fap fappity fap... faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap fap fap fap fappity fap all you do is fap all day!

[21:33:18] <golgi>  when u go to school u ~fap fap fap~ when u get in trouble u ~fap fap fap~ when u go to recess u ~fap fap fap~ and when u go eat lunch u go ~fap fap fap~

** chorus again **
[21:33:32] 19* Mari-tan tapes golgi's mouth shut
[21:34:34] <golgi>  mmm mm mmmmm mmm mm mmmmm mmm mm ~(fap fap fap)~ mmm mm mmmmm mmm mm mmmmm mmm mm ~(fap fap fap)~ mmm mm mmmmm mmm mm mmmmm mmm mm ~(fap fap fap)~ mmm mm mmmmm mmm mm mmmmm mmm mm ~(fap fap fap)~

[21:35:42] <golgi>  *song slows down into rhodes ballad*
[21:35:46] <golgi>  *rhodes piano solo*

[21:39:18] <golgi>  its laaaaaaaaaaaaaate....and dark...oooutsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide....... the birds....have chiiiiiirped... to sleeeeeep.... ...it's time to geeeeeeeeeeeeet ready.... to sleeeeeeeep.... *bass comes in* ... you haaaaaaave to goooooooo to beeeeeeeeeed right nooooooooow it's laaaaaaaate

[21:39:58] <golgi>  tiiiiiiime to sleeep! time to sleep.... tim t sl.... time to.................oh wait we forgot one thing!

[21:41:05] <golgi>  when u lock the doors u ~fap fap fap~ when you turn off the lights u ~fap fap fap~ when you brush ur teeth and kiss everyone good night you faaaaaaaaap...faaaaaap.....faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap

[21:41:18] <golgi>  *bass diddly and song ends on cheese chord*
Level 19 Pedagogist
post #50372 :: 2014.12.08 10:05pm
  aji, tothejazz, Slimeball, Savestate and goluigi liēkd this
truly a masterpiece
Level 8 Chipist
DJ Uncelot
post #50378 :: 2014.12.09 9:34am
  Slimeball, Beard, mootbooxle, Savestate, Intero and puke7 liēkd this
  uUni and kinkinkijkin hæitd this
People worrying about the channel being a bad idea is more harmful than the existence of the channel itself, imo. Go on about your business and stop projecting imaginary doom and gloom.
Level 19 Chipist
post #50384 :: 2014.12.09 1:18pm
  kinkinkijkin, goluigi, raphaelgoulart, Savestate and Slimeball liēkd this
i'm 13 and what is this
Level 26 Mixist
post #50385 :: 2014.12.09 2:12pm
Thought/question of the moment: How does this whole thing work with entries on the site itself? Would I be able to link this track in #botb? :

Level 29 Hostist
post #50387 :: 2014.12.09 2:23pm :: edit 2014.12.09 2:24pm
  Beard, DalekSam, blank, arlen, Lukas Eriksson, tothejazz, epic_caterpillar, aji, Chip Champion, mega9man, Savestate and b00daw liēkd this
BotB the site has no control over BotB the online community.

Please sign this petition to turn the situation around.
Level 29 Mixist
post #50400 :: 2014.12.09 9:58pm
  Xaser and Savestate liēkd this
Level 24 Chipist
post #50407 :: 2014.12.10 11:39am
  Intero liēkd this
As a member (and former moderator) of a community that went through a significant schism, I'll add a few comments to this.

Firstly, this isn't a schism at all. There are no members leaving #botb for #botbma (that I know of?), especially because #botbma doesn't have the functionality #botb offers with respect to site integration. (In short, the BotB bot isn't part of #botbma.)

Next, in my experience the part that leaves in a schism is the one to die out in the end. In the community I'm a part of, the main community has a message board with tens of posts per day and at least 10 active members at all times, while the branch community (which was the result of the schism) has around 4 or 5 posts per day and 10 active members. Yes, I think only 10 persons even bother posting there anymore.

So judging by that past experience, I'd say #botbma isn't a threat to #botb, or even to BotB itself. We don't really have much to worry about.

