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VGM Music Maker Effects Commands View Raw Firki

For now this is mostly copied from the help file, but i'll be at least re-writing parts and adding notes to make them easier to understand.

0xy Arpeggio aka arps; fast note shifting in half steps.
x = Number of half steps from root note for first shift
y = Number of half steps from root note for second shift

All the pitch change effects, like slides and porta to note, can be used simultaneously with arpeggio. The effect works until new note or effect off.

** In version 1.02, 0 acts sort of like a delete function. For 0 command, write your arp in any other command, then swith the command letter to 0. This will hopefully be fixed in future versions. **

1xx - Slide up: Slide pitch up.
2xx - Slide down: Slide pitch down.

Value xx defines speed of the slide and measured in 32th of semitone per frame. Zero xx value could be used to repeat previously used value for this effect.

** Since this is a function of speed, you will have to change the XX values if you change the speed of the track. For example, a 114 command will raise a note 2 semitones at 2/3 speed, where you would need a 106 command to raise a note 2 semitones at 4/3 speed. You'll have to experiment to get it right. **

3xx - Porta to note

Slide pitch from previous note to the new one, which specified at the same line with the effect. Value xx defines speed of the pitch change and measured in 32th of semitone per frame. Zero xx value could be used to repeat previously used value for this effect.

4xy - Vibrato

Sine vibrato, changes pitch up and down with specified depth and speed.
X=0 = No Effect
X>0 = Speed (1-F)
Y = Depth

Maximum depth is about whole note (semitone up and down from the base note). When the effect ends, normal pitch is restored. Zero values of xy can be used to repeat previously used value for this effect (separate for x and y).

5xy - Porta to note and volume slide

Combined porta to note and volume slide effect. Continues previous 3xx, like 300. Values x and y defines volume change and works like Axy effect.

6xy - Vibrato and volume slide

Combined vibrato and volume slide effect. Continues previous 4xy, like 400. Values x and y defines volume change and works like Axy effect.

8xx - Modify TL of operator #1

Changes TL value of operator #1 of current instrument, independent from the instrument settings. Allows to change sound dynamically. Value xx can be in 00..7F range (values 80..FF will act same). Value must be always specified. The effect applies immediately (can be used while note plays) and works until instrument change.

9xx - Modify TL of operator #2

Same as 8xx, but for operator #2.

Axy - Volume slide

Volume slide up or down. Non-zero x value defines speed of the volume slide up, non-zero y value defines speed of the volume slide down. With value 8 volume will be changes by one unit per frame, with lower value - slower, with greater value - faster. Zero xy value could be used to repeat previously used value for this effect.

Bxy - Multi-frequency mode of CH3 control

The effect could be used on any channel, but always affects to the channel 3 only (named C in editor). Depending from the value x, value y has different meaning. Zero x with non-zero y turn the mode on, non-zero y turn the mode off. When x has value 1, 2 or 3, y value defines offset in semitones from frequency of the operator #1 for operators #2, #3 and #4 respectively. Frequency of the operator #1 is always defined by note on the third channel.

Cxx - Modify TL of operator #3

Same as 8xx, but for operator #3.

Dxx - Modify TL of operator #4

Same as 8xx, but for operator #4.

E0x - Modify MULT of operator #1

Changes MULT value of the operator #1 of the current instrument, independent from the instrument settings. Allows to change sound dynamically. Value x could be in range 0..F and should be specified every time the effect is used. The effect applies immediately (could be used while note plays) and works until instrument change.

E1x - Modify MULT of operator #2

Same as E0x, but for operator #2.

E2x - Modify MULT of operator #3

Same as E0x, but for operator #3.

E3x - Modify MULT of operator #4

Same as E0x, but for operator #4.

E5x - Separate operators on/off control

Effect allows to switch operators on/off separately. Value x contains a bit mask, which directly writes to Key On/Off register. If a bit is set, corresponding operator starts to play, if a bit is reset - stops the operator. If the effect used together with a note, the mask will be used instead of usual Key On. If the effect is used without a note, Key On/Off event with specified mask will be generated. Bits of the mask corresponds to operators:

bit 0 - operator #1
bit 1 - operator #3
bit 2 - operator #2
bit 3 - operator #4

E6x - Pattern loop

Repeats part of a pattern specified number of times.
E60 Creates a loop start
E6x Creates a loop end
X = number of times loop is played.

E9x - Note retrig

Repeat note every x frames. Zero x value or a value greater than the number of frames in a row will be ignored. The effect works only for a row. The effect also could be used without a note, this causes to repeat of previously used note.

ECx - Kill sound

Stops audio on x frame of the current row. Zero x value or a value greater than the number of frames in a row will be ignored. The effect works only for a row. The effect also could be used without a note, this causes to currently playing note being cut.
** For note release, press the 1 key. This will put *** in the note field. **

EDx - Note delay

Delays note (Key On event) until frame x of the current row. Zero x value or a value greater than the number of frames in a row will be ignored. The effect works only for a row. The effect also could be used without a note, this causes to repeating previously used note.

EE0 - Cancel previous 8xx, 9xx, Cxx, Dxx, E0x, E3x, EFx command

This effect cancel all the parameters modifications caused by 8xx, 9xx,Cxx, Dxx, E0x..E3x, EFx. Could be used only with a note.

EFx - Modify Feedback

Changes the Feedback of the current instrument independent from the instrument settings. Allows to change sound dynamically. Value x could be in 0..7 range (values 8..F will act the same). The value must be always specified. The effect applies immediately (could be used while note plays) and works until instrument change.

Fxy - Set speed
if X=0 = Y defines interleave speed.
X>0 = defines speed of odd rows
if X>0 = Y defines speed of even rows

With zero value x non-zero value y defines interleave factor of even and odd rows, they could have different speeds. With y=1 the speeds are change every row, with y=2 - every two rows, etc. Speed is measured in TV frames. Zero value y is the same as 1. Zero value xy restore the speed and interleave parameters to the global values.

Lxy - Set LFO

Enables or disables the LFO and sets its frequency if enabled. Zero xy disables LFO, with non-zero x you can set frequency of the LFO using y 0..7 (0 is slowest, 7 is fastest).

NXX - PSG noise mode

Selects PSG noise mode. Zero xx for white noise, any other value for periodic noise.

Pxy - Set stereo pan

X>0 Pan left
Y>0 Pan right
P00 Center

Set stereo pan. Works on all the channels, and always audible in the editor, but don't forget you can't have stereo for PSG channels. Non-zero value x enables left channel, y enables right channel. Only three pan settings are possible: left, center, or right.

Sxx - Play PCM sample

Triggers PCM samples. S00 plays sample 1, S01 plays sample 2, etc.
Sample command can be used in any channel, but samples only play in YM channel 6.
Pan (Pxy) is the only command that works with samples.

See Also

sgen (format)
VGM Music Maker
List of Effects Commands

Effects Commands