20% NerdMcBoon
ImpulseTracker Effects Commands View HTML Version

Axx   Set Speed
Bxx   Jump to order
Cxx   Break to row

D0x   Volume slide down
Dx0   Volume slide up
DFx   Fine volume slide down
DxF   Fine volume slide up

Exx   Pitch slide down
EFx   Fine pitch slide down
EEx   Extra fine pitch slide down
Fxx   Pitch Slide up
FFx   Fine Pitch slide up
FEx   Extra fine pitch slide up

Gxx   Portamento to note
Hxy   Vibrato with speed x, depth y
Ixy   Tremor with ontime x, offtime y
Jxy   Arpeggio with halftones x, y
Kxx   Dual command: Vibrato + Dxx (Volume slide)
Lxx   Dual Command: G00 + Dxx (Portamento to and Volume slide)
Mxx   Set channel volume

N0x   Channel volume slide down
Nx0   Channel volume slide up
NFx   Fine channel volume slide down
NxF   Fine channel volume slide up

Oxx   Set sample offset

P0x   Pan slide down
Px0   Pan slide up
PFx   Fine pan slide down
PxF   Fine pan slide up

Qxy   Retriggers a note after y frames with volume modifier x
Rxy   Tremelo with speed x, depth y

S3x   Sets vibrato waveform to x
S4x   Sets tremelo waveform to x
S5x   Sets panbrello waveform to x

S70   Past note cut
S71   Past note off
S72   Past note fade

S6x   Pattern delay for x ticks

S73   Set NNA to note cut
S74   Set NNA to continue
S75   Set NNA to note off
S76   Set NNA to note fade

S77   Turn Volume envelope off
S78   Turn volume envelope on
S8x   Set panning position
S91   Set surround sound
SAy   Set high-offset. Check Oxx for an example
SB0   Set loopback point
SBx   Loop x times
SCx   Note cut after x frames
SDx   Note delay for x frames
SEx   Pattern delay for x rows

Txx   Set tempo to xx
T0x   Tempo slide down
T1x   Tempo slide up

Uxy   Fine vibrato with speed x, depth y
Vxx   Set Global volume

W0x   Global volume slide down
Wx0   Global volume slide up
WFx   Fine global volume slide down
WxF   Fine global volume slide up

Xxx   Set panning position
Yxy   Panbrello with speed x, depth y

Zxx   Midi macro (00-7F controls filter cutoff, 80-8F controls filter resonance)

Effects Commands