I'm not so keen on the whole "doxxing" part though...
Level 23 Chipist
post #50411 :: 2014.12.10 1:01pm
  DalekSam, goluigi, mega9man and Intero liēkd this
establishing that #botbma is a channel for unfiltered discussion

why not just remove the age bar and simply leave #botbma as the place for serious discussion to go, and for any non-serious meddlers to not go to? #botb's culture is retained as the 8======D bit variety.png crap it already is
Level 24 Chipist
post #50413 :: 2014.12.10 4:53pm :: edit 2014.12.10 5:15pm
Lemme just say that there's little overlap between my analysis and Beard's; I think that's a little crazy.

I also want to apologize if it sounds like I'm preaching gloom and doom. That is not my intention and I certainly don't believe it'll outright kill the site or anything close to that(please ignore my literal use of the word "destroy" above, my one hyperbolic remark has been unintentionally reinforced by others). I don't know how the community will interact with the new channel in this instance, there may very well be no community split. I do think it's a real possibility, though. That's all.
Level 8 Chipist
DJ Uncelot
post #50416 :: 2014.12.10 9:31pm
  uUni liēkd this
  kinkinkijkin, DalekSam and mega9man hæitd this
IRC without doxxing just isn't right
Level 23 Mixist
post #50428 :: 2014.12.11 8:05am :: edit 2014.12.11 8:09am
  mega9man, Beard and Intero liēkd this
I know BOTB is typically a jokey sort of place but can we really not, please

As for #botbma if the age restriction is lifted, I'll join. Seperating BotBers by age is silly, maturity for people is relative and not absolute to age. If it truly were for legal reasons, then whatever, fine, but I really don't think it's a smart idea. Whether people want to have a serious conversation with others without ASCII penises everywhere or not worrying about an OHB - others who are from the same community - should be a decision made that isn't influenced by old you are. That's what I think, anyway. I've always found it very insulting to treat someone differently because of their age even if they are just as capable of yourself.
Level 27 Renderist
post #51130 :: 2014.12.30 12:39am
  xterm, Jimmyoshi, ap0c, Slimeball, raphaelgoulart, aji and mega9man liēkd this
  dolfin hæitd this
ok. so... espernet doesn't disallow any adult content on any of their IRC channels; and just because us "responsible" adults think it's best for 12-year-olds etc. not to be a part of adult conversations; fuck it. parents should be the ultimate say and restrain on their child's viewing and involvement.

i hereby disband #botbma.

let's do whatever the fuck we want in #botb because we're not warez or spam channels; according to espernet rules/charter.

also this considers puke7's opinion.
Level 19 Pedagogist
post #51135 :: 2014.12.30 2:37am
  raphaelgoulart liēkd this
in other more french revolution-y words
the king is dead
long live botb
Level 28 Renderist
post #51136 :: 2014.12.30 5:10am :: edit 2014.12.30 9:33am
  dolfin and Xyz hæitd this
[This n00b ashamed of what written. - BotB]
Level 10 Mixist
post #51142 :: 2014.12.30 12:56pm
  aji liēkd this
for the record and for those excluded from the channel: #botbma has seen little to no activity over the past couple of weeks. days go by without a single word being said. it was quite active during its week of conception, but then faded to general silence soon after.

so these are the results, update your Community Doom equations accordingly.
Level 27 chipist
post #51161 :: 2014.12.31 12:44am
  gotoandplay, puke7 and R3M liēkd this
  raphaelgoulart and dolfin hæitd this
oh well

i can recommend a good ignore list if you don't want botb IRC to be quite as physically painful
Level 29 Mixist
post #51162 :: 2014.12.31 12:59am
  raphaelgoulart and Slimeball liēkd this
  dolfin hæitd this
zanzan's chair is an electric chair that sends a non lethal but physically painful current electrocuting the sitter for a second whenever someone on a certain mental list says a line in IRC
Level 14 Chipist
post #51165 :: 2014.12.31 1:52am
  raphaelgoulart and dolfin liēkd this
omg fuck this
Level 10 Mixist
post #51167 :: 2014.12.31 2:13am
  raphaelgoulart and goluigi liēkd this
  R3M hæitd this
honestly, i wish some of you would come out the closet already and say 'fuck you' to each other face to face instead of perpetuating this ongoing passive-aggressive coldwar bullshit through the site. you're not as cool and smart as you think. get over yourselves.

