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20% NerdMcBoon
ImpulseTracker Effects Commands


  1. effect column
  2. volume column
These effects can be used in the pattern editor of Impulse Tracker and its clones.

If an effect is not present on this list, but a module utilizing it does not trigger OpenMPT's View>"Check for MPT Hacks" feature, it is either a bug or mistakenly omitted from this list.

In such a case, please begin by consulting the ImpulseTracker II manual or help screen and attempt to locate its value.

In the case of failure to locate such an effect's existence, please file a bug report at the following hyperlink:

If the effect does, in fact, exist, please update this page with a proper description of the effect, and punish 02FD for being a naughty little $!#^.

effect column

Axx Set Speed
Bxx Jump to order
Cxx Break to row

D0x Volume slide down
Dx0 Volume slide up
DFx Fine volume slide down
DxF Fine volume slide up

Exx Pitch slide down
EFx Fine pitch slide down
EEx Extra fine pitch slide down
Fxx Pitch Slide up
FFx Fine Pitch slide up
FEx Extra fine pitch slide up

Gxx Portamento to note
Hxy Vibrato with speed x, depth y
Ixy Tremor with ontime x, offtime y
Jxy Arpeggio with halftones x, y
Kxx Dual command: Vibrato + Dxx (Volume slide)
Lxx Dual Command: G00 + Dxx (Portamento to and Volume slide)

Mxx Set channel volume
N0x Channel volume slide down
Nx0 Channel volume slide up
NFx Fine channel volume slide down
NxF Fine channel volume slide up

Oxx Set sample offset

P0x Pan slide down (left)
Px0 Pan slide up (right)
PFx Fine pan slide down (left)
PxF Fine pan slide up (right)

Qxy Retriggers a note after y frames with volume modifier x
Rxy Tremelo with speed x, depth y

S3x Sets vibrato waveform to x
S4x Sets tremelo waveform to x
S5x Sets panbrello waveform to x

S6x Pattern delay for x ticks.
If multiple S6x commands exist in the same row, delays by the sum of that row.

S70 Past note cut
S71 Past note off
S72 Past note fade
S70-S72 function as ^^, ==, and ~~ (respectively) in a channel for all notes still
playing after a NNA.

S73 Set NNA to note cut
S74 Set NNA to continue
S75 Set NNA to note off
S76 Set NNA to note fade

S77 Turn Volume envelope off
S78 Turn volume envelope on
S79 Turn Pan envlelope off
S7A Turn Pan envelope on
S7B Turn Pitch/Filter envelope off
S7C Turn Pitch/Filter envelope on

S8x Set panning position (exists for S3M compatibility)

S91 Set surround sound (disable with Xxx or pxx)
SAy Offsets Oxx by 65536 * y samples.
SB0 Set loopback point
SBx Loop from previous SB0 x times

SCx Note cut after x ticks
SDx Delay note for x ticks

SEx Pattern delay for x rows.
All effects in the row will be repeated for each row delayed.
Unlike fine pattern delay, does not delay for the sum of all SEx commands in
in the row.
Fine pattern delays are treated as any other effect and are
repeated in each row as well.

Txx Set tempo to xx
T0x Tempo slide down
T1x Tempo slide up

Uxy Fine vibrato with speed x, depth y
Vxx Set Global volume

W0x Global volume slide down
Wx0 Global volume slide up
WFx Fine global volume slide down
WxF Fine global volume slide up

Xxx Set panning position (00 = left, 80 = center, FF = right)
Yxy Panbrello with speed x, depth y

Zxx Midi macro (00-7F controls filter cutoff, 80-8F controls filter resonance)

volume column

vxx Set Volume
pxx Set Panning (like Xxx, but with a decimal range of 00-64)
All of the following commands have values ranging from 0-9. Unless otherwise noted, 0 is continue and 1-9 are 1-9.
c0x Volume Slide Up (like Dx0)
d0x Volume Slide Down (like D0x)
a0x Fine Volume Slide Up (like DxF)
b0x Fine Volume Slide Down (like DFx)
h0x Vibrato Depth (Like H0x)
Uses the rate of a previous Hxy command. Fails if one was not set.
g0x Portamento (identical to Gxx, reduced value set)
0 = continue
1-8 = G01, G02, G04, G08, G10, G20, G40, G80
9 = GFF
exx Portamento Down (like Exx)
fxx Portamento Up (like Fxx)

Effects Commands