These are the effects commands available for the 6 chips supported thus far by '[[DefleMask Tracker]. The ones that begin with a 1 are always system-specific (also 2 for the SN76489) so make sure you do not mix them up after switching systems! '[#[Global Effects] '[t[b0]00xy'[/t] - Arpeggio; fast note shifting in half steps. x = Number of half steps from root note for first shift y = Number of half steps from root note for second shift Ex: 037 = Minor chord. 047 = Major chord. View article on '[[arps] for more examples. '[t[b0]01xx'[/t] - Portamento up; smooth pitch glide up. '[t[b0]02xx'[/t] - Portamento down; smooth pitch glide down. If xx > 00: Speed If xx = 00: Off '[t[b0]03xx'[/t] - Glissando; pitch glide to next note. If xx > 00: Speed If xx = 00: Off '[t[b0]04xy'[/t] - Vibrato; pitch vibration. If x > 0: Speed If x = 0: Off y = Depth Overridden by YMU759; see below. '[t[b0]05xy'[/t] - Glissando + Volume slide; see Axy below. Continues previous 03xx effect without modifying it. '[t[b0]06xy'[/t] - Vibrato + Volume slide; see Axy below. Continued previous 04xy effect without modifying it. '[t[b0]07xy'[/t] - Tremolo; volume tremor. If x > 0: Speed If x = 0: Off y = Depth '[t[b0]08xy'[/t] - L/R output setting. If x = 0: Left channel output off If x = 1: Left channel output on If y = 0: Right channel output off If y = 1: Right channel output on Overridden by YMU759 and HuC6280; see below. '[t[b0]09xx'[/t] - Speed 1 setting; see 0Fxx below. If xx = 01-20: Ticks per row for odd rows '[t[b0]0Axy'[/t] - Volume Slide. If x = 0 & y = 0: Halt slide If x = 0 & y > 0: Volume slide up x ticks depth If x > 0 & y = 0: Volume slide down y ticks depth Note: Same parameters for effects 05xy and 06xy above. '[t[b0]0Bxx'[/t] - Jump to frame. xx = Destination frame number '[t[b0]0Cxx'[/t] - Retrigger, works only for current row. xx = Rate in ticks '[t[b0]0Dxx'[/t] - Skip to next frame at row xx. xx = Destination row number '[t[b0]0Fxx'[/t] - Speed 2 setting; see 09xx above. If xx = 01-20: Ticks per row for even rows '[t[b0]E5xx'[/t] - Channel fine pitch setting. If xx = 80: Default If xx > 80: Increase pitch If xx < 80: Decrease pitch '[t[b0]ECxx'[/t] - Delayed note cut. xx = number of ticks to delay '[t[b0]EDxx'[/t] - Note delay. xx = number of ticks to delay '[t[b0]EFxx'[/t] - Global fine pitch setting. If xx = 80: Default If xx > 80: Increase pitch If xx < 80: Decrease pitch '[#[SEGA Genesis (YM2612)] '[t[b0]10xy'[/t] - Amplitude LFO and frequency LFO rate setting. If x = 0: Disable LFO If x > 0: Enable LFO If y = 0-7: Rate '[t[b0]11xx'[/t] - Feedback setting. If xx = 00-07: Feedback amount '[t[b0]12xx'[/t] - Operator 1 total level setting. '[t[b0]13xx'[/t] - Operator 2 total level setting. '[t[b0]14xx'[/t] - Operator 3 total level setting. '[t[b0]15xx'[/t] - Operator 4 total level setting. If xx = 00-7F: New TL value '[t[b0]16xy'[/t] - Operator multiplier factor setting. If x = 0: Operator 1 If x = 1: Operator 2 If x = 2: Operator 3 If x = 3: Operator 4 y = Multiplier factor '[t[b0]17xx'[/t] - FM channel 6 sample toggle. If xx = 00: Disable samples If xx > 00: Enable samples '[t[b0]19xx'[/t] - All operators attack rate setting. '[t[b0]1Axx'[/t] - Operator 1 attack rate setting. '[t[b0]1Bxx'[/t] - Operator 2 attack rate setting. '[t[b0]1Cxx'[/t] - Operator 3 attack rate setting. '[t[b0]1Dxx'[/t] - Operator 4 attack rate setting. If xx = 00-1F: New AR value '[#[SEGA Master System (SN76489)] '[t[b0]20xy'[/t] - PSG noise channel setting. If x = 0: 3-pitch fixed noise If x > 0: Variable-pitch noise If y = 0: Periodic noise If y > 0: White noise This effect is also available when the current system is set to Genesis, via the PSG channels. '[#[NINTENDO Game Boy (Z80 variant)] '[t[b0]10xx'[/t] - GB wave channel selector. If xx = 00-1E: Waveform number '[t[b0]11xx'[/t] - GB noise channel setting. If xx = 00: White noise If xx = 01: Periodic noise '[t[b0]12xx'[/t] - GB square channel duty setting. If xx = 00: 12.5% duty If xx = 01: 25% duty If xx = 02: 50% duty If xx = 03: 75% duty '[t[b0]13xy'[/t] - GB square channel 1 sweep settings. If x = 0: Sweep down If x = 1: Sweep up If y = 0: Sweep off If y = 1-7: Sweep shift amount '[t[b0]14xx'[/t] - GB square channel 1 sweep period. If xx = 00-07: Sweep period '[#[YAMAHA YMU759] '[t[b0]04xx'[/t] - Built-in vibrato. If xx = 00: Vibrato off If xx = 01-1F: Vibrato on, directly using settings from instrument If xx = 20-3F: Vibrato on, +1 to settings from instrument If xx = 40-5F: Vibrato on, +2 to settings from instrument If xx = 60-7F: Vibrato on, +3 to settings from instrument '[t[b0]08xx'[/t] - Panning setting. If xx = 00-7F: Position; 00 is full left, 7F is full right '[t[b0]10xx'[/t] - Legato; disables attack of the current note. xx: Inconsequential '[#[NEC PC-Engine (HuC6280)] '[t[b0]08xy'[/t] - L/R output setting. x = Left output volume y = Right output volume '[t[b0]10xx'[/t] - Instrument waveform selector If xx = 00-0E: Waveform number '[t[b0]11xx'[/t] - Channels 5/6 noise toggle. If xx = 00: Note output If xx > 00: Noise output '[t[b0]12xx'[/t] - Channel 2 LFO setting. If xx = 00: LFO mode off If xx = 01: LFO mode on, depth 1 If xx = 02: LFO mode on, depth 16 If xx = 03: LFO mode on, depth 256 Channel 2 will produce no audio output itself when LFO mode is enabled, and instrument waveforms on this channel are used to modulate the pitch of channel 1. '[t[b0]13xx'[/t] - LFO speed setting. xx = speed; actual rate varies jointly with channel 2's frequency and this effect '[#[NINTENDO Entertainment System (RP2A03)] '[t[b0]12xx'[/t] - 2A03 square channel duty setting. If xx = 00: 12.5% duty If xx = 01: 25% duty If xx = 02: 50% duty If xx = 03: 75% duty '[#[See Also] '[[DefleMask Tracker] '[[List of Effects Commands]