and srsly why does this thread even exist in the first place? all this emotion and drama for nothing basically.
Level 29 Mixist
post #51169 :: 2014.12.31 2:21am :: edit 2014.12.31 2:30am
  raphaelgoulart, dolfin and Slimeball liēkd this
i don't think anything serious is really happening though... (i know i'm targeted partially in dolfin's comment)

edit: (ie no real factions happen anymore and any panic is unnecessary)
Level 19 Pedagogist
post #51171 :: 2014.12.31 5:05am
  HertzDevil, jowlsucks, Jangler, Savestate, raphaelgoulart, dolfin and Slimeball liēkd this
oooooh do we get factions finally
puke was supposed to implement that like years ago
Level 10 Mixist
post #51172 :: 2014.12.31 6:47am
  Slimeball liēkd this
  Jangler, raphaelgoulart and jowlsucks hæitd this
factions? haha wowee!(seriously tho i am so calm bro(there is no passive aggression going on here(why are you getting so worked up, such a state of being is quite superfluous and lavish ho hum(have i covered my tracks yet?(dis is the irony(haha yea! i get it and i agree!(so clever, unh~(mph~ yes these opinions are meta beyond plebeian comprehension(boy this is sure entertaining(yes i am quite amused(very fun indeed(there are no real factions anymore(heheh(i think i just came(it's a good alibi and i can get away with it(meta shields activated(i'm untouchable now(fulfil my need to passively dominate others baby(show em whatcha got babe, yea(hidden in plain sight(being the popular opinion contrarian is what makes me a smooth intellectual rebel outcast(yes, well i'm contrarian to that(oh yea, well i'm contrarian to what you just said(etc(well, except when i contradict myself within my own contradictive hypocritical tastes(cheers, you've all been a lovely audience~))))))))))))))))))))))))))

indifferent reply>re:indifferent reply>re:re:indifferent reply>etc

/turing test
Level 21 Criticist
post #51174 :: 2014.12.31 10:46am
  Xaser hæitd this
I think the powers that be have reservations against airing out unresolved tension if it means that the image of perfect harmony is evenly slightly tarnished. The tension is here to stay, as are the factions, and will be swept under the rug as it has been and will be turned a blind eye towards (or away, rather)
Level 24 Chipist
post #51175 :: 2014.12.31 11:22am :: edit 2014.12.31 11:25am
  raphaelgoulart, aji and Slimeball liēkd this
While I do agree that there's no good in having a community "silenced" for everything that isn't good and cheery and sweet, I also think there's no need to air any grievances on the site.

I do know that a few users and former users of BotB have a bone to pick with other users (and former users?), and I also know that lots of the discussion about it is done behind the backs of everyone. I'm not gonna drop names; but I know, and I know you know, because some of you have told me directly about it - and it's even extended to dropping out of participating in other chip scene stuff because of "which BotB faction is behind it". You know who you are. Yes, you. YES. You.

However, I don't think there's anything to be said here on the website. We already move through IRC, and IRC allows for direct private discussion already; so instead of letting things stew, we should air our grievances (lol Festivus) in the way we see fit and at least try to rebuild friendships within the community. Even if you can't stand someone's personality, doesn't mean they have to be your enemies; BotB is but a small part of our lives, and the chip music scene is bigger than many people might think it is.

If anyone has a bone to pick with me (hopefully not, have I ever done something unsavory to someone? I shudder at the thought), I'm available on IRC, through PMs, as either ElHuesudoII, EH2, or similars. I bet TMAnna knows who I am... though she doesn't know who FearofDark is most of the time, so um, yeah...
Level 29 Hostist
post #51181 :: 2014.12.31 2:23pm
  JINTAKE, Intero, mootbooxle, b00daw, Zillah, raphaelgoulart, mega9man, ElHuesudoII, aji, Zaalan3, MovieMovies1, R3M and Slimeball liēkd this
ElH2 mentioned Festivus for the rest of us and why the fuck not take on the "airing of grievances" challenge?

