***note: the following commands don't actually exist and they are just artificial openmpt specific commands: EFx, X5x, X6x, X9x, XAx, Yxx, Zxx*** '[#[Effects Column] 0xx Arppegio 1xx Portamento up 2xx Portamento down 3xx Portamento to note 4xx Vibrato 5xx Tone portamento + Volumeslide 6xx Vibrato + Volumeslide 7xx Tremolo 8xx Set panning position 9xx Sample offset Ax0 Volumeslide up A0x Volumeslide down Bxx Jump songposition Cxx Set volume Dxx Pattern break E1x Fine portamento up E2x Fine portamento down E3x Set glissando control E4x Set vibrato control E5x Set fine-tune E6x Pattern loop E7x Set tremolo control E9x Retrig note EAx Fine volumeslide up EBx Fine volume slide down ECx Note cut EDx Note delay EEx Pattern delay Fxx Set speed / tempo Gxx Set global volume Hxx Global volume slide Kxx Key off Lxx Set envelope position Pxx Panning slide Rxx Retrigger with volume slide Txx Tremor X1x Extra fine portamento up X2x Extra fine portamento down '[#[Volume Column] +x Volumeslide up -x Volumeslide down Ux Fine volumeslide up Dx Fine volumeslide down Sx Set vibrato speed Vx Vibrato Px Set panning position Lx Panning slide left Rx Panning slide right Mx Tone portamento '[#[See Also] '[[s3xmodit (format)] '[[FastTracker II] '[[List of Effects Commands]