I'd like to first state that I was never consulted on the creation of #botbma before it's incarnation or this thread creation. I know on a lot of sites you have to click a thing that says you are 13 or older to create an account. Do I know why that is a thing? No. But I'm sure legions upon armies of lawyers would have an answer for you. I can't do anything but appreciate what b00daw tried to accomplish here. I seriously want nothing to do with authoritative questioning.

When will Winter Chip launch? Well I thought I would do that early this year when voting period began for DetroitX but someone else is hosting an epic chiptune battle this month.

So this, so far, is an open letter to certain admins that we could maybe up our order of communications regarding things that affect the site's community and schedule.

Now, I gotta say, Xyz's comments really struck a chord with me. By "powers that be" are we referencing myself or certain admins? Well let me tell you about the powers that be within me because that's all I know proper about. I work about 60 hours a week doing cornputer jurnk and if you think I want to come home and hop on BotB for anything other than fun you are misgiven. Do I want to get pulled into this bullshit bickering? This vapid, pointless squabbling? Do you think I give a fuck about "the image of perfect harmony is evenly slightly tarnished"? How about you shut your twat-ass cunt mouth? Is that enough tarnish for you? I thought you said you were never coming back! I can't even trust you to keep your word! How am I to take your advice?

I've been asked countless times for the forums to be expanded. This diatribe, more or less, proves to me that our community can't handle that responsibility. A good chunk of us are paranoid, socially-inept introverts that can feed off each other in one way or another. How about we stick to creating art and leaving our pedantic passive aggressive soapboxes at home.

There's a reason I don't share the source code : so the site community can not actually split or faction. There's no reason to feel left out in #botb unless you are delusional or annoying. Leave your politics out of it. The system, for better or worse, works the way it does. Accept it or fuck off. Seriously.

"and srsly why does this thread even exist in the first place? all this emotion and drama for nothing basically." - Dolfin
yes no shit and thank you

and the next person to call me lazy or say i don't do enough is losing all their boons 8=======D

all n00bz!! \:D/
Level 19 Pedagogist
post #51183 :: 2014.12.31 2:34pm :: edit 2014.12.31 2:49pm
  mootbooxle and Slimeball liēkd this
puke, the realest mofo on the intertubes
Level 21 Criticist
post #51184 :: 2014.12.31 2:51pm
  mega9man hæitd this
I mean certain admins. Whoever has a habit of closing/deleting active threads.
Level 29 Hostist
post #51187 :: 2014.12.31 4:37pm
  JINTAKE, mootbooxle, raphaelgoulart, mega9man, Cessor Safari and Ktcmoop liēkd this
I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I do have a habit of closing and removing threads. Treat each other with respect, be considerate of what's best for the community or we'll simply shut it down. I have no patience for bad arguments.
Level 27 Renderist
post #51189 :: 2014.12.31 6:52pm :: edit 2014.12.31 6:53pm
  ap0c, DimWiddy, JINTAKE, raphaelgoulart, mootbooxle and goluigi liēkd this
sad thing is if it got shut down annoying kids would just move onto the next time-waster and troll that shit up until it rotted.

i, for the most part, actually like most of the people here and think that it is a fun community and not just a toy. it's a wonderful brainchild for brainchildren.

i'd love to broadcast a message of let's be considerate and that doesn't fall onto wholly "deaf ears." many of us are considerate. then there are those who consider their actions and how they interact with others to chastise or irritate with purpose. all i can say is if you see someone doing that; ignore them. just because we aren't saying things all the time doesn't mean we're absent. those who treat others well; share; and teach others without an attitude will be rewarded. others will be dealt with. it's how things have been handled and will be handled still.

continue to enjoy this gift that you have been given while you still have it. :)
Level 30 Mixist
post #51197 :: 2015.01.01 12:04am
  aji, DimWiddy, JINTAKE, raphaelgoulart, MovieMovies1, jowlsucks, b00daw and Cessor Safari liēkd this
b00daW and Puke7, I just can't say enough how much I appreciate you guys. Thank you for everything!
I am proud to be a part of this community.
Level 24 Chipist
post #51198 :: 2015.01.01 12:27am
  JINTAKE, Savestate, MovieMovies1, jowlsucks, mootbooxle and Cessor Safari liēkd this
Same here. I might have dropped music again were it not for this site.
Level 24 Mixist
post #51209 :: 2015.01.01 7:22am
  Slimeball and HertzDevil hæitd this
  JINTAKE, mootbooxle, DimWiddy, Savestate, raphaelgoulart, MovieMovies1 and jowlsucks liēkd this
I probably wouldn't be making music at all if it weren't for botb.
Level 27 Chipist
post #51210 :: 2015.01.01 9:07am
  Slimeball and HertzDevil hæitd this
  MovieMovies1, JINTAKE, mootbooxle, DimWiddy, Savestate, goluigi, Zillah and jowlsucks liēkd this
i have learned and improved a huge lot and met a lot of cool people, all thanks to botb :D
and 99% of my music probably wouldnt exist either
Level 24 Pixelist
post #51220 :: 2015.01.01 9:11pm
  dolfin, raphaelgoulart, mootbooxle, JINTAKE, Ktcmoop, MovieMovies1 and aji liēkd this
Thanks to BOTB, I have become more of an open and confident person. :)
Level 24 Grafxicist
post #51221 :: 2015.01.01 10:09pm
  dolfin, raphaelgoulart, DimWiddy, MovieMovies1, mootbooxle, JINTAKE and goluigi liēkd this
This is beginning to remind me of this thread.

This really has been a great community to me and I hope we can all continue to get along.
Level 26 Mixist
post #51274 :: 2015.01.03 6:46pm
  goluigi, raphaelgoulart, Slimeball, DimWiddy, aji and dolfin liēkd this
Apologies in advance for jumping on the hugbox bandwagon, but TBH I have no clue what's going on with these passing references to tension/drama/whatever. Is there even such a thing here? I haven't thought of BotB as anything other than "that cool place with the cool people that broke my musician's block," so there you go, FWIW. :P
Level 10 Mixist
post #51278 :: 2015.01.03 7:27pm
  raphaelgoulart, mega9man, ap0c and Savestate liēkd this
yes, there is such a thing.

BotB is a multidimensional animal due to the many different walks of life that gravitate here.

there has definitely been a bit of gaslit cyberbullying through the site that is mostly scentless and undetectable. and no, you can't always just settle things privately with some of these people. try settling something with someone who refuses to talk to you. the worst thing is being strategically fucked with in such a way that you can't even speak to anyone about it.

and yea it only really affects those who are "paranoid, socially-inept introverts that can feed off each other in one way or another". but just cos you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. just cos you don't understand someone's emotional behavior doesn't make it unreasonable, unfounded or irrelevant.

some BotBr's are working 40+ hours a week. some are busy with college. some are married with children. some are 12 and 13 yr old eggs. some are in high school. some are in their twenties living at home with folks still. some don't get out very much. some get out quite a lot.

so you can imagine, the social aspect of this community will impact different people in different ways here. i know from experience myself that it's hard to really understand or really take online drama seriously when you're busy working 40+ hours a week and have a non digital social life. i know the feeling of observing some people getting overly emotional about something i don't understand and thinking, 'srsly chill out, this is unnecessary'.

and i don't feel speaking out about it is so totally unnecessary, cos there have been several people who have left the community over these things.

ultimately i agree with puke's post 100%. what's most important is that people act in ways that benefit the community. and i don't think anything really needs to be 'done' about any of this either. the fact that these discussions are happening and out in the open means something is already being done about it.

and yea, BotB is a special place for me as well. i've been here for four years and it's gotten me through many rough years of transition in my life. a close friend of mine who's a well known member here can say the say thing.

<3 u BotB~
Level 27 Mixist
post #51279 :: 2015.01.03 9:01pm
  Zillah, goluigi, raphaelgoulart, mega9man, Xaser, dolfin, JINTAKE and Savestate liēkd this
botb is the place i can have a picture of myself as a walking stickman in a santa hat for an avatar

github won't even let you have an animated gif avatar because they are scrubs
Level 29 Mixist
post #51283 :: 2015.01.04 4:30am
  kleeder, mega9man and Slimeball liēkd this
github is fucking blocked in india

battle of the bits isn